Advertisements and corruptive manipulation

Often in media, advertisements are often seen as a crux of enjoyment and seems to ruin an overall experience that a form of media is supposed to provide. A surprising case of the malicious intent is in Brazil, as a while back there was a case that some brazilian broadcast networks where flashing split second imaging of advertisements occasionally through broadcasts in order to create subconscious consumerism. Although this being an extreme of this, advertisements do have a se effectively rips you out of the immersion in a certain piece of media, and takes away from a “flow” that can only be described as being lost in something. Ads, sponsors or essentially E-begging are often looked down upon, as being a sellout or money hungry on many platforms. As what these ads do beside lament the idea of consumerism into your subconscious, is that it can take away from the relationship you would have with the source of the media, as they go from someone you trust into a faceless corporate figure trying to sell you something. This, I feel is extremely detrimental to content creators on youtube, as the relationship a viewer holds with is much more personal than with a tv channel or movie. This creates a much harsher whiplash effect of character that once again ruins the immersion and relationship, warping it into a cloying personality that taints the experience of watching something.

Although this is a commonplace opinion on a lot of advertising, it is a somewhat harsh and crude taking of the whole situation. As it fails to take into account the vitality and support that advertisements pose to a lot of platforms and content creators. These more niche creators and shows essentially require these advertisements to further function. As in Youtube’s history there has been two individual cases where big firms such as Disney and Nestle, causing what was described as an ad-pocalypse, causing a huge drop in monetization of. In cases like these, many creators require other smaller sponsors and need these to occur more frequently inorder to survive.

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