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Swimming with Hougang Care Center – 2

LO2 – Demonstrate that you have undertaken, developing new skills in the process
LO3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience



Since the October break, we have been meeting with our service partners every Tuesday after school, with each student pair alternating to lead the activities.

On November 16, it was Hamza’s and my turn to lead. We decided to split ourselves into leading 2 activities, me leading water aerobics on the first half and Hamza leading volleyball. We decided on those 2 activities because water aerobics can be started very quickly to build on the members’ initial excitement in the pool while volleyball in the past has always had a positive reaction to it.

To be honest, I was racking up my brain how to run water aerobics as previously when the other pairs attempted with this activity, it was a little messy. So this time, I made sure to organise a playlist of some familiar songs so that I wouldn’t be confused on the change in songs as well as some moves in my mind that are slow but challenging enough for them based on my experience with my grandparents. However, when the session started, there wasn’t enough time to sort out the music, thus I had to adapt to the music that was playing at that time.

It turned out to be great as everybody was, participating in the activity. It was a joy to see moving their body to the beat, the majority of them following me, which indicates that the moves were slow and easy enough for them to follow. The positive reaction to the water aerobics was carried forward into the volleyball session, allowing the whole session to be made used to the fullest.

I was especially happy to know from Robbie, our service’s teacher supervisor, that he has never seen Larry*, who is one of our service partners, participating in any activities organised for the past 5 years until today. For the whole session as well! Knowing that I am making a change for the better first hand really makes my heart swell with both pride and happiness.

Indoor sports with the members on a rainy Tuesday
Lucy and Arkie preparing snowflakes to be coloured in by the members while Hamza playing chinese checkers (?) with one of the members
Portraits exchange with some of the members. These 2 were drawn by them. By the way, I go by the name Ru for the ease of calling
Carrying in skills learnt from the Memory Project into service.

I sincerely respect how strong and lively the members are, and hearing that this is the part of the week they look forward too makes it really worth it to be here and engaging with them. I look forward to seeing them after the holidays and sharing about Chinese New Year soon.

* Faked name used in order to protect their identity and for the ease of writing.


L02, L03, L05

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