The Help — Cover

This is the original cover of the book The Help. It was run in the UK like this but changed to the birds when run in the US. This is a perfect examole of the issue this book is trying to tackle, the sensitivity surrounding this issue. A cover with simply a black person on […]

Maths and Me

  My name is Sanil Kagalwala and I was in the CIM and Ad Maths curriculum for IGCSE and have been doing UWC maths since Grade 7. I really enjoy mathematics and working towards the understanding of topics that are currently foreign to me. This course seems to offer the opportunity to do that with […]

Social Media Bullying

I found it particularly interesting about how people feel that they are free to say and do what they want just because they are behind a screen. But with this technology people have the idea they can say what they want but now usually they can track you. It was interesting how in the video […]

Personal Statement

In my school I do a service called PCF 858 where we go to a local Kindergarten and teach the kids their new things that they usually do not have learn about. This was one of the most rewarding services I have ever done as I could see how happy we made the children in […]

A Girl in the River

Perspective that challenges my thinking: Fathers: I did not think that the father was right in saying that she could not marry Qaiser because he was in a lower class and didn’t have enough money, even though Saba loved him and he loved Saba and wanted to marry him. I also did not believe the […]

Modern Slavery – Matt Friedman

In the assembly our eyes were opened to the horrors of the modern world. It is commonly thought that slavery has been abolished a long time ago, but there are actually more slaves now then ever before. I was shocked by the fact that they were only able to help 0.2% of slaves. I found […]

Freedom Of Speech

People have the right to freedom of speech. But in many countries, you are not allowed to express you opinions and concerns. Freedom of speech is defined as “the power or right to express ones opinion without censorship, restraint or legal penalty”. I think this right is violated as countries sometimes do not want attention […]