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Memory Project 2

LO1 – Identifying your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth
LO6 – Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance


Since the last post, I have completed 2 portraits. One for Zain, and another one for Yousaf.

In the first session of painting my very first portrait, I found my experience to be a mix of frustration and amusement. I expected myself to be able to capture Zain well in the first session, knowing my experience with acrylic, however, not only did I found it hard to blend, but also to capture the skin tone right. As I try to dab my colours onto the canvas, I found that I had to brush up (get it? brush) on my painting skills with acrylic as incidents such as diluting too much of the paint with water, mixing unevenly the colours etc.

So it was quite delightful to find that I still have lots of room for improvement in painting portraits, which replaced my goal of learning how to draw portraits. Though I guess it made sense because I put myself in the impression that if I was able to paint still lifes, then I should be paint portraits, even though they were two different things and I didn’t think the same way as for drawing.

Portrait of Zain after the first session

Though the frustrating part was when I still ended up with his skin on the brown shade rather than the orangey shade the reference photo had, despite pushing myself to paint over his entirety around 4 times throughout the whole process before I thought that I should cut short, wanting to meet Mr McGrath’s expectations of finishing 3 paintings by December.

Portrait of Zain after the 2nd session

Painting the shirt and the background was quite a learning as I have come to learn the existence of pretty useful paint tools that I have never seen. In my third session, I painted the shirt and a small part of the background. During this session, Mr McGrath noted that my colours were not only too similar but also too cold. So he introduced the existence of an acrylic gloss, which makes an acrylic become semi-translucent to add a coloured layer, basically watercolour. This helped save a lot of time as that meant that I didn’t need to repaint the entire shirt! (The good and bad of acrylic) Another tool that I learned of was a painter’s tape. The painter’s tape is basically like masking tape, and it’s used to block out sections so that there will be a clean paint line. Though similar to masking tape (which I have tried before and the results were not fabulous), the painter’s tape gives a medium level of adhesion, which will allow itself to be removed cleanly after the job is done up.

The completed portrait of Zain finished after 4 sessions

For the background, I was pretty satisfied with it when I finally finished the portrait. However, looking back, I wished that I had used a thin brush to possibly add some clothing texture to the background in order to relate it to the stitchwork Ralli, which means mixing and connected, in order to further build a better connections that crosses boundaries between him and I.

Finishing the first painting gave me a lot of confidence in my painting skills, seeing that I was ahead of others. However, with just 3 sessions left (2 for me since I had to miss a class due to piano exams, though I made it up by going afterschool), I was assigned an uncompleted drawing of Yousaf.

The uncompleted drawing I received of Yousaf

I immediately started working on the face. I had to paint this time with thicker coats of paints due to the dark pencil outline of the portrait. Though I tried to paint to match Yousaf’s skin tone, it ended up in a shade of brown again, Except it was worse this time, as it wasn’t similar to the photograph at all.

At that moment, I decided to step back and observe how my friend Shangyu paints her portrait. I realized that despite our extremely different painting styles, because she uses orange paint (name forgotten…) along with burnt sienna to create her realistic skin colour.

A skin tone that was much lighter and with an orange shade

After that breakthrough, I was more confident with the painting of the portrait as I move on to the painting of the shirt. Because I chose the shirt to be yellow in hopes that it will be in contrast with the blue background (Yousaf’s favourite colour), the paint is more translucent, which would mean I would need to paint multiple of layers in order to cover up the outline of the drawing below. In order to finish the portrait against the time, I decided to use more opaque colours when painting on the outline and blend it out further with the bright yellow.

For the background, I kept it blue, albeit with rough shades of blue as I used thick paint to mix them unevenly and colour it on to the canvas. I decided to have ocean motifs painted all over the background in hopes of making it more fun and bright.

Completed drawing of Yousaf

Badminton 2

LO1 – Identifying your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth
LO4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in you CAS experiences


Season 2 has started, which meant that I have an additional of 2 badminton sessions in a week, Tuesday and Thursday. Although initially, we had them at 18:00 – 19:30. However, due to a large number of students (~35) coming to pre-season training, the coach decided to hold morning training sessions for potential members for A team badminton in order to not only reduce the pressure on the space there was but also to provide more rigorous training to make sure that we are up to shape by Season 3.

I think that somehow, maybe because there are fewer people, I got a lot close to my potential teammates. Together, we lament about how early it is in the morning as well as exchange some skills (like Alysha is very good at saving smashes) and motivations.

A picture of the Grade 11s in the morning training. (Fr left to right: Maxine, Sara, Me, Alysha)

Sadly, I didn’t manage to follow up with my plans from my first post because I was exhausted with not only my activities like piano exams but also the incoming waves of IB like IAs, project week etc. Nevertheless, I somehow manage to get back to shape again, which may be thanks to the fact that I really always try to push myself each session.

Though I still need to improve my stamina, as proved when I lost against a player due to being tired out from a match before hers. That’s why I will be trying to fit some exercises into my schedule this “winter” break, especially since training is basically halted during holidays.

There is a tournament in the weekend before school starts, hosted by the coaching company our school employs, Alpha Academy, as well as our rival and friend, UWCSEA Dover campus. This will definitely be an exciting opportunity to see where I am against others and have a gauge of how much I need to improve on before the main season.

Project Week 1

LO6 – Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
LO7 – Recognise and consider the ethics of your choices and actions


All of us were excited when Project Week was finally formally introduced to us. However, needless to say, as it was the week before the October break, we let it slipped our mind. Fast forward to the 4th week after the holiday, after 3 weeks with not a single word about Project Week, which we were all of the sudden, without any realization, plunged into the fast-paced schedule of Project Week planning.

I was initially planning on going diving with friends while working together with a GC called Gili Eco Trust. However, due to my lack of interest in diving, the fact that I have never dived as well as the high cost of learning how to dive, I decided to leave the group in search of something else.

I approached my friends Izzy and Riya, who plans to go to where Izzy’s GC is, Chumkriel Language School, to teach them circus as well as to bike around Cambodia. Since I have had past experiences with the GC, I decided that it would be a good idea for me to join their group.

However, after I had joined their group and we submitted our proposal, the plans to teach the students there circus tricks had to be reconsidered, when Vasu, the key role to this idea, was pulled to join a group who is going to Blue Dragon as a following up of a recent collaboration between the school’s circus club and the GC. In return, we had 2 other members, Colin and Eric, joined us due to their interest in cycling.

An E-mail informing us of the addition of two new members

The reshuffling of roles as well the size of the group of 7 meant that I have changed roles from being the minutes’ taker to sharing the role of a first aider and action leader with Colin. I really needed time to get used to not taking over the current minutes’ taker’s role as I am just so used to doing it whether it is because I am the secretary of 0WES or that I always end up in that role during group projects. It is hilarious though whenever Riya or Izzy caught me taking minutes instead of Eric.

I also felt that despite the short time period of working together, I have learned quite a lot on how to manage my thinking and attitude. I tend to be the type of person who is a perfectionist, someone that likes to get things done early in order to provide a foundation to further build on if there is time to spare. So imagine my anxiety when I see that some of my peers weren’t using the time allocated for project week appropriately. I have a strong fear of being last minute. Along with the awareness of the tight schedule we had, I was extremely anxious. However, after talking to my mentor as well as friends I managed to understand and learn a lot about myself as well as how to interact.

I have learned that when working, although I may not personally like them, I have to at least set aside our differences in working and work with professionalism. Similarly, different people have different methods which suit them. If there are differences, then we should at least trust them that they will complete the task because after all, we all have a common goal that we want to work towards.

In addition, I really feel very fortunate to have Ms Yacou as our supervisor. Not only was she very objective, but she also got us on track again, as we lay out what we have done and what we still needed to do.

Asking Ms Yacou to be our project week supervisor

Although this has been a little too bumpy of a start to my liking, I think that this is a very good experience and I am looking forward to how we move onwards.


L03, L05, L06, L07

Reflection on 1st Guided Analysis practice

Last week, we had an opportunity to write a graded & guided analysis paper.

Notes I made prior to the assessment

Overall, I was kind of happy with what I managed to think up of like the visual links between the images and the purpose of the adverts, however, I do think that I need to improve in some areas.

My large goal for next time is to improve my time management and planning skills. I honestly felt I could have written more than 2 body paragraphs if I did not spend so much time planning, especially about how the copy reflects the underlying values and attitudes since I practically threw some ideas about it in the last paragraph to make sure that I include at least some observations.
One way that I could have done better is perhaps just writing down the main ideas in the plan instead of planning how I would write it down. Though that is normally easier said and done since I am normally very hesitant with my writing.

Common Writing Task: Vintage Print Advert Analysis

* This is a late post, thus there will most likely have only a few comments and images of my notes from class. Also, note that it may not be entirely detailed as this is from memory.

After the October break, we had some introductory lessons to Woman’s World by looking at adverts of the book’s set time period. We looked at ads of times ranging from the 1930s to 1960s when adverts reflect the dominant patriarchal values as well as the social expectation of women to be domestic ( in both ways )

I worked with Nurlan for the first time to analyse an advert produced in the 1930s. Nurlan and I focused primarily on two different things, Nurlan on how the image looked, while I looked at the copy of the ad, which included the word choices and the possible double meaning of the words.

Personally, I don’t think the presentation went very well. Nurlan and I planned on answering the questions/guidelines alternatingly, however, before we even finish the second guideline, we were not able to answer the questions Mrs Wallace was giving us. Well, it was more like we weren’t able to give the answer she was expecting.

Although I did feel a little sad that we weren’t able to meet up to her expectations, however, I did find it useful, as I am able to look at not only the expected interpretation of the text was, but also gain insight and understanding of the context that Woman’s World is set in.

Notes I took in the lesson during each group’s presentation

After that, for my common assessment, I combined both notes from my group work with Nurlan and the notes I took in class. I have to say that I am pretty happy with how I have done. I think that next time, I could maybe make a more detailed analysis of the characterisation of the couple (after looking back from our first graded assessment)

PSE: Optimism

Today please read this article and do some further research into the benefits of optimism. Write a portfolio reflection at this stage about your level of optimism and what you hope to work on in order to improve your level.

For our second unit of PSE, we looked at optimism as well as the benefits of it.
Optimism is the hopefulness and confidence about the future and yourself. It is when hardships are seen as learning opportunities and when the most miserable day still holds the promise that tomorrow will be better.

I think my level of optimism overall tends to be normal, in which I strongly believe that bad things will come to an end (temporary), that I believe that it’s not the end of the world, but I do most of the time think that they are within my control and that I could have prevented it/reduced how bad it was.

So if I was to say one thing I could work on, it would be to not feel all that responsible for all the bad things that happen. Though I do find it funny since I believe in karma.

Though I do agree that optimism is important, I don’t think that being pessimistic or being a realist is that bad to the extent that some companies have to go out of their way to hire optimists.

I think that what is being missed out here is that although optimists are more prefered because they get things done while having high hopes, pessimist can get things done too! There needs to be a distinction between being pessimistic and being negative.

There is a difference between pessimists and people who think negatively overall – in which it is the way they cope. Pessimists can use their negative expectations to motivate themselves to take active steps to be more prepared and more in control of the outcomes, while people who think negatively tend to use avoidance to cope with anticipated problems.

So I think that everything should be balanced. I also think that a quiz about optimism and stuff like that is flawed. People can easily choose and say what they think suits the taste (optimistic) but when it comes down to action, it’s hard. Also, I feel like we have only been learning about optimism through the encountering of hardships, what would an optimist be like then in everyday life?



The Danger of a Single Story (and Sketch-noting…)

Today in English class, we listened to Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie’s talk about the Danger of a Single Story, which is ultimately about how only learning one representation of a culture/group of people/community can influence people’s perspective and view on the group.

We then attempt to learn how to sketch-note, which is a visual+word way of taking notes. Personally, I don’t use it a lot because I feel like it is only used to make notes look attractive (look it up in Google and perhaps you will see what I mean) and it takes a lot of effort into doing it like planning out the layout (at least for me), needing to carry around a bunch of colour markers and pen to make it look pretty etc.

But it’s worth giving a shot.

However, apparently we ain’t quite doing it the right way? (According to Ms Wallace) (Is there even a right way?)

So perhaps stay tuned for more sketch-noting…(But do give some doubt on whether I will actually use it)


EDIT on 10 Oct 2019

We redid our brainstorm on Adichie’s talk on the Danger of a Single Story

This time, we made sure to share each other’s quotes and build from there. I think that we also came to an understanding that just because it’s sketch-noting, doesn’t mean we have to minimize the number of words we use. We should let it just flow. Sketch-noting is about making it a little messy to show how things connected and can be as simple as drawing arrows and highlight words.


By the way, here’s the video that we watched. I really liked how smooth her narration and thoughts were.

0 Waste Event Supporter – 1

LO3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
LO4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in you CAS experiences
LO5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
LO7 – Recognise and consider the ethics of your choices and actions


Once again, I signed up for another year of 0WES, but this time, I have a goal – to be the chairman of the service.

Since Grade 9, I have been in the service (though initially unwilling as I was assigned there due to no allocations), but I just really love the fact that I can make a change first hand in events by providing washable crockeries. The interaction with the community was incredibly satisfying as well, as we work together with Buddha Tzu Chi in events like Sunday recycling and Pasir Ris day.

What I wrote when I was applying for 0WES leadership position

The application process for the leadership positions included having to give a speech (which was notified last minute…) as well as have an interview.

For the speech part, to tell the truth, I was pretty anxious as well as in awed when I listened to the other candidates as they were incredibly good speakers. Their confidence and passion towards the service really shown through their voice, and they had talked about many other things as well such as their experiences outside the service, their abilities to lead the service etc.

Personally, I felt that I wouldn’t get the position as they were all going for it, applying for both chair and vice-chair of the service. That kind of made me sad as I can see my weak points, however, I was happy at the same time to see so many people applying and wanting to make a change in the service, as well as that it was good for the service if there is someone capable than me to lead the service despite my feeling of hope.

For the interview, when asked about what my plan is for the service, I replied that I would like to continue refining and improving our efficiency in the service as well as develop the portfolio. But when asked again, repeatedly, I started to understand that I am most likely not going to be the chairman. I think that it is because other than supporting zero waste events, the service does not really address anything else, thus they are expecting the future chair to have some ideas of initiatives that the service can take on. I realised that what I currently am is not what they are looking for in a leader, which I felt make sense after attending a leadership workshop. A leader is meant to inspire and engage people, what I am particularly focused on is the management aspect of leadership, not the actual leading part. (Though I feel that a leader doesn’t necessarily need to have ideas of his/her own.)

So overall, although I did sign up with the hope of becoming the chair of this service, I am not confident that I will get the position, which I understand since there are many great candidates applying for it too. Regardless of the results, I will continue to do my best in 0WES and support the team.


Edit on 11 Oct 2019:

The results are out!

I’m not surprised that I ended up being the secretary of the service once again, as I have mentioned before, I don’t think that I currently have the right skill sets to lead as I tend to focus on the management side of leadership.  In fact, I am really happy that Siya got chairman not only because I trust her due to our friendship from badminton, but also because I know that she is an incredibly hardworking and inspiring girl who will definitely strive for the better of the service. I am very glad that I will be working together with her in the service

However, what came as a surprise was that in Season 3, due to Siya needing to be away on study leave due to Grade 10 IGCSE, I will need to be the acting chair of the service during that time period. This is because Albert, the vice chair, have shown no interest in being chair and I have been in the service for a long time, thus would be suitable to be the acting chair. I am incredibly grateful that the teachers have given me a chance to not only learn from Siya during the first 2 seasons, but also to show and improve my leadership skills in season 3 and 4.

I am looking forward to working with Siya and Albert, as well as the rest of the leadership team (that has not been decided as of now) to continue the good work of the service and further better it.

Badminton – 1

LO1 – Identifying your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth
LO4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in you CAS experiences


Recording for reflection


Notes for convenience

Season 1 – signed up for Sunday competitive training with East Badminton Club

Background with badminton
– Started in Grade 6, start formally training in Grade 7
– In SEASAC A team as singles last year

Took a break from badminton for 1 month
– Drastically impacted performance
– Season 1 only started 4 weeks into school, which means 4 weeks of no training since I train with the school club
– Yet to adjust to balancing IB life and others, thus lack exercising

After training
– Tired and demotivated
– A 5 minutes video of my 11 point match with Coach Alvin
– Typical game length 10 minutes,
– Laughing at ambitious goals from end of IGCSE (and actually start of IB?!)

So what is my plan?
– Gradually increasing training days
– Fitness
– Planks (normal and side-on) – currently 45 seconds, increase 5 seconds every week
– Calf lift 50 times each leg, every other day
– Tricep dips 30 times, to increase elevation

My plan on training days for badminton
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