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Representation and Identity in Mass Media – Apu

I feel that this post really reflected how I feel about representation and today’s mindset as we approach the grey area of cultural appropriation and accuracy of representation. After reading both articles, I decided to write out my own personal opinion regarding the two opinions I read as well as draw a small illustration to show my thinking and mocking of one of the opinions.

I think that the main point that we must remember is that the Simpsons is a show that makes fun of everybody and utilize humour to remind and raise awareness on issues as well as cultures. It is also a pop-culture TV show, it’s targeting us, the everyday people, a massive target audience. They can’t possibly cater to every need or wants of everybody and this representation. Because as I have said and will keep repeating, everybody is different, thus not all representations will apply to us. But really, Simpson is a comedy show. Is there a need to take it so seriously?

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