Kahaani – Initial Reflection

Kahaani as an experience is generally very rewarding. A the end of roughly three months of sacrificing your lunchtime for sessions with your dance group, your hard work will pay off as the tickets are sold to family, friends, and teachers all there to support you, and the under priviledged in Kolkata. The profits then being fully donated to the cause that the East Kolkata Global Concern support. Having done Kahaani last year in Grade 10 I have experience in the timing, organisation and end production of the activity. This year, the amount of time spent on improving my skills and abilities as a dancer I’m hoping will be productive. I know with dance that my strengths lie in the artistic portrayal and aesthetic of the movement. This is because i have the ability to compartmentalise my actions and visualisation of what im doing and copy the emptions portrayed through the motions. However, I am also aware of areas that I might need to work harder on during the process, like coordination and memorisation of the dance. Balance has always been an issue with me, which affects my coordination and is why I struggle with synchronisation with other dancers in the group. This year I am going to try and focus more on picking up the choreography faster than last year. Im going to acheive this by practicing the dance more often at home to provide the resulting visual my dance leaders are looking for.

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