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Paper 1 Jan 2020 Cartoon – Mars Water


“You identified the main idea which is promoted in the text here at the start – and you sometimes came back to this, but it wasn’t always sustained. The focus has got to be present in every paragraph!

You identify some of the features really well – but in the last 2 paragraphs, your writing is more descriptive than analytical.”

Next steps

  • When highlighting the evidence, make sure to annotate the effects of it alongside with it first
  • Make sure focus is referred to – link analysis back to it every time!

Memory Project 4

Time has flown by so fast! 5 months of Grade 12 done and we have welcomed a new year already!

But anyways let’s just get down to the meat and start reflecting about Memory Project!


So I started my Grade 12 year in Memory Project redoing the painting I finished in my last session of it in Grade 12 (Around start of February so almost 1 year! *sweats*)

It was unexpected for me at first, as I wanted to join the group in starting a new portrait that we’ve just received from the organisation, but when the supervising teacher showed me the piece, I immediately understood that I needed to redo it because this drawing below? Is an injustice to how the girl looks.

What is that skin?! Why is it so orange? The chin is too long and unrealistic and the hair is so flat! I had to do something about it.

At first I attempted to do some touch up on the drawing directly in hopes that I can somehow salvage it, but after spending a lesson on it, I thought that I was only making it worse. And sometimes, you just have to start over – there’s no harm in it after all.

So that’s what I did – and I quite like the result!

Looking back at this drawing, I can now see some parts where I could have worked on like the neck and the nose bridge, and I just think that’s improvement right there – to be able to view your art more critically and learn from it. : )


So since everybody was still working on the latest portrait from Memory Project, I decided to take up one of the incomplete drawings from the Blue Dragon pile.

Taking over this piece was a new kind of challenge for me – to somehow paint the headtilt upwards and the teeth without it being awkward and odd – it was a new experience for me

When I started painting this, I was initially a little put off with how it had looked, with the 2nd session ending with the picture below, looking like a mash of colours that is amateur looking with odd colouring and lack of cohesiveness – some regrets that time when I was looking at this drawing

I mean it is actually very natural, for it to look like a lost mess when we just begin, which can be demotivating really because we can start feeling uncertain about what to do next, we can start imagining about how horrible it would look, we can start doubting our skills and experience. But then again, that is natural, and that is what we have to overcome not begrudgingly dragging our feet with the goal of just getting this portrait over and done with but really to complete it to the best of our abilities of that time, and fill it with our sincerity and respect to the subject and of course ourselves. Keep pushing. That’s how we improve, and that is really the difference in quality. (I mean sometimes but you get what I mean)

I think that’s also what makes me admire my friend who I paint beside with a lot. While my art style is to paint with thick colours, Shangyu’s style is to paint like she’s painting water colour, thin and semi-transparent. And in the beginning or even towards the end, I would look at her artwork and found that it is like a patchwork – it felt incredibly odd and incomplete, but experience with her tells me and still fascinates me how her thin layers of paint can build up so much depth and life in her drawing that it is realistic. You never know what is really going to happen in the end.

So that’s what I did, I continue to paint, and the picture below is what I managed in two sessions:

And I really love it a lot – and although there were concerns really about how the skin tone was quite dark compared to the picture, the usage of colours once again wowed me when I painted the background.

Below is the final version of the drawing. Along with a little smoothening of the highlights, only the background was added on, changing the whole lighting of the subject.

So for the background, I used colours from the shirt, mixing in some burnt sienna and yellow from the highlights into it. This technique was actually something I had learned from digital drawing, which is to share colours of the subject with the background vice versa in order to make them more eye pleasing and blend in. And I just want to point that out because I’m proud of the fact that I’m applying things I’ve learned in digital into traditional. Which I guess is a little weird but let me have my moment here haha.


My latest portrait that I’ve worked on is an initiative from the group, which is to celebrate the staff members of UWC East campus! We didn’t go for teachers, which not to say we aren’t thankful, but I don’t think we’ve really said thank you to the people in the background (?) The ones keeping our school running systematically.

Whilst many went for librarians, secretaries, security guards, I decided to ask permission from a cleaner that I see every Thursday after service (0WES)

As part of the leadership team for the service, I often stay back to discuss about the plans for the next meeting and organise the logistics for events. Even if the meeting does end early, I sometimes stay back in Ms Li’s room to take naps while waiting for badminton to start after a tiring day in school. And I would always meet her. Sometimes when I notice her coming in I’d try to sit up straight and put my legs down but she would tell me it’s okay for me to relax and sleep, that I can go ahead and rest because she’s going to clean the room fast. Sometimes, I’d be holding the door for her as she comes in to clean on the way out.

It’s just like a nice person, who I can correlate my highschool experience of being sleep deprived or tired and needing to nap after school, or that I stay back to actually be part of a team. And I’d like to thank her for that.

She looked confused to be honest when I asked her, probably really asking what this girl is doing in her mind *laughs*, and I was also really nervous to ask. But all went well – got her portrait and I have to say I did pretty good! Haven’t been much of a good photographer after all (I’m often in charge of the lightings when we take photos)

So for this one, I wanted to try something different. Which really isn’t that different to be honest, more like relearning a skill again. You see, I used to paint watercolour, even attended class for it! But that was around 13 years old, so 5 years ago.

And I love watercolour, especially the aspect that you can’t exactly redo anything, can’t hide the mistakes, have to make do with them and go forth. Watercolour is also one with patience, think like Shangyu’s style but except hers is still much exceptionally confuses me on how she paints really.

I’ve never painted a watercolour portrait as well actually, often stuck to still-life and sceneries, so adding that bit of life to the drawing was going to be fun.

Oh this, hahaha. The colours of the shirt and the hair were awfully light. Didn’t know how many layers I was going to do until Mr McGrath walked by and taught me how to get richer colours and not dilute them too much. Which to my delight works very well as you see below. This obstacle reminded me of when I was learning watercolouring really – I would always be asked by the teacher why can’t I get dark colours in it, everything was very light to be honest, light and shadow was minuscule and only differentiated by the bright saturated colours which I, funnily enough, was able to get it rich and colourful.

And of course, with the dark colours surrounding the face, the skin looks a lot paler and less lively – oh the joy and wonders of colours and balance really right here.

I decided that I needed more of the colour red in the face, mixed in with a little brown from the hair to darken it. I looked at the picture closer, noticing the extra layers of eyebags and the shadow of the cheeks as it curves into a smile, and added colour there. For the background, I wanted to push myself a little, by making it look spontaneous.

Funnily enough, another memory of when I was younger came up, with the teacher asking me why can’t I make the background look explosive, like how you see watercolour backgrounds accenting by spreading out in seemingly random and natural directions, it was really a reflection of how I was to be honest. I didn’t like to be spontaneous, I can think on my feet if I was forced to, but I didn’t like having no plans. It felt odd, and this experiment I was doing, reminded me of this.

And I overcame it funnily enough. Added the black (which actually there is no black, just navy blue and burnt umber mixed) to the background richly, before dipping my brush and filling it with lots of water, then spreading the colour around. Did that two times. Cut out a shape which covers the subject, filled my brush with lots of colours before flicking it, this time wearing an apron lest I’ll be washing stains out of my clothes again hahaha. And I love how it looks. It felt so satisfying to see something that I couldn’t do before, something that kind of has been holding me back when I think of painting in watercolours,  being achieved. I grew and improved. And I’m proud of myself.


I think that this is honestly a lot of reflections. Maybe I’m getting a little too sentimental because of the fact that I’ve been constantly reminded that I have only (as of now apparently) less than 4 months left, 15 weeks of school left, 45 school days left.

It’s been fun really. I’ve just submitted my yearbook stuff. Photoshopped my friends onto my leavers box. Shoved a random nice quote I like into the senior quote section to make up for how crazy and hilarious my leavers box is. Grade 12 huh? It’s really only hitting now.

0WES – 3

LO3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
LO4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in you CAS experiences
LO5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively


Over the circuit breaker and the summer holidays, the service splits up into grades to work on the respective aspects of awareness. For Grade 11s (then), we worked on the writing up of the contents for the portfolio. It was certainly challenging, trying to manage and keep up the focus to work online, especially when discussions deviate from the goal. Nevertheless, by the end of the school year, the Grade 11s managed to finish writing up.

While uploading the writings, I found the old portfolio to be not updated to our needs (which I sadly forgotten to take a screenshot of to show how it used to be). So, I remade the portfolio! I used a tool called Divi Builder to set up the layout of each page, which was something that I felt really intimidated of in the past. But after playing and exploring it around, I found it easy to use. So when remaking the portfolio, I first envisioned how I want the portfolio to look like, then planned the steps I will be taking to make it a reality. (if you are wondering why I’m doing this without consulting anyone it’s because the portfolio is dead placed under my role and the team said I was free to do whatever I want to the portfolio 🙂 )

*Also please take a look at it! This is blood and sweat here!

Before Season 1 begin, the chair, vice-chair and I had to plan a script in order to advertise the service to students of all grades (in high school). I was initially nervous about talking to the grade (despite it being over the screen) but thankfully, the atmosphere of the group was very lax, with us cracking up jokes during the intermediate time.

Fast forward to Season 1, where the new students finally joined the service! Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the number of new students (technically including our ex-grade 10s from last year) in our service has dramatically reduced down to 10. Which does make sense because we don’t have any events now to help out with due to social distancing etc. Since they are all Grade 11s, we got along with them much better.

As mentioned before, as the primary function of 0WES which is to help out in events by providing crockery isn’t quite available during this time, we decided to focus on awareness, which groups being formed to tackle different issues like disposable masks, where recycled paper go and the number of items in lost and found!

Picture of us in service listening to one of the groups presenting their brainstorm of ideas

I also needed to start the handover of my role as secretary, which will be distributed to the two vice chairs and communication officer, which really says about the amount of work I did as secretary.

While I have made resources to handover such as a video of how to run the service portfolio, I was at a loss on how to actually handover.

I was conflicted. Perhaps, they will improve as time goes but it hurts to see what I have been putting my heart and soul in for 3 years to be given to people who were not as productive and focused in sessions. Perhaps, I was even bitter about the fact that although I have put in so much effort, I was only known as the secretary, never copied in any email, when this year everybody in the executive team will be acknowledged by the service simply because the role title secretary has been changed to vice-chair and communication officer. Perhaps, it is also because I was tired of keeping holding on to the service.

And after being emotionally exhausted in the past sessions since October, I learned that I need to learn how to let go – trust people and let them fall. Guide them but don’t make decisions for them. Don’t take responsibility for the group yourself but do your responsibilities.

So for now, I have set up a handover plan. I want to settle this as efficiently and as fast as possible.

Things I’d like to go through

Minutes and folder (5 minutes)

  – What is the goal of these tasks?

     – To ensure all resources is organised and can be found easily (like self-explanatory)

     – To ensure that when we look back, we know what we have done what when

     – Crucial for reflections

What is missing? (Take 5 minutes to look through folder)

– Crockery process – washing up and leasing process

– Missions and Goals of service

Asking questions to hopefully move discussions forward (5 minutes)

  – Consider the manpower of it (appropriate number of people doing the same tasks)

  – The timings (is it too little time or too much)

  – Who do we need to contact?

  – Who, what, when, where, why, how

  – What is missing?

Look over at each groups resources (which is scattered around so Shazad, it will be your role from now on to organise it) (5 minutes)

Attend both groups’ meeting for 10 minutes each

  – People from each group stay silent but take notes, from an outside perspective

  – What are your thoughts about their progress? After listening to them and looking over their resources

  – Moving forward, what would you recommend?

Going through how Google Calendar functions (5 minutes)

Let’s hope that the handover for the next sessions will be smooth.

Update on Grade 11 summer 1

Oh boy, I have just started another post – hopefully I will be able to keep this up hahaha

Anyways, I decided to make a post about how I am spending my summer, just to keep track of what I have done because I feel that as we grow older, time past much quicker. Like it’s so precious.

So here I am, going to make commentary of my first 3 weeks of holiday. Here we go.

Let’s first talk about my schedule (or what I hope to be achieving)

I like to break time down into segments to allow myself the opportunity to review it. It also gives me a better grasp of time. 8 One week feels like there is ample of time. 1 8weeks creates a feeling of lots of time as well as you scroll down to review. With those two in mine, I break mine down into 3 weeks per page of spreadsheet. Not four because they can’t fit in the screen all at once, which is crucial because it may give you the wrong illusion.

Anyhow, as you can see, I tend to squeeze as much as I can into each day – which ultimately leads me to need to use the later days like the 3rd week’s Thursday and Friday.

But that’s good! Because then I can replan my pace (though I will likely still like to cramp things in hahaha)

English IO is currently killing me as I need to cut my 16 minute oral to 10 minutes… that’s…. that’s too much…. So that’s really what is going to be brought over to the next three weeks. So it making notes for Physics topic 8, which is where I redo my notes from the middle of the year by cross-checking them with the textbook and study guide – which really helps!

I tried to get out of the house as well by going out with friends or just to the reservoir behind my house just to be a little active.

I keep drawing of course! That’s what I live for!!! I decided to join a couple of art collabs, one with a writer and one with an online friend! Which is so cool!!!! It’s great to see people liking the same thing after all! I decided to create a Twitter account for this. Like wow. A Twitter account. Only for the show I like though which is Detective Conan. It’s a kids show but there’s so much potential in it!!! There’s just so much trivia knowledge and weird patterns that it’s always a joy to see whether I could get it with the clues laid out in front of me! (Though sometimes they are in Japanese, so the murder clues don’t really help – esp when they are about the Japanese characters’ names)

I can’t show you (whoever is actually reading this) yet because we have an agreed date on publishing our work but you can check out my doodles hehe. I don’t post them here because I feel odd posting my art (not even fine art but anime art) on a school domain.

Now to plan my next three weeks!

Lessons from Circuit Breaker!

Personally, I think these lessons that I learned are very subtle.
I didn’t realize how my thoughts about drawing changed until I was conversing with my parents about drawing as a hobby!

Also, because I really like my most recent drawing I’m going to post it. Hehe

Swimming with Hougang Care Center – 3

LO2 – Demonstrate that you have undertaken, developing new skills in the process
LO5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively


Video link – Recommend to just read the summary below as usual 😛

  • Started the new year with Hamza and I leading the activity!
    • The members were less active in the pool so we chilled. It was nice having the time to talk to them as we are both excited to see each other again after such a long break!
  • Chinese New Year High Tea
    • Helped out a little in it as had Kahaani practice (so I left class a little earlier than usual to join the event!)
    • A little sad to not see our group during the event but still happy to interact with the other members and help out in the event!
      • It once again opens my eyes on how I see the mentally disabled and remind me that each and every one of us is truly different – different condition, communication ability etc.
  • COVID-19
    • The members couldn’t come 🙁
    • We decided to make use of the time to brainstorm some advocacy activities that we can do as well as make cards to maintain our relationship!
    • Currently, service has just continued again this week, we are currently working on the portfolio to start filling it up for next year’s group to check it out!


Pictures below!

Movie on 10-3-20 at 3.51 PM #2 – A video we made for the future members of the service –> an introduction and some tips!

Badminton 3

LO1 – Identifying your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth
LO4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in you CAS experiences


Video Link – as usual, highly recommended to just read the notes below 🙂



  • Start the new year with a tournament at Dover!
    • Played against Dover, and two other local school (who are both on a whole different level! It is quite a learning watching how they play – how to replicate it though is gonna be hard)
    • Lost to Dover –> Coach said it was a good thing as we previously won against them so it teaches us not to be “too complacent”
  • Season 3 tryouts!
    • Lost to Vamakshi — though in 3 sets so close!
    • A little disappointed but glad to see her improvement and growth (big picture about the team’s future + lots of potential)
    • Doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop though! GOAL: TO TRAIN AND WIN VAMAKSHI BEFORE I GRADUATE!
      • Having a goal you can measure is actually motivating.
  • Due to COVID-19, can only play matches with Dover
    • Played against Aarini – lost to her ultimately but really proud that it was a neck to neck battle! (well until I ran out of stamina in the 3rd set)
  • Current situation in COVID 19 world
    • Still exercising – just less intensity – going out to the park almost every evening.


I can include a couple videos of my match if need be…. 🙂

Kahaani 2

LO2 – Demonstrate that you have undertaken, developing new skills in the process
LO5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively


LINK to video – recommend you read the summary again cuz it’s 500++mb again – hehe


  • It was really a new experience – first time on stage and dancing even!
  • There’s really a beauty in group dances – honestly just dancing by myself in front of the mirror is like really odd, but as a group, it’s just so cool!
  • I didn’t really expect myself to walk away with more friends! Not only people from my dance group but also other groups as well!
  • I have developed an admiration for people who have to stay back for performance practice! It is really draining despite really only appearing in the show for 10 minutes max!
    • I have also developed a respect for myself for being able to balance my life, especially during that timing when one of my parents was away
  • I think this was really a new side for me, as to quote my badminton coach – “It was quite refreshing to see you do something other than badminton – to dance as well!” me too, coach. Me too 😛


Have some pictures!

Project Week 2

LO6 – Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
LO7 – Recognise and consider the ethics of your choices and actions


Link to video reflection I recommend reading the summary notes as this video is 500++mb size 🙂


  • After the December break, planning for project week was very rushed and last minute as the deadline was 2 weeks away
  • We all had to take on the role of a logistic officer
    • I handled the budget and schedule, which I can say proudly that it is one of the best things about Project Week ever
      • Mapping was also fun! It helped a lot in terms of scheduling where and when to eat as such –> Sample
    • Lots of contacting and interactions
    • * A learning that I think I didn’t mention: I think I learned to be more toleratable to things not going my way, especially with scheduling as there were many variables and opinions needed to be taken into consideration.
  • Regarding collaborating with group members, I think that
  • COVID 19 impact on Project Week
    • Good: I don’t need to worry about project week deadlines anymore
    • Bad: I’m pretty sure I am missing out on something here

Memory Project 3

LO1 – Identifying your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth
LO6 – Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance


We began the new year with a new project – this time, with Blue Dragon GC!

As I have mentioned in one of my posts, Blue Dragon flew over from Vietnam to participate in a fundraising event in our campus, thus as a token of gratitude, the GC enlisted the Memory Project club to make a heartfelt portrait for each member.

Unlike previous times, we students were given the freedom to choose whatever medium we want. Some went for digital painting, while some went for colour pencils. I decided to stay with acrylic paint.

This is because I want to further strengthen my acrylic painting skills – I found wanted to play around more with the skin tone and the medium, want to improve my painting speed while keeping them consistent.

However, one of the primary reasons is that I do not have much time to explore a new medium. This year’s Season 3 sports started at 10 Feb (including tryouts). Taking the Chinese New Year break into consideration, I only had 3 weeks to finish the portrait!

It would be unfair and mean if I, out of my selfishness and curiosity, left this portrait unfinished just to explore other mediums, thus I chose to use acrylic.

I decided to make the background green with a dash of warm bright colours to make her stand out while at the same time keep her in uniform with the colour scheme.

Although I am proud that I managed to finish the whole painting process within 3 weeks, I still wished I had more time. I could have made the hair “rougher” to make it more natural, or I could have worked on the chin as it looks elongated.

This upcoming week was meant to be the start of Season 4 – in which I can return to the club after the long hiatus.

Although the current situation (COVID-19) does not allow me to continue with Memory Project, I still try to draw as much as possible – and this is where Instagram comes in (although I tend to draw stylized instead of realism hahaha)
Our activities featured in our school’s activity Instagram

It was also heartwarming to see our efforts recognised by others, as well as a glee in my heart when we received word that the children liked it!


I’ll leave it at that for Memory Project. If you are reading this, I would like to thank you, Ms Dinsdale and Mr McGrath for making this club and providing us with such a great atmosphere to draw in. And if somehow, any other members of Memory Project are reading this, I would like to say that albeit we don’t talk much, it has always been great sharing art with you guys.

Thank you.


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