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Liza Donnelly Cartoon Analysis 1

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This is a satirical comic by Liza Donnelly which raises a question of “To what extent should toys be gender-oriented?”. The comic is set in a park, with two 5-7 years old children sitting foregrounded in the sandbox. One is a boy playing with a truck, and the other is a girl playing with a bucket. In the background is a lady sitting on a bench reading a book. There are interactions between the two children as suggested by the line the boy says underneath the comic.

Through having the boy saying “I don’t see liking trucks as a boy thing. I see it as a liking-trucks thing.” in a matter of factly manner, Donnelly uses children as the medium to convey her call to action that toys, in particular, should not be subjected to gender stereotype. This is especially because children are like a blank canvas. As they begin to interact with society, they will be impacted by their environment, and thus reflect the values they are exposed to. The innocence and confusion expressed by both the girl and boy reveal the perhaps unconscious bias and expectations society may have regarding the social expectation of gender conduct.

It is ironic that the boy was the one who said the statement instead of the girl. The dialogue could be seen as a refute to why the girl isn’t or “can’t” play with trucks. Liza Donnelly has mentioned before that humour relies on the tradition, which in this case, is that girls can’t like trucks, because traditionally, males are the ones who work with trucks, not ladies. Donnelly is trying to challenge this perspective and raise a point about how women and girls can also the ones who limit themselves. Perhaps that is what the woman in the background is, the cornerstone and police who keeps these traditions in check.

Liza Donnelly’s art style of simple line drawings helps make these observational comics more relatable to the readers. By making the comic minimalistic, the message Donnely wants to convey is clear and succinct, thus easier to digest for the reader. This allows readers to identify improvements that they could make to their everyday lives to go against these big and complex issues of the distinct gender roles and identities we may be forcing our children upon.

EE Initial Meeting Reflection

Just yesterday, I had my formal initial EE meeting with my supervisor, Ms Bhavna, for geography.

Due to the current situation with the COVID-19, we discussed through Google Meet instead of face-to-face.

A screenshot of the meet

Prior to the formal meeting, I had a brief and short conversation with Ms Bhavna on the topics I was interested in and could do, which helped further narrow down the research question to be about Urban Heat Island (UHI) and green space.

To what extent are green spaces effective in reducing urban heat island effect on Singapore?

I found this topic to be the most interesting because I always find myself seeking cover under the shades of trees when out for a walk in the afternoon. I actually like going out. I never mind the heat itself as well as the humidity, the intensity of the sun can always be handled with a little bit of shade, but it is always the lack of wind that convince me to not get out of the comfort of my house. I remember learning about our school infrastructure, about how they have built it parallel to the wind direction to create a wind corridor. And now I’m just wondering: if these green spaces (land that is covered with vegetation whether it is partly or completely) actually obstruct the wind flow, thus contributing to the UHI effect.

Of course, I would have to research on the physics of how urban area buildings contribute to the effect by modifying the airflow or radiating heat down to the streets. But at the very least, I have found a topic.

Sharing notes and research that I’ve made prior to meeting
Ms Bhavna sharing a document of the requirements and tips for a geography EE

I found this meeting to be incredibly helpful in planning my EE. Not only did we think of an emergency plan which is also about UHI, but she shared additional resources that I could read on the topic as well as possible methods I could implement to collect data.

Ms Bhavna, if you are ever reading this, thank you so much for making the effort to help me! I’ll make sure to do my research well and keep you up to date with my progress!


Update – 19 April 2020

I have submitted my outline for UHI in ManageBac and have gotten feedback!


Thesis Attempt for World’s Wife #1

Brainstorm section

What Koko, Evelin and I came up with

Carol Ann Duffy’s collection of ‘The World’s Wife’ explores the timeless and universal issues of gender roles and social constructs, such as expectations of masculinity in man and motherhood through allusion to well known texts.

Some key terms we can consider for the thesis after discussions

How does CAS impact & enhance my wellness

It’s been almost 7 months since we have started CASing (that should be a word) and it comes to a time when tired and groggy students start wondering whether the program has affected us positively.

In my opinion, CAS does have its plus sides, after all, I managed to convince my parents to let me take on activities that I didn’t dare or never thought of taking like the Memory Project, Swimming with Hougang Care Center and Kahaani. And that has been very rewarding, making me feel like I am making at least a difference in peoples’ lives

In terms of physical wellness, I feel that CAS is pushing me. Whether it’s a little too much, I haven’t clarified that yet. I already do badminton throughout the year, 3 times a week in the current season. I used to do a quick 30 minutes run after school as a family activity. However with the IB program, and the additional activities I do now, I found it hard to motivate myself to do extra running.

From a mental standpoint, CAS initially made me feel like the activities I love has become a chore, with the need to reflect and all. However progressively, I find myself getting used to reflecting internally, so that really is something that is beneficial. (not the writing part though! That is still a pain)

Reflection on quick analysis of “Mrs Darwin”



1. Please read the poem Mrs. Darwin – it really won’t take too long – and then the contextual information on the attached slide.

2. Answer the question and put your comment in the comments section of this post (OLP).

Is the poem purely light-hearted and comic, or is there a more serious point being made


  • Playful comparison between one’s husband and a chimpanzee.
  • However, this is Duffy we are talking about:
  • Duffy is playing on the idea of Darwin’s achievement of evolution and comparing it to the paradigm shifts society is currently facing in light of the social expectations of women.
  • The playful comparison could be taken in two different ways. One is setting up the idea of the human evolution in Darwin’s head for a revolution in the field of biology, and the other is the starting of a revolution in the women’s movement.
  • The man legally owns his wife – lack of identity – thus no mention of her in research
  • Chimpanzee could be a reference to the conventional expectations one may have about women being tirelessly patient and self-sacrificing in the Victorian era.
  • Zoo is often seen as a cage for animals to live in – metaphorically can be seen as a cage to prevent change and evolution
  • Despite refer to her husband with Him, like a god, we see a tiny crack in the hold – comparison of a husband and a chimpanzee can be insulting. For a woman that is meant to comfort her man, unthinkable.
  • Marks the sparks for change brewing.


Ms Darwin is a poem which sparks laughter at first glance with the playful comparison of Darwin and a chimpanzee. But since this is Duffy we are talking about, this poem isn’t going to be that simple. Duffy is comparing the idea of Darwin’s thinking regarding human evolution with society’s paradigm shifts regarding the social expectation of women being tirelessly patient, self-sacrificing and a man’s property.

One of the ideas the poem seem to be drawing on is the lack of identity women of the Victorian era has, as referenced by the date stated. In that era, women’s status was seen to belong in the domestic sphere, with the stereotype chaining them to be required to love, honour and obey their husband in any circumstances. All properties or money that the women have earned is also legally the husband’s. Perhaps in writing and imagining of this recount Mrs Darwin has, Duffy is trying to challenge the lack of recognition the wife of Darwin deserve, not just possibly on the contribution of the idea of human evolution, but the sacrifices and burden women are expected to give to their husband.

Another idea the poem highlights is perhaps the start of a revolution in women’s rights. The comparison between Darwin and the chimpanzee could be an ironic insinuation to how ancient the thinking and expectations of women as men’s properties was. Zoos are often seen as a cage for animals to live in and lose their basic instinct as well as the chances to adapt and evolve. The capitalisation of the word Zoo is an emphasis on the metaphor of society expectations being a cage to prevent change and betterment to women’s rights. But we actually do see a tiny crack in the hold, as despite referring to her husband with Him, like a god, the comparison of a husband and a chimpanzee can be comedically insulting. And perhaps, a woman of that era, to refer her husband as a dirty animal, marks the beginning for change, as occurred later in the era.


Reflection on Thetis

Notes for essay and the essay itself


1. One thing you did well in your writing or thinking about the poem

I thought that my use of evidence was good, especially when I finally managed to use the correct terminology like end-stopped or asyndetic listing. 🙂

2. What you need to feed forward to your next essay practice – structure? Nailing your topic sentences? Creating a strong argument? Go back to my feedback.

I need to work more on my structure to make my points more clear. Writing a clear and concise topic sentence would be great too.

3. What’s challenging about writing an essay? What can you do to make it better in your next attempt?

I think that the hardest thing was really finding the right flow for the essay. I get the PEE structure, but at the same time, I don’t want to make it sound too structured that it sounds unnatural. But next time I’ll try to stick to that structure because maybe it sounds awkward to me because I haven’t refine the way I write well enough.

Reflection of 1st practice IO

Link to Notes and Recording

1. Timing

I personally think that I spent too little time on the body part of the oral. I think that this is because I had a progression of technique – idea rather than idea – technique. This caused me to be too narrow and thus spend very little time analysing.

2. Structure and progression (into conclusion)

I talked about the poem chronologically, as in line by line, talking about how the language used indicates the growth of the girl

3. Did you discuss context? Relation to the wider global issue or focus of your exploration?

I think I did not introduce the poem’s context well nor did I really discuss the wider global issues.

4. Ideas and technical aspects: did you get a balance between discussing the two?

I think I focused on the technical aspects too much, even though I didn’t really use the right terminology. (Ack!)

5. What will you ‘feedforward’ to your next practice?

Use of terminology

Do concept-technique, not technique-concept as narrows down what you could say

Don’t go line by line

Close analysis and contextualisation

Swimming with Hougang Care Center – 2

LO2 – Demonstrate that you have undertaken, developing new skills in the process
LO3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience



Since the October break, we have been meeting with our service partners every Tuesday after school, with each student pair alternating to lead the activities.

On November 16, it was Hamza’s and my turn to lead. We decided to split ourselves into leading 2 activities, me leading water aerobics on the first half and Hamza leading volleyball. We decided on those 2 activities because water aerobics can be started very quickly to build on the members’ initial excitement in the pool while volleyball in the past has always had a positive reaction to it.

To be honest, I was racking up my brain how to run water aerobics as previously when the other pairs attempted with this activity, it was a little messy. So this time, I made sure to organise a playlist of some familiar songs so that I wouldn’t be confused on the change in songs as well as some moves in my mind that are slow but challenging enough for them based on my experience with my grandparents. However, when the session started, there wasn’t enough time to sort out the music, thus I had to adapt to the music that was playing at that time.

It turned out to be great as everybody was, participating in the activity. It was a joy to see moving their body to the beat, the majority of them following me, which indicates that the moves were slow and easy enough for them to follow. The positive reaction to the water aerobics was carried forward into the volleyball session, allowing the whole session to be made used to the fullest.

I was especially happy to know from Robbie, our service’s teacher supervisor, that he has never seen Larry*, who is one of our service partners, participating in any activities organised for the past 5 years until today. For the whole session as well! Knowing that I am making a change for the better first hand really makes my heart swell with both pride and happiness.

Indoor sports with the members on a rainy Tuesday
Lucy and Arkie preparing snowflakes to be coloured in by the members while Hamza playing chinese checkers (?) with one of the members
Portraits exchange with some of the members. These 2 were drawn by them. By the way, I go by the name Ru for the ease of calling
Carrying in skills learnt from the Memory Project into service.

I sincerely respect how strong and lively the members are, and hearing that this is the part of the week they look forward too makes it really worth it to be here and engaging with them. I look forward to seeing them after the holidays and sharing about Chinese New Year soon.

* Faked name used in order to protect their identity and for the ease of writing.


L02, L03, L05

0WES – 2

LO3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
LO4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in you CAS experiences
LO5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
LO7 – Recognise and consider the ethics of your choices and actions


After the October break, I’ve decided to contribute more to 0WES’s mission by volunteering to help out in events outside of school hours. This is actually because I want to contribute as much as possible before I enter the hectic Season 3, which will be filled with lots of badminton and IB.

I also decided to sign myself up to work with the Grade 10s on the Blue Dragon event as this is a great opportunity to get to know. Because honestly, despite the one year difference between us, I feel that there is always a wide invisible gap in the middle of us. So this is really a great opportunity to bond with them and show them the ropes.

Something I was also happy to see that there is an obvious increase in awareness of our service as well as in people’s behaviour, especially when one of the students actually has a cup on his own readied when buying. This really showed how much our service has really grown.

Leasing cups for the smoothies sold before the Blue Dragon’s Imagine Dragon Carnival

Read our reflection on our portfolio! (Still yet to publish)

Washing up after the sales of the events

On Dec 8, our service helped out in our NGO partner, Buddha Tzu Chi’s, monthly Sunday Recycling.

I can’t help but feel extremely happy to see that may of the Grade 10s had come to help out despite being in the middle of their mock exam week. Honestly, please read this reflection that I have written because this basically summarises how I felt about the event.

Read our reflection on our portfolio! (Still yet to publish)

0WES members gathered for a briefing by one of Buddha Tzu Chi’s key volunteers
Clarifying with a member of 0WES on how to categorize the waste
Listening to the talk by Buddha Tzu Chi’s volunteer on the impact of human pollution, the key up to date news as well as how to reduce waste produced (the 5 Rs)

One thing that our team (notably Siya, Albert and I) are really working towards is the consistent update on 0WES portfolio. We did this by organising groups and time to reflect on the events they participated at the end of the month. The reflections you see linked in each brief reflection on the events, those were done during the sessions. Although this is quite an achievement to me (considering the past years), I think that we still need to work on writing reflections because when writing them, Siya, Albert and I still had to spend some time proofreading them as well as filling any holes. It was also a little hard for us to really motivate them to write without getting distracted.

I am looking forward to working more with the rest of the service members and for the Khatib fair (which you will be able to read more about in our service 0WES portfolio or during the April break!)

Kahaani – 1

LO2 – Demonstrate that you have undertaken, developing new skills in the process
LO5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively


I am not a stage person, nor someone who likes to be in the centre of attention. Since young, I have been shying away from stages as well as any key roles in fear of making a mistake due to the perfectionist in me. Though over the years, this attribute of mine became milder as I push myself to step out of my comfort zone by doing little things like being the one to break the silence in a class by at least responding something or volunteering myself to go first and make mistakes.

This time, as a fresh start in IB, I’ve decided to sign up for Kahaani.

Kahaani is an event arranged by the Kolkata GC as an annual awareness and fund-raising event. Recently some of the children from the NGO, Voice of World (which the GC supports), managed to conquer a mountain climbing expedition that is 19000ft high. This is even more amazing as the children the NGO supports are blind. To commemorate their resilience and strength, the theme of this year’s Kahaani show is Victory.

Apparently, there are a whopping 250+ dancers that signed up, which is really amazing and at the same time no surprise because of the fact that there is no auditioning needed (which is also the same reason why I was encouraged to join).

So far, despite the tight schedule as well as the many events being held on a Friday (Cancer Awareness day, the final day of term 1 etc.), I think that our Friday group has been doing pretty well. Yes, there were a couple of times we went a little off track, however, I personally think that the speed in which our group is grasping the dance is really amazing.

My favourite part would definitely be the circle dance in which all of us dance in one gigantic circle in sync, which not only looks cool but in the process developed a bond between each of us as we struggle to grasp the concept of it initially)

Above is a video of one of our practice of the song Jai Ho.

I am looking forward to how the event will work out to be as well as the satisfaction of conquering my shyness once again.

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