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Dentsu Day 3 – Summer Internship 2019

Day 3 – We are actually at the halfway point of the internship week at Dentsu. Time flies so fast! (But technically it has only been 2 days, so it is relatively fast instead)

I’m writing this introduction in the morning before my supervisors actually come in so let’s make the day a good one!

  • I don’t think I’ll be needing to talk about my journey to Dentsu, though I am proud to say that I had a smooth journey to work without missing a single stop.
    • I actually arrive slightly later at the MRT, so maybe that’s why the train was so much more crowded.
  • Today, I manage to meet Geraldson, the third and last member of the media team
    • My first impression of Geraldson is that he is the serious type in work since he didn’t talk much to me except telling me his name (one-word convo… LOL)
      • But I guess it’s because he is busy since he has to catch up from his break
  • Shi Yi gave me some materials to read in order to gain understanding about the terms and concepts in media. Here’s some of my learning:
    • When setting up a campaign in LinkedIn Campaign Manager
      • Targets audience using Countries, Seniority (in company/business) and Job function (accounting, technology etc.)
      • Listing the purpose of optimizing campaign (e.g Maximising number of visits to their website)
      • Bid type (CPC, CPM etc.), budget, then the amount you bid
    • What Content Syndication is: When digital content is re-published by a third-party website. It’s a barter, as it is a win-win party for both parties. The third-party website gets free, relevant content to fill up its page, while the content creator gets free exposure and publicity as the ad is backlinked to their own website, boosting their organic traffic.
    • I also stumbled across some information and presentations regarding programmatic and creative.
      • Though it seems confidential (the creative one explicitly stated) so I have to take down the condensed handwritten notes
    • After reading them, I think that it’s amazing that everything in different “categories” is all interconnected as if there isn’t any need to segregate them!
A snapshot from one of the presentations I was reading. This slide explains what native ads are and can look like on a website
  • For lunchtime, I went out with Shi Yi and Justin to eat at Amok Street hawker centre again. Today’s talk is more casual talk, a change from the usual (the two-day streak) advice talk… I wonder if it’s because I told them that I felt they were quite philosophical yesterday…
    To be honest, I thought the media team would be having lunch together since Rimi had mentioned it. So when we went out, I was feeling a little down, but don’t worry! Because later on in the day, we had one *wink*

    • They also introduce me to a Japanese supermarket called Don Don Donki, which sells basically only Japanese stuff. The food there looks so appetizing! I really want to try out the grilled hotate (scallop)!
Look at this beautiful meat!!! Available in Don Don Donki!
  • After lunch, I (finally) worked up the courage (because I, truthfully, don’t know Rimi that well yet) to ask for some work – which she did gave me! (I swear I literally squealed in happiness when I got one)
    • I know that the reading of the materials is important to consolidate my learning and understanding, however, I have been itching to do some “work”!
      • So basically, I first convert the PDF files to PPT to gain access to the picture
      • I then copy the screenshots from the new PPTs to the actual one
      • I highlight where the ad using a yellow box and added in the headline of the ad in the format of the PPT.
One of the slides I have edited, showing the headline that I have copied and the ad highlighted with a yellow box
  • After that, I continued reading more about brand look using one of the files (it’s the confidential one)
    • As I was reading it, I started planning and considering how I would be able to use this knowledge about Micro Stories, Hero Stories as well as poster layouts to promote the service that I plan on joining and compete for chairman position, 0-WES (Zero Waste Event Supporters)
      • I’ll write another post about my plans for IB, which will include this idea
      • For the notes, please view here (not inputted yet)
  • I’m so happy! While I was taking notes from the creative file, Rimi approached me and offer me some work to do! Might sound really silly but I was actually so ecstatic to have some work to do! (You know since I have been reading… Quite a lot…)
    • So basically, I had to use my “expertise in Excel” (as Rimi put it since Shi Yi is my supervisor and she’s the legendary user of Excel) to just mark up the price of the media cost in a proposal.
      • No pictures of the pictures and slides since it is not live yet and is still at the starting stage
The E-mail interaction between Rimi and I. I’m so elated that I did a good job and contributed to the team in some way! And the compliment at the end! My heart was melted by the sparks of excitement and glee from it. (No exaggerations here)
  • Then, we finally went for a team break to Starbucks! Again, so happy! Even Geraldson said so when I thanked him for holding the door 😛
    • While talking, I feel like we have gotten closer somehow! Isn’t that strange yet funny? I was blissed out when they said welcome to the team because I really felt like I am actually part of it!  This feeling of euphoria (?) is just too complicated to describe it!
    • My impression of Rimi and Geraldson changed to them being so cool! Admiration overflowing!!!
      • I swear I am just too happy and high from doing some work (which is learning!) and getting along with the team
    • It has also been confirmed that I am allowed to join the 8 am call tomorrow! So exciting! I really can’t wait to see how a meeting actually goes!
    • Geraldson also said that he might introduce me to media trafficking (which is a spreadsheet that I saw from Shi Yi’s computer, that is easily over 400+ rows)
      • Rimi said that tomorrow there will be more “work” for me to do too so I am absolutely hyped for tomorrow! (Look at what 3 hours of reading does to you… LOL)
  • After that and finishing up my notes, I observe Geraldson and Shi Yi as they prep for the tomorrow morning’s meeting.
    • One of my favourite lines: “So this meeting will take about an hour. 55 minutes of this *gestures to the 10* campaigns and their details*, 2 minutes of this *points to that one row of branding* and 3 minutes of hellos”
Shi Yi and Gerald going through Excel in preparations for tomorrow’s meeting
  • At 5:30 pm, I left the office

Today has definitely been one full of joys and smiles. (So much that I can’t stop beaming while writing this post despite my cheeks are actually feeling so sore from all that smiling!) I am really so happy that I got to know about more about Rimi and Geraldson and am absolutely excited for tomorrow! I wonder if I can actually sleep tonight…

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