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Summer sketching!

It has been so long since I’ve last drawn/posted my drawings!

As it’s now summer break, and there isn’t anything major/holiday away trips going on, I can finally find the time to draw!

So Jun 30, I was reorganising my drawers and shelves (something long overdue..) when I found my old folio of drawings!

The original source of inspiration (to redo)

Looking back at my artworks, I decided to redo some of them, especially those that contain a human figure.

At the top right, I drew a small overall image of how I would like the character to look like, just vague enough to plan out her personality and looks.

Then around the small drawing, I begin sketching out different poses which the character may take.

As I personally like the one on the bottom right, especially the feet, I decided to draw on a separate piece of paper to enlarge and ink it.

While doing so, I made some changes from the original draft

  • I decided to ditch the wings and go for curving lines (IDK what it’s called) as I felt that the top part of the drawing would be too heavy.
  • I changed the pose of the right hand from saluting to combing through her hair as I felt that the previous one is inappropriate for the stance she is in
  • I had the left side of the drawing cut out using both scissors (for the overall shape) and a crafting knife (for finer details and the white spaces). I thought it’d be cooler to have text featured as half of the background to make the character stand out more.

What I would like to improve:

  • I find that the waist part was looking too small, perhaps widen it more?
  • The composition of the work – The character should be placed further to the right as there is a lot of unnecessary white space.
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