Human Rights Violation

The violation that concerns me is that people don’t really have the right to freedom of speech. I think this right is violated because governments and people are afraid of what might be said. People in power don’t want to lose their position/standing but anything said against them could potentially cause that to happen. The situations that are spoken out against are common problems in society, such as women’s rights (#MeToo campaign), and why nothing is being done about it. This violation concerns me because it is blocking people from having their own opinions and expressing their thoughts, effectively just making them follow what the government says without being able to oppose it. I think a main influence on my perspective would be the books/movies I read/watch. Almost every one of them has a theme of anyone being able to speak out against the people in power and the laws/policies they didn’t like. Seeing all of these ‘protests’ has definitely caused me to have a strong opinion that people should be able to express their own opinions.

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  1. Stars:
    1. I like how you linked it to the #MeToo campaign – I think this is a good point because the whole point of #MeToo is about giving women a channel to talk about what they might not have been able to express before.
    2. I like how you talkes about how the media influenced your views

    Maybe you could expand on the “the books/movies I read/watch” part, and talk about some specific examples of books or movies that shaped your perspective


  2. I like that you connected your idea of freedom of speech to women’s rights. You also included why that concerns you. However, you could have included some examples of the country where it is illegal to be against the government or a country where women do not have equal rights as men.

  3. I think I can add to the second star:

    I liked this part because I have probably been influenced a lot by the media as well. I hadn’t actually considered this at first because even after talking a lot about how the media influences us in classes and mentor time, I still forget that many of the values and beliefs I hold were shaped by something that was said in a novel or tv-show. It was good how you brought this up.

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