The New Woman & Hannah Hoch

The New Woman notes:

Monument Analysis:

Monument is a photo montage of a statue made up of body parts from different cultures. There’s a monotone colour scheme, and the background matches the statue. It creates a link, showing differences and similarities in women of different cultures (in magazines and in museums). It portrays gender and ethnic differences in a museum provoking thoughts about the perception. This statue protests against the objectification of women across cultures by objectifying women. It not only combines cultures but also different types of women – you see a leg with a ballet shoe (typically feminine) and the body of a goddess (worshipped as tough and strong). You also see a mask, perhaps a symbol of the docile and weak facade women have to put in public.

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One comment

  1. Hi Riya,

    There are some solid ideas here, but right now it is descriptive. You don’t really engage with HOW it achieves these effects. You need to break it down into individual components, consider their significance, and then consider the significance of juxtaposing and re-contextualising these elements. The reverse collage you were asked to do was an attempt to force you into thinking about this. By reverse engineering the artwork, you are forced to consider how it is put together.

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