In The Heart Of Robin Hood – High School Production Learning Outcomes

LO1: Identify their own strengths and develop areas for growth.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

In Grade 11, I was part of a High School production called ‘In The Heart Of Robin Hood’. This was my first time being a part of a High School production. I played one of Prince John’s second-rate guards (they thought they were good fighters but were actually terrible). Even though I didn’t have a big role in the play, I was so grateful to be a part of this production as I really want to do something in the field of theatre and performance after graduating high school. In the past, I auditioned for other plays like Aida, but was never able to land a role. This was a completely new experience for me and gave me insight into how a play is put together behind the scenes. Being a part of Robin Hood helped me to gain more respect for those putting together shows. It takes a tremendous amount of effort and dedication to create a good performance. As an audience member, you only see the finished product of a show, which took months to practice and rehearse. You don’t really think about how much time the cast, director, lighting crew and sound crew invested into making a good production. Before being a part of Robin Hood, I already knew creating a show takes a lot of effort, but knowing and experiencing it first hand are two very different things.

It never occurred to me how much patience was required in the making of a production for those with minor roles. We were often required to sit and wait quietly for extended periods of time, while the director worked with other cast members, which was challenging for a lot of people. Thankfully, patience is one of my strengths and this wasn’t a problem for me.

Despite my love for theatre, being a part of Robin Hood was also a challenge for me as I have stage fright. I love theatre and want to work in the acting industry, but I don’t like drawing attention to myself or being the centre of attention in social situations. In order to be successful in this field, I have to find a balance between these two opposing forces and be comfortable and confident with the attention. However, this is very much out of my comfort zone. Having the presence of other actors on stage in Robin Hood gave me the support to feel confident in myself and helped me develop resilience. It is through my involvement with this production that I learnt I actually enjoyed being pushed a little out of my comfort zone. I love the thrill, excitement and exhilaration I feel when I perform in front of an audience, despite it terrifying me at the same time. With more practice and more experience, I imagine this becoming easier. Where some might shy away from this feeling, I feel drawn to it and want to overcome the fear. I want to continue to be involved in putting on productions and hope to gain experience with more important roles. I want to overcome my stage fright and become more relaxed and confident with an audience.