EE day reflection

After the useful sessions of today, I came to a realization that my essay topic is not really feasible and thus it is better if I can think of an alternative as soon as possible. After I learned about the overarching structure of the whole EE and some precautions I need to be aware of, I talked to my current class teacher about change of my EE topic and got very constructive advices. With his opinion in mind, I then talked with my EE supervisor for a different perspective. We discussed about the feasibility and challenges in my current research question and we thought of the solutions collectively. However, it turned out that we indeed need to change our focus onto a different question which is more workable. We changed the topic to analyzing the externalities of tuition centers in a specific district of Shanghai.


I am glad that I realize the challenges and infeasibilities today so I was able to change my topic as soon as possible before I start to do any further researches. The next step for me is to plan an outline based on this new research question.

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