Project Week (1) – Investigation

Finding a project week group was a process that I personally took seriously. As much as I was willing to stick with my normal circle of friends, I wanted to go out of my normal ‘comfort’ zone and travel and make new connections or deeper connections with other people. I had Victor (one of my group members) in the same project week group, so I knew that I will be comfortable to an extent. But for the rest of my group members, I had minimal interactions with them since they were all FIBs and I was willing to know them better. I think I was able to meet LO2 in this process, as I am shy and not an outgoing person. So going out and reaching out to find a group which didn’t at first make me comfortable was a challenge that I need to overcome.

The investigation and planning stage for project week was not always the smoothest process that we could have gone through. All of us in the group agreed upon going to a location that we haven’t experienced to deeply and the main focus of our project week experience was to embrace the culture in Taiwan. Having this agreed focus as a group we looked into how we could understand and learn more about the culture, leading us to create a documentary about the culture and history that Taiwan has had.


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