My Maker Portfolio

My Maker Portfolio

Me as a Maker

Design technology is a key part of my identity. Ever since my first debut in grade 5 (laser cutting a bookmark) I’ve made projects using a variety tools and skillsets which include Arduino, CAD, wood working, and metal working.

In Grade 9, I designed and built a device to solve a clients need. In this case they needed a device for their bedside table that allowed them to minimize table space occupied while also providing them with a range of functionality according to their needs. 

First Robotics Competition

The First Robotics Competition is a global competition in which thousands of teams compete.  Having joined the team from the beginning in 10th grade I’ve had a phenomenal experience developing both my technical and leadership skills. 

As I learned more about wood working, I got really interested in using epoxy resin in conjunction with wood. This led to me working on several smaller scale projects including coasters, a playing cards box (as seen behind) and an led display which all incorporate a combination of wood and epoxy resin. 

Hyundai PBV Competition

Over the 2022 Summer I had the fortunate experience of interning at the Sustainable Living Lab in Singapore (SL2). One of the key experiences I had there was getting involved with their Repair Kopitiam community service over the weekend. Repair Kopitiam not only helps the Singapoe community repair their key appliances but also teaches them the skills recquired to do so. In doing this we aim to increase these appliances lifetime promoting a more sustainable lifestyle.

As a current coach in training I’ve done a couple of repairs so far. Next to me is one of the more basic repair jobs I’ve worked on so far, an antique lamp. There was significant damage to the internal wiring of the power cord at one point which recquired the cord to be cut and the individual wires to be soldered back together. The most important part was ensuring these individual wires were insulated well with heat shrink and eletrical tape so as not to create a fire hazard.

SL2 Design Project