TedX media committee:End of Experience CAS relfection

The TedX media committee was an extremely interesting post and I definitely felt like I made a huge impact on the success of the event. ultimately my position on the media committee culminated in me not only being the creator of the logo for the entire event that consequently went on all merchandise and advertising but I also responsible for creating the event pamphlets that introduced all of the speakers.

Being part of this team was most definitely not a smooth journey the team taught me a lot about the importance of communication and collaboration. Being part of a team one often believe that they are being given an opportunity to not put in as much effort into their work but this is absolutely not the case, competence is important, asking for help is important and doing your part is important in maintaining the efficiency of the group as a whole. I think I have also learned that the reality of being part of a team is being ready to open yourself up to criticism and honesty from your team members and learning to take such comments at face value, And I think that regardless of how your contributions are received it is important that at the end of the day you are able to say that you did your best.

These lessons I can most definitely transfer in to other aspects of my life and I am very happy to have been able to go through this experience. The event was a success and I am proud of myself and what my team has achieved! 🙂

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