Joshua Johnson

Student Portfolio



First English Portfolio Post

  What are your course goals/aims/hopes?    During this course, my main goal and aspiration is to focus on bettering myself. Of course, achieving good grades is always important, however, I feel like developing myself by improving my own habits… Continue Reading →

Do I Prioritise My Sleep?

Simply put, Yes. However, this was not always the case. When I was younger I never wanted to sleep, or for that matter, even felt tired at night. Nowadays, I feel that even sometimes in the middle of the day… Continue Reading →

Christina Lau – Writers Fortnite

Christina Lau was our final speaker for Writers Fortnite. Much like Danny Raven Tan, she experienced a defining car accident that affected her life. In 2002 she suffered a car crash in Malaysia which left her paralysed from the shoulders… Continue Reading →

Makul Deva – Writers Fortnight

What assumptions did you bring to this session? What expectations did you have? Coming into this session, I didn’t have very high expectations as I presumed the session would be a rather straightforward and extensive talk about how to write… Continue Reading →

Danny Raven Tan – Writers Fortnight

SAND: How has this session clarified what it means to think like a writer – or in your week to week learning? Personally, I think that even though Danny was an artist who created paintings rather than written literature, I… Continue Reading →

First Post, First Week, First Problems!

Hello! Welcome to my first post ever, This is my first week of grade 9 and has been a very hectic one. The constant meeting new people and having awkward ice-breaker conversations got old really quickly but seem to be… Continue Reading →

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