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0WES – 2

LO3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
LO4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in you CAS experiences
LO5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
LO7 – Recognise and consider the ethics of your choices and actions


After the October break, I’ve decided to contribute more to 0WES’s mission by volunteering to help out in events outside of school hours. This is actually because I want to contribute as much as possible before I enter the hectic Season 3, which will be filled with lots of badminton and IB.

I also decided to sign myself up to work with the Grade 10s on the Blue Dragon event as this is a great opportunity to get to know. Because honestly, despite the one year difference between us, I feel that there is always a wide invisible gap in the middle of us. So this is really a great opportunity to bond with them and show them the ropes.

Something I was also happy to see that there is an obvious increase in awareness of our service as well as in people’s behaviour, especially when one of the students actually has a cup on his own readied when buying. This really showed how much our service has really grown.

Leasing cups for the smoothies sold before the Blue Dragon’s Imagine Dragon Carnival

Read our reflection on our portfolio! (Still yet to publish)

Washing up after the sales of the events

On Dec 8, our service helped out in our NGO partner, Buddha Tzu Chi’s, monthly Sunday Recycling.

I can’t help but feel extremely happy to see that may of the Grade 10s had come to help out despite being in the middle of their mock exam week. Honestly, please read this reflection that I have written because this basically summarises how I felt about the event.

Read our reflection on our portfolio! (Still yet to publish)

0WES members gathered for a briefing by one of Buddha Tzu Chi’s key volunteers
Clarifying with a member of 0WES on how to categorize the waste
Listening to the talk by Buddha Tzu Chi’s volunteer on the impact of human pollution, the key up to date news as well as how to reduce waste produced (the 5 Rs)

One thing that our team (notably Siya, Albert and I) are really working towards is the consistent update on 0WES portfolio. We did this by organising groups and time to reflect on the events they participated at the end of the month. The reflections you see linked in each brief reflection on the events, those were done during the sessions. Although this is quite an achievement to me (considering the past years), I think that we still need to work on writing reflections because when writing them, Siya, Albert and I still had to spend some time proofreading them as well as filling any holes. It was also a little hard for us to really motivate them to write without getting distracted.

I am looking forward to working more with the rest of the service members and for the Khatib fair (which you will be able to read more about in our service 0WES portfolio or during the April break!)

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