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INKtober 2K18 – Prompt 18 – Bottle


This was based on a photo I have as my desktop screen cover

Originally I was planning on drawing a girl in a bottle to represent bottling up of feelings but I thought that I haven’t been doing much still-life drawings so this is the result!

It is incomplete as you can probably tell so maybe check-in to this post again some time in the future.

INKtober 2K18 – Prompt 16 – Angular


This is one of my most unsatisfactory pieces for INKtober.

From this drawing, I’ve learned that I really need to learn how to recognise and draw the planes of the faces – something that can be learned through rigorous observation practices or anatomy books.

It also shows the importance of references as drawing from imaginations does not allow accurate proportioning nor lighting on the object/person.

It was good to reminisce on Phineas and Ferb again though. 😛

INKtober 2K18 – Prompt 15 – Weak

Get ready for the 6 drawings that I will be uploading!

Remember when I said I really really like the duo in Prompt 13?

Well, here they are! (Just in a tragic state though)

From my imaginations running wild, I envisioned and really love the knight and village girl dynamic!

I even actually thought of making a series of drawings about them after this challenge!

This is definitely one of my favourites so far!

INKtober 2K18 – Prompt 14 – Clock


Really not satisfied with this drawing, but it couldn’t be helped since I was running out of time on that day.

I decided to do a redo on the prompt, with my take being a clock repairer.

The drawing could use more gears as the background but for now, I’ll stop


Look forward to tomorrow’s massive upload!

INKtober 2K18 – Prompt 13 –Guarded


This is one of my favorite drawing for this month so far!

I had so much fun designing the outfit for the knight. It was tough as I had to consider the function and aesthetic of it at the same time, and references I was looking at were leaning too much on one side.

If you haven’t noticed it yet, there’s a little girl hiding behind the knight. Just pointing it out to you since none of my family members could. 😛

Of course, you haven’t seen the last of these two, look forward to them tomorrow!

INKtober 2K18 – Prompt 12 – Whale


I couldn’t think of any other interpretation of the prompt ‘whale’, so I decided to go with an actual one.

I am really pleased with how it turned out, especially when playing around with the colour blue.

Sometimes, the dictionary in MacBooks is really useful, since I was able to get a reference photo from there. 😛

INKtober 2K18 – Prompt 10 – Flowing


I thought I could go for a “Flowing with [feeling]” interpretation of this prompt.

I decided to play around with some colours since I brought a couple of colour pen with me.

One thing I am really not satisfied is how the feeling of love is not obvious.

I think it’s because of the lips, but it may also be because of the seemingly broad shoulder.

Hm… I don’t know.

I can’t change it anyway, and that’s good because that’s the purpose of INKtober.

You improve by making and accepting mistakes

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