My Personality is the Campaigner, which is under the diplomat umbrella. It states that some of my strengths are Curious, ambitious, Energetic and enthusiastic, good communicator and friendly. I agree with most of these as I am good at making friends and communicating my ideas. I also get very excited and will share my ideas and thoughts with anyone who will listen. I have spurts of energy that can surprise people and want to go out and do things. I also think that every action has a reaction. Even if I’m doing something might not have a massive impact on the world as a whole, it will still have a small impact on something local. I also question many things and want to try and think that there are many different sides and answers to everything. Some of my weakness is poor practical skills, difficulty in focusing, gets stressed easily, Highly emotional, and independent to a fault. I agree with these as well. Some of my big downfalls is following through with ideas as I come up with things but then get bored and don’t wanna keep going with it. I also get very stressed easily and can get overwhelmed when alot of things are asked of me socially and in school. I also hate being micromanaged and I like doing my own thing which isn’t great in this world. I not only have bursts of energy but I also have a burst of emotions which might not be great in many situations.

As a campaigner, I am cheerful, friendly and also like to share my ideas. More outgoing people and I seem to be friends but I like to make sure that everyone is included. I am also very good at reading different people and seeing what they’re upset about. My interest in people cam also screws me over as I trust and get close to people easily and people can take advantage of that.

The site says that i shouldn’t go into a career that i would be sitting behind a desk and working for someone higher than me. They say that my personality doesn’t shine in places where its very strict and hierarchy and that the military would be very bad for me to go into. As a campaigner, I find that things get boring and I need a career that is constantly changing and I feel like I’m pushing the bounties and doing good in the world. I also need a career that will give me the chance to be creative and give ideas and not be held back. It says that some of the jobs that I should be going into are an Actress, TV reporters, writing, entrepreneur, or something that I can achieve my goals as well as be happy.


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