PW Reflection #1 LO3

Throughout the whole PW planning process, we faced many obstacles, both expected and unexpected, even though we have often planned according to the timeline and manage not to be too behind. Sometimes, we thought we were on track and ahead of others in the timeline when contacting third-party organizers, however, some turned out to be hesitant to work with us in the end and we had to redo the whole process of planning our activities and contacting new third-party organizers again. I have learned that acting early and following the deadlines are important, especially considering that there might be unexpected incidents happening during the process. Despite PW planning stage is coming to an end and the actual PW is near, I will try to get all necessary planning done early and on time before PW so that we will be fully ready for our trip

EE Initial Reflection

In the meeting before the spring break, my supervisor advised me to do more research to define the direction of my essay and the scale of it, etc. He wanted me to do some maths and show my capability to handle the maths in the topic as the outline, which I haven’t yet managed to complete. My aim now is to get started with writing some maths to set a detailed outline of my essay.


Maths HL Reflection Term 1

HL Maths has been somewhat easier in some aspects and also more difficult on the other. General academics have been easier than I thought, whereas the assessments were not. I think this is the area I should focus on to develop, and is a matter of effort and time I put into the subject and preparation. Nonetheless, I still enjoyed learning maths and the whole course and contents as they were new, interesting and challenging. I think, one of the most useful and valuable experiences is learning the way of thinking like a mathematician and having time to really think and solely understand things, including proofs, although I am still learning them. Personally, I prefer working individually and unbound to time, however in terms of learning, I also learn well when I work together and through discussions as well as working individually and doing more practices. All my HL subjects involve maths to quite high extents, Physics, and Further Maths, which is one of the reasons why I think Maths HL is really important and is somewhat a core of my HL subjects.

To summarize my first term, it is certain that I enjoy the subject and the course, I think I should put more effort into assessments and practices.

1st Reflection on Lighthouse Service

LO3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience. Students can articulate the stages from conceiving an idea to executing a plan for a CAS experience or series of CAS experiences. This may be accomplished in collaboration with other participants. Students may show their knowledge and awareness by building on a previous experience, or by launching a new idea or process.

  • be able to develop a coherent action plan taking into account the aim or purpose, activities and resources.


Over the last month of the activity, I genuinely learned something from it, that planning is really an effective method and is really important. Without the planning process, we would not have gotten this far, with this detailed understanding and knowledge on the target and the aim of the project. It was really a valuable outcome that I think I will keep in mind for the future.

During the last session, we, in smaller groups, discussed ideas and planned for our activities for the lighthouse students. I believe that this really taught much to me. I came to realising that this “planning” of activities got us really think about the conditions of our customers, our aim and purpose and limitations and led us to understand the circumstances better. It is really obvious that without first planning our activities with discussions, we might have faced problems with out project. I believe this discussion really led us to plan with considering multiple options and circumstances of the project.

1st Reflection on Sonos

LO4- Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences. Students can articulate the stages from conceiving an idea to executing a plan for a CAS experience or series of CAS experiences. This may be accomplished in collaboration with other participants. Students may show their knowledge and awareness by building on a previous experience, or by launching a new idea or process.

  • Demonstrate regular involvement and active engagement with your CAS experiences and CAS project.


So far, I believe we had about 4 sessions of Sonos. It has been very enjoyable and was a very new type of experience to me. Over the last month, I was able to know people in the activity from regular attendance. It was very fun and I have learned that regular commitment, although it could be boring and less fun than hanging out with friends, led to an amazing piece of work done by all of us through collaboration. I learned that it is critical, especially for activities like Sonos, that everyone is involved and everyone shows the commitment to the project, as Sonos is especially a long-term project as we develop our skills over sessions eventually bring them together as a piece of work.

The Story of My Learning Starts Here