Significant Learning

This term I have learned many new things. For example, in Music, I have learned quite a lot of theory. In Spanish, I have developed my speaking and listening skills and I have developed many skills and learned new topics and concepts in all of my other subjects. In English, I have learned the different techniques poet’s use to show meaning. In math, I have been introduced to a completely new topic which was logarithms. There were a couple of challenges while learning these topics and developing these skills, but I have successfully been able to achieve these skills and learn new topics.

My Mentor Conversation

During my mentor conversation, I acknowledged my strengths and weaknesses. In my opinion, I have strengths in all of my classes but I also have weaknesses in all of my classes. For example, in Science, my strength is Chemistry and Biology, but my weakness is Physics, so I usually take more time when learning different topics in Physics. We also talked about the next steps on how I could convert my weaknesses to my strengths. For example, I could revise the previous physics topics when learning the next unit so that I can continue to remember the things I had learned. Also, if I don’t understand a concept, I can refer to the dedicated IGCSE books since they give multiple examples of a specific concept.

A promise to myself

I promise that I will be very welcoming and polite to those I don’t know. I promise that I will be very positive when facing challenges. I promise that I will try new things and go out of my comfort zone. I promise that I will be very helpful to my peers. I promise that I will work really hard to achieve my goals. I promise that I will be more interactive in class. I will also promise to stay positive.

What’s been the most influential meme for your generation?

The most influential meme of our current generation has been a specific act that is repeated over and over again. Some people find this funny and hilarious and a worthwhile video or gif to watch, but some people (like me) just don’t find it extremely funny. Honestly, when I see some videos that have repetitions I may laugh for a while but after some time it kind of gets boring. I mean the repetitions are only there to remind the audience of the specific act and make it look funny, but now of days, many people have started finding memes in their daily conversations and reality. For example, if someone has a habit of repeatedly saying the same word such as “like”, people start making it a meme and they start making fun of it.

In my opinion, I feel that our generation can quickly generate memes in our daily lives. For instance, if there is a person who slips on a banana peel, that motion of slipping is repeated and made into memes to create entertainment. The whole idea of memes is to create an entertaining environment, however, in our current world, people have taken the power of memes for granted. I have a couple of personal experiences where people have taken a video of a funny incident and repeated it to make people laugh, and I totally agree that the act was funny, but sometimes the meme can be offensive. I am not saying that memes are bad, it’s just that people should be more careful about the memes they make.