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Month: January 2020

Reflection of 1st practice IO

Link to Notes and Recording

1. Timing

I personally think that I spent too little time on the body part of the oral. I think that this is because I had a progression of technique – idea rather than idea – technique. This caused me to be too narrow and thus spend very little time analysing.

2. Structure and progression (into conclusion)

I talked about the poem chronologically, as in line by line, talking about how the language used indicates the growth of the girl

3. Did you discuss context? Relation to the wider global issue or focus of your exploration?

I think I did not introduce the poem’s context well nor did I really discuss the wider global issues.

4. Ideas and technical aspects: did you get a balance between discussing the two?

I think I focused on the technical aspects too much, even though I didn’t really use the right terminology. (Ack!)

5. What will you ‘feedforward’ to your next practice?

Use of terminology

Do concept-technique, not technique-concept as narrows down what you could say

Don’t go line by line

Close analysis and contextualisation

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