Kolkata GC #3

After Kahaani was over, we had 4 months until the end of the school year where we utilized this time to decide on the theme of Kahaani 2022. As this decision was a group decision, collaboration was an essential aspect in order to determine the theme. For Kahaani 2022, we decided to portray the significant events that occurred in Voice of World, from natural disasters and COVID-19 impacts to celebrations. In order to determine this theme, we had long discussions on how best to raise awareness about Voice of World and portray the life of children at Voice of World. Although people had different ideas, through effective communication and collaboration, we were able to respectfully discuss the advantages and disadvantages of ideas as well as incorporate a lot of people’s ideas into the theme. I believe that by acknowledging the proposals of other members, we were successfully able to achieve our goal of coming up with an impactful theme.

Additionally, during this time, we were coming up with ideas to further help Voice of World. We thought of potentially hosting a donation drive for clothes, shoes, and toys, however, while brainstorming this possibility, we were thinking of the ethical implications because technically, the children in Voice of World have the right to have access to new clothes, shoes, and toys, however, many people constantly dispose of their old clothes and toys that are in perfectly good condition, therefore, ethically, it would be better to donate these items to those that are not financially capable to support them and make them happy. Currently, this alternative is still under consideration in terms of logistics and feasibility. But through this experience, I have learned that before making big decisions that impact a third party, the ethical implications must be considered.

Tech Tinker #3

As the Chair of Tech Tinkers, it was my responsibility to lead the production of the Tech Tinkers video which was published and shared in the school community which raised awareness about e-waste as well as our initiative. After the completion of the video, I was put into deep thought of whether it is ethically correct to donate old electronic devices to other local and GC partners because technically, in order to support their cause they have the right to receive new equipment, however, as an environmental initiative, it is also important to consider the environmental impacts of e-waste and how this can be reduced. This put me in a dilemma. However, ethically speaking, while people in need deserve new electronic devices to help themselves, it is also important to understand the purpose of using electronic devices. Our local and GC partners use these electronic devices in order to better support the people that are impacted by certain issues, therefore, now I have realized that donating old electronic devices is also ethically correct as it not only goes towards a significant purpose, but it also promotess environmental sustainability, a crucial aspect of today’s world. Therefore, through my participation in Tech Tinkers, I was able to reflect on the ethics of the action of Tech Tinkers as well as change my perspective of what is morally and ethically correct.

High School Science Fair 2021 – Reflection & Demonstration Stage

While I not only planned the Science Fair, I also participated and presented. Although I participated in the science fair, I did not participate in the award as this would be ethically wrong considering that I was also involved in determining winners. I really wanted to participate and compete for the Applied Sciences Awards as my presentation was about CaproGlu, a newly invented medical adhesive, which applies aspects of biology, chemistry, and physics in the real world. Since I am a part of the leadership team, if I were competing for the awards, there may have been an aspect of bias from my team members, which is ethically wrong, hence, it would not be fair for the other participants. Therefore, I had to make the ethical decision to not compete for the awards, but still, participate and present during the Science Fair. Alongside making an ethical decision of my participation, I also had to think about the ethical implications of assigning dates to presentations. It was only ethically fair if all groups presented for the same duration, hence, when assigning dates and times, I had to take this into consideration as well.

My presentation

Therefore, through planning and participating in the High School Science Fair, I have learned various things, in terms of making ethical decisions based on specific scenarios as it is extremely important to understand how my decisions impact others around me as well as whether they are ethically correct. Additionally, through this process, I have improved my skills of collaboration, communication, and time management. The many obstacles faced by my team and I in terms of the COVID-19 regulations have further developed my problem-solving skills. Therefore, this CAS project in general has allowed me to improve many of my skills and accomplish my goals.