Service: ReCycle

My high school life has just recently struck upon an abundant source of joy and pride. ReCycle, a service that specialises in the refurbishing of unwanted bicycles has made feel extremely accomplished. In the service I am forced to use my hands in order to break down the bikes and then subsequently put them back together. The experience given by the service is not only extremely fulfilling, but directly helps maintain the schools goal of being sustainable.

So far in the service we have split up into small groups branching off into separate bicycles, I myself have assisted in the rebuilding of two bikes. Along the path of this accomplishment I have founded new friendships and strengthened old ones. These relationships have been extremely fruitful in supplying me with further improving myself

So far this service has been extremely successful, and I strive to be a further part in it. In it’s future I hope that I can help everyone in the service, maintain a sustainable behaviour, and gain a stronger knowledge of building bikes.


1 Thought.

  1. Sounds like a really worthwhile service where you must be learning a lot of skills as well as developing a more thoughtful view on sustainable living. Nice work

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