Morality and ethics: Home Fire, Antigone

  • Where should Isma’s loyalty lie: with her brother or her country?

Her loyalty lies in her country as she told the police what Parvaiz had done regardless of being a family member with him. The distinction between what Isma believes in, what is actually wrong in duty, and what Aneeka wants to do for Parvaiz as a family. This is conveyed through, ‘Parvaiz is not our father. He’s my twin. He’s me. But you, you’re not our sister anymore’. This betrayal triggered the conflict between Isma and Aneeka. “We’re in no position to let state question our loyalties. Don’t you understand that” If you cooperate, it makes a difference.” From the perspective of protecting their family regardless of their truth whether they caused something harmful to themselves or the duty that exists in a society that everyone should follow, Isma should lie with her brother as she is one of the small group of people who are always prepared to support him. However, as she focuses on ethics, what society pursues, her loyalty lies with her country. 

  • By informing the police of Parvaiz’s intentions, did she make the right or wrong decision?

In my opinion, I would say she made the right decision in terms of following what the majority of people asks for if they behave completely against the set rules. Her attitudes towards Aneeka was not considered weird or not understandable, she tried to reach Aneeka by testing all different communication sites or the routes. This indicates that she still loves her family, however could not approve of what Parviaz did. However, if I am the family member, I would say she made the wrong decision as I believe that the family always need to advocate for its family member who is the most significant in their lives.

  • Can there be a correct moral decision when faced with the impossible choice between family loyalty and duty to society?

I do not think there is a clear and distinctive line between family loyalty and duty to society. This depends on different situations as they sometimes require to believe their family first or just follow the rules, ethics or duties that society asks for. It is extremely complicated and undecidable in order to make a precise decision as the emotion can be contributed regardless of the case where they duty needs to be considered.

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