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Month: July 2020

Update on Grade 11 summer 1

Oh boy, I have just started another post – hopefully I will be able to keep this up hahaha

Anyways, I decided to make a post about how I am spending my summer, just to keep track of what I have done because I feel that as we grow older, time past much quicker. Like it’s so precious.

So here I am, going to make commentary of my first 3 weeks of holiday. Here we go.

Let’s first talk about my schedule (or what I hope to be achieving)

I like to break time down into segments to allow myself the opportunity to review it. It also gives me a better grasp of time. 8 One week feels like there is ample of time. 1 8weeks creates a feeling of lots of time as well as you scroll down to review. With those two in mine, I break mine down into 3 weeks per page of spreadsheet. Not four because they can’t fit in the screen all at once, which is crucial because it may give you the wrong illusion.

Anyhow, as you can see, I tend to squeeze as much as I can into each day – which ultimately leads me to need to use the later days like the 3rd week’s Thursday and Friday.

But that’s good! Because then I can replan my pace (though I will likely still like to cramp things in hahaha)

English IO is currently killing me as I need to cut my 16 minute oral to 10 minutes… that’s…. that’s too much…. So that’s really what is going to be brought over to the next three weeks. So it making notes for Physics topic 8, which is where I redo my notes from the middle of the year by cross-checking them with the textbook and study guide – which really helps!

I tried to get out of the house as well by going out with friends or just to the reservoir behind my house just to be a little active.

I keep drawing of course! That’s what I live for!!! I decided to join a couple of art collabs, one with a writer and one with an online friend! Which is so cool!!!! It’s great to see people liking the same thing after all! I decided to create a Twitter account for this. Like wow. A Twitter account. Only for the show I like though which is Detective Conan. It’s a kids show but there’s so much potential in it!!! There’s just so much trivia knowledge and weird patterns that it’s always a joy to see whether I could get it with the clues laid out in front of me! (Though sometimes they are in Japanese, so the murder clues don’t really help – esp when they are about the Japanese characters’ names)

I can’t show you (whoever is actually reading this) yet because we have an agreed date on publishing our work but you can check out my doodles hehe. I don’t post them here because I feel odd posting my art (not even fine art but anime art) on a school domain.

Now to plan my next three weeks!

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