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Reflection on 1st Guided Analysis practice

Last week, we had an opportunity to write a graded & guided analysis paper.

Notes I made prior to the assessment

Overall, I was kind of happy with what I managed to think up of like the visual links between the images and the purpose of the adverts, however, I do think that I need to improve in some areas.

My large goal for next time is to improve my time management and planning skills. I honestly felt I could have written more than 2 body paragraphs if I did not spend so much time planning, especially about how the copy reflects the underlying values and attitudes since I practically threw some ideas about it in the last paragraph to make sure that I include at least some observations.
One way that I could have done better is perhaps just writing down the main ideas in the plan instead of planning how I would write it down. Though that is normally easier said and done since I am normally very hesitant with my writing.

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Published inAcademicIBDPSL English LL

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