
Tech Tinkers 

I’ve been a part of the tech tinkers service since grade 9. We take in old and broken technology from the UWC community, repair it and ship to our service partners across the world. This opens up new opportunities for those in need, helping them gain access to critical resources.

Beginning Reflection

Learning Objective: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

This year I am an EI Leader and the Tech lead for the service. I know there’s going to be a lot more responsibility that comes with a leadership role but I’m confident that we can take on whatever problems come our way. One of the challenges that with tech tinkers that I’ve always wanted to address is our lack of organisation. As it has been a service for years, over time the methods in which all the tech is organised have devolved. One of the first things I plan to do this year is re-organise the laptops and their chargers. This will help a lot with our efficiency as a service. In terms of global significance, our service is attempting to help resolve the technological divide that afflicts many low income communities. By taking in old and broken electronics from our community, we are able to repair/refurbish them and donate them to service partners across south east asia. NGO’s that we have worked with include Blue dragon, Tiger Watch, and more. Of course one of our main goals this year is to continue donating electronics, something that we had to stop doing earlier on due to covid-19.

 Midway Reflection

Learning Objective: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Half of the school year has passed since my initial reflection and I think I’ve made a lot of progress in achieving my initial goals. In terms of organization, we’ve developed and implemented a new way in which we organize laptop chargers. While the method is not entirely efficient, it’s a significant improvement on our old one which involved using a lot of plastic bags. Furthermore we also changed the way we label our laptops, now in order to make them easier to sort and access we’ve developed a shelf system where we rank the laptops based on ease of fixing. Finally we’ve also implemented a new log system for all our devices created by a former member of the service. It has made life a lot easier as it is custom tailored for our use. This may not seem particularly huge but each and every one of these changes has significantly increase the efficiency of the service, something we made sure to consider when choosing what improvements to focus on. Going forward we’ve started working on repairing laptops and phones for Kampot Khmer and Kuma Cambodia. They’ve each requested as many laptops as we have. So far we have 3 laptops done and are working on more.

Final Reflection

Learning Objective: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance