Final Reflection: Antigone

This year, our cast and crew have had to work through restrictions never before experienced in our expertise. Crucial parts of theatre have been stripped away and made redundant by the global pandemic that has changed our lives. Aspects of theatre such as intimacy and character relationships have consistently had to be adjusted to fit the rules. We have had to utilise all forms of creativity and innovation we had, to come up with ways to portray those things while still staying socially distanced. This has proven to be a long and frustrating process but finally, we have prevailed. Through an unmatched sense of teamwork and collaboration, we have created a piece that I am happy to say, I am incredibly proud of. This is a production I’ll never forget, because of the unique circumstances and small cast, we have grown into a small family that cares deeply for each other. This experience has taught me the versatility of theatre and how we have the ability to create meaning even without using conventional theatre devices. I believe now that with Antigone under our belts all of us will go on to become better, more open, and creative performers and will take this experience on with us for the rest of our time spent in this industry.

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