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Month: August 2017

My Rant to Make Me Feel Better (Requested by Ms. Levy)

Sometimes, I just keep thinking “Why am I so average?”

Am I average? Am I?

What is it that makes me special and unique?

So I present to you readers: My Rant to Make Me Feel Better (Requested by Ms. Levy)


Something I am proud of is to be a badminton player. Though I don’t really have the confidence to talk about this (since I consider myself bad compared to others), I am actually the best girl badminton player in my whole grade. I managed to get into the SEASAC team at Grade 8 and can beat the 2nd single of the team. I love badminton due to the adrenaline rush when you are hitting the shuttle over and that the point can be given in a matter of seconds. I also love how the point system is the first to reach 21 as even when you are behind, as long as you are resilient, you may just catch up.

Currently, I am taking a break from badminton to build up my arm and body stamina and strength to improve. I don’t think I am really enjoying it now since my performance has been falling… Or maybe it’s the other way around? I don’t know, but I’ll find out when I start playing again.

The Girls SEASAC Badminton Team of 2017!

If you have not guessed it yet, I am a huge fan of drawing. Drawing has been my favourite way of expressing my thoughts as I find it easier to control the pencil than a brush. But that doesn’t mean I dislike painting. Painting in watercolours is ranked second to sketching. Because I have trouble expressing through words, I find it hard to tell a story that has been stuck in my head. Especially the fight scenes. So drawing helps with it. 

I don’t really like to be seen as if I am arrogant(?), but I like to show my drawings to others. I feel a burst of pride whenever someone compliments my drawings though I try to be humble and not really react to it. But that doesn’t mean I don’t take critics. In fact, feel free to load up a dozen of them and shoot them at me! I’ll consider it.

One of my OCs (Original Characters) design

Some people find drawing as a 5-minute thing, but for me, it’s not. Instead, I would be sitting at the desk, drawing non-stop (except for bathroom and snack breaks) until I finish it. And that is partly the reason why I would sometimes stay up until 12 am.

So you might be wondering: if I love art so much, why aren’t I doing fine art? In fact, I do get these types of questions a lot. Here’s my answer:

“Well, they did say to choose subjects you want to try and enjoy in IGCSE. So I chose DT: RM. I love art, but I want to try RM. Art to me is a subject that I excel in. If IGCSE is all about grades, I won’t hesitate to go for art. But it’s not. And if I get to choose another subject in the art category, I’ll probably go for Food tech or Graphic Designs so I can learn some skills and software.”

Though I don’t normally say it, I love anime and manga. If you don’t know the definition of anime and manga, here it is:

anime |ˈanɪmeɪ, ˈanɪmə| noun [mass noun] a style of Japanese film and television animation, typically aimed at adults as well as children.

manga |ˈmaŋɡə| noun [mass noun] a style of Japanese comic books and graphic novels, typically aimed at adults as well as children. 

That is where I take reference of the characters’ movements or how they draw the background. In fact, I alway screenshot some scenes or movements that are interesting or that I want to try and draw. I find this method of reading manga while screenshotting a really great way to learn the movements while enjoying the storyline!

Note how the girl is holding her daggers across her arms and how the boy behind her is shielding his face.

But most of the times, I just read it for the awesome storylines. Some recommendations are

  1. The Promised Neverland (A really out of the box one)
  2. Assassination Classroom (I just love this anime!)
  3. Blue Spring Ride (Quite a realistic take on romance).

Something that Made My Morning

I had a little rough start in the morning today.

It had started with me squeezing my bag that was filled with  7 overdue library books into the trunk behind my bike. I manage to fit my bag in it before I realized that I still have my P.E bag. So I decided that it wouldn’t bother me at all if I remove the trainers inside and carry the bag while I rode. But I was wrong.

The bag had slipped down to my forearm while I was riding towards the 1st traffic light, which was a short ride away. It was making me unbalance and insecure as I rode past the busy bus stop on the way. I stopped at the traffic light before getting off to swap the P.E bag with the trainers. As I was attempting to close the trunk, a pair of mother and daughter from our school were waiting for the traffic light. They had asked me whether I needed help. Feeling a little guilty as I watch the last of the cars drove by, a sign that the traffic light would soon turn green, I declined. It looked like I was close to shutting it anyways. But I couldn’t.

No matter how much force I try to put, I couldn’t shut it. And soon, I was racing against time for the next traffic light. That was when a man in his 50s came riding by. As he waited for the traffic light to turn green, he offered his help. Looking that there was still time before the light changes, I accepted his help. And together, we managed to close it. He asked “It looks like you have a lot of stuff in there.” and I could only make a small smile at him “I had to return my overdue library books”Now it seems like my troubles were over as I cycled to school with my trainers tucked into the space between the bike seat and the trunk. But as I was within 50m away from the traffic light in front of the school, I realized that the trainers had disappeared. Damn it.

Now it seems like my troubles were over as I cycled to school with my trainers tucked into the space between the bike seat and the trunk. But as I was within 50m away from the traffic light in front of the school, I realized that the trainers had disappeared. Damn it.

So I cycled back the direction I had once come from, backtracking to find my trainers. And that was when I bump into the mother and daughter from the traffic light, carrying my bag of shoes in one hand. “You should tuck it in tighter,” The mother said as she handed me the trainers. I quickly thanked her and told her that I was feeling embarrassed, due to the fact that I am meant to be a responsible Grade 9 student. And she just laughed that there was no need to be embarrassed.

After that, everything went well. I arrived in time to meet up with my friends, library books were returned, classes were great and interesting. Everything went well.

Thinking about this incident, I think about how lucky I was to have met such kind people who have helped me without even knowing who I am. It just shows that there are kind people out there somewhere, and you don’t have to know them to help them.

Although this morning ride to school was most definitely one of the most hectics and troublesome ones, but as I was showered with kindness throughout the ride, it has made a smile on my face.

Would We Ever Break the 100m Sprint Record?

So today in math class, we were asked by our math teacher, Mr Jacobson, ‘When do you think the 100m sprint record will be broken?’.

I’ve forgotten what had led to this question, but I know that my answer was very different from the rest.

So I’m currently writing this post because : 1. I wasn’t able to express my idea fully (tongue-tied); 2. It is kinda different from the rest of the people.The second one is that we will break it soon, latest is by the next generation. This is due to the fact that our current society’s education is now requiring their students to be an all rounder one. This would lead to the increase in the productivity in sports and the want for achievements, thus having people training harder to stand out from the rest. Self-motivation and competitiveness are one of the keys to having ‘success’ in my opinion and I believe that this would be the reason why we could break the record.

I personally think that we will break it soon, latest is by the next generation, like the rest. But the reason is different.his is due to the fact that our current society’s education is now requiring their students to be an all rounder one. This would lead to the increase in the productivity in sports and the want for achievements, thus having people training harder to stand out from the rest. Self-motivation and competitiveness are one of the keys to having ‘success’ in my opinion and I believe that this would be the reason why we could break the record.

I think that we will be achieving 9 seconds son due to the fact that our current society’s education is now requiring their students to be an all rounder one. This would lead to the increase in the productivity in sports and the want for achievements, thus having people training harder to stand out from the rest. Self-motivation and competitiveness are one of the keys to having ‘success’ in my opinion and I believe that this would be the reason why we could break the record.I haven’t heard any other ideas besides improving the ‘technology’ of the sports equipment (which is literally just shoes and clothing) and finding out the average of the number of years it took before the previous records were broken so I would really like to hear them.

I haven’t heard any other ideas besides improving the ‘technology’ of the sports equipment (which is literally just shoes and clothing) and finding out the average of the number of years it took before the previous records were broken. So if you have any other opinions, just shoot them at me.

Hello world!

My Class Photo

Welcome to my new portfolio (though I prefer calling it a blog)!

Today’s the first day of school and from what I can see, I’m really going to enjoy my mentor class this 2 years.

The morning was a rocky start with only 1 out of 4 new buddies turning up at the agreed meeting place. We only met up after the assembly and throughout the day, meaning that I wasn’t able to introduce myself properly.

Though on the bright side, I was able to make some new friends!

During mentor time, we were doing the tallest spaghetti and marshmallow tower challenge and were split into groups of 3-4.

I (A surprise to me) and my group literally goofed off and sidetracked from our planning stages until the last 5 minutes when I realized a plan that would succeed.

I decided to build a ‘wall’.

I figured that most groups would be doing the typical pyramid structure, which if you apply the Pythagoras Theorem, would obviously be shorter than a spaghetti stick standing up straight. (I would like to show you it but I’ve forgotten to take a picture).

Though I did most of the work (they said that it was 90%) and managed to build the tallest tower from the whole class, I realized that I should have actually try to get my group to collaborate and that I actually had fun talking and laughing with them as truthfully, I was hardly one who likes group work.

We are going to be on timetable tomorrow but I’m not sure if I would feel the same about my other subjects.



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