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Category: Outside Experience

Not everything can be learned in school, you know

Project Week 1

LO6 – Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
LO7 – Recognise and consider the ethics of your choices and actions


All of us were excited when Project Week was finally formally introduced to us. However, needless to say, as it was the week before the October break, we let it slipped our mind. Fast forward to the 4th week after the holiday, after 3 weeks with not a single word about Project Week, which we were all of the sudden, without any realization, plunged into the fast-paced schedule of Project Week planning.

I was initially planning on going diving with friends while working together with a GC called Gili Eco Trust. However, due to my lack of interest in diving, the fact that I have never dived as well as the high cost of learning how to dive, I decided to leave the group in search of something else.

I approached my friends Izzy and Riya, who plans to go to where Izzy’s GC is, Chumkriel Language School, to teach them circus as well as to bike around Cambodia. Since I have had past experiences with the GC, I decided that it would be a good idea for me to join their group.

However, after I had joined their group and we submitted our proposal, the plans to teach the students there circus tricks had to be reconsidered, when Vasu, the key role to this idea, was pulled to join a group who is going to Blue Dragon as a following up of a recent collaboration between the school’s circus club and the GC. In return, we had 2 other members, Colin and Eric, joined us due to their interest in cycling.

An E-mail informing us of the addition of two new members

The reshuffling of roles as well the size of the group of 7 meant that I have changed roles from being the minutes’ taker to sharing the role of a first aider and action leader with Colin. I really needed time to get used to not taking over the current minutes’ taker’s role as I am just so used to doing it whether it is because I am the secretary of 0WES or that I always end up in that role during group projects. It is hilarious though whenever Riya or Izzy caught me taking minutes instead of Eric.

I also felt that despite the short time period of working together, I have learned quite a lot on how to manage my thinking and attitude. I tend to be the type of person who is a perfectionist, someone that likes to get things done early in order to provide a foundation to further build on if there is time to spare. So imagine my anxiety when I see that some of my peers weren’t using the time allocated for project week appropriately. I have a strong fear of being last minute. Along with the awareness of the tight schedule we had, I was extremely anxious. However, after talking to my mentor as well as friends I managed to understand and learn a lot about myself as well as how to interact.

I have learned that when working, although I may not personally like them, I have to at least set aside our differences in working and work with professionalism. Similarly, different people have different methods which suit them. If there are differences, then we should at least trust them that they will complete the task because after all, we all have a common goal that we want to work towards.

In addition, I really feel very fortunate to have Ms Yacou as our supervisor. Not only was she very objective, but she also got us on track again, as we lay out what we have done and what we still needed to do.

Asking Ms Yacou to be our project week supervisor

Although this has been a little too bumpy of a start to my liking, I think that this is a very good experience and I am looking forward to how we move onwards.


L03, L05, L06, L07

Wrap Up for IGCSE and Plans for IB

These past two years of IGCSE has been the best 2 years of my life so far, with many learnings, friends and memories made.

As we look ahead to our upcoming two years in IB, it would be great to have some sort of ideas as well as goals to guide our way through the rigorous course. (rigorous because that’s the collective thoughts I have heard from my seniors)

Academic Goals:

  • Like any student, to do well and score as high as possible in my academics! Though I have not really decided what I want to study…
  • I really hope that I will be able to get along with my new classmates as I almost share none of my classes with my friends! I see a few people that I have the chance to get along (more like stick/cling to them! (n >.< n))

Service Goals – (0WES):

  • I am aiming to be the chairman of the service because I want to really start focusing on 0WES image.
    • During my summer internship at Dentsu, I managed to read about the creative materials regarding posters, hero stories (90-sec vid with narration) and micro-stories (no narration and fast cut style). I believe that we should focus on promoting 0WES to not only those who use the crockeries but also to students to persuade them to join
      • I hope that it would look professional and clear. Perhaps there could be a team on this, where every 2 sessions they could update us on the progress
      • A document with notes I took about branding and some guidelines
    • I have also noticed that the 0WES portfolio doesn’t have a lot of reflection content and has not updated since December, thus neglecting some of 0WES biggest events like the Pasir Ris Fair and the Family Festival. What I would like to do for next year is to have discussions on we can consistently keep the portfolio updated as well as implement a dedicated team

Activity Goals – (Badminton):

  • To improve my lobs so that I can lob from backhand to backhand by training my arms
  • I also plan to run every day (see Fitness goals) to build-up stamina and speed.
  • To play first singles! That means I have to work much harder than Vamakshi and potential single players!
  • To maintain the same culture as last year, which is a team that supports each other by cheering for each other during matches and gets along well

Activity Goals – (Fitness):

  • To run every day if possible!
    • 5km at speed of 10+km/hr in the gym or…
    • 15 rounds of running at a constant pace around the pool (~6.5km)
    • Participate in the weekly family running activity (within my household) at Bedok Reservoir every Saturday morning (~4.3km)
  • After a run, at least do 3 sets of: 40 tricep weight lifting, 25 rowing, 20 sets of lifting above shoulder

Activity Goals – (Drawing/Craft):

  • To have a mini art project completed every 2 months
    • Hopefully, create something useful as maybe a birthday gift

Activity Goals – (Piano):

  • To score/pass my piano exam in November!
  • Also to start learning some Disney songs like “Colours of the Wind” and some anime songs like perhaps “This Game” in No Game No Life 🙂

Job Hunting Experience at Bedok Mall

It’s been a while since my internship with Dentsu and I am starting to crave for some more work.

Yes, it has been great relaxing at home and having time to laze around but I still have a month of holidays to go before school starts.

So I decided to take the initiative and look for some temporary work!

At first, I did some search on the internet for temporary jobs. However, there weren’t any jobs that are 1 month or less.

So I decided to go to a mall to apply for one!

And my, it was so nerve-wracking! Like I honestly, I can’t find the words to describe the feeling.

My heart was pounding very hard.

My mind keeps thinking about how it’s impossible for me

My eyes waver at the thought that I might be imposing on them.

I first went to FairPrice to see if there were any promoter jobs I could do. That’s because when mom narrates to me about her past, she would always have the fact that she went to work as a promoter in a supermarket to earn some pocket money. Paying her for each box of ice cream she managed to sell.

I approached the customer service counter and asked whether they had an opening for a temporary job for a student as I was on holiday. She handed me this form and asked me to fill it. Not much I can say about it, except the fact that I feel self-conscious filling up the form right at the counter while there are other customers.

After handing the form back to her, I walked around the mall to look for recruitment signs.

There were a lot of shops surprisingly that had recruitment posters put out, though most of them required you to call to their headquarters to the human resource team.

Later, I went to BreadTalk and Hong Kee to ask for any part-time jobs.

BreadTalk has shown interest in having me as a promoter, though my father accidentally told them that I have a two month holiday (it’s had) while Hong Kee showed concern about me as a 16 years old girl working in a dangerous working place as it involves hot water and is in a kitchen.

I feel like I really learned a lot from this experience, as I had to puff up my chest and confidently present myself to the managers. I also got a feel of how it is like filling up a recruitment form.


UPDATE on 22 Jul 2019 Monday:

I have not received any calls as of today, so I guess Bread

UPDATE on 27 Jul 2019 Saturday:

Yeaaaahhhh, I don’t think I’m gonna ever get a call.

Even if they did, I don’t think I will be going for them as I will be away for the rest of August.

Tee Hee!

UPDATE on 31 Jul 2019 Wednesday:

They actually called! But I told her that I have other things planned as I’m will be starting school soon.

It was quite an experience though!

Dentsu Day 5 – Summer Internship 2019


Now to rewrite it again…

Can you believe it? It’s already the last day of the internship at Dentsu!

  • This morning, despite feeling pretty confident with the route (even though it has really only been a mere 5 days), I missed the stop while riding the bus towards Eunos MRT station. Although this can be blamed at my absent-mindedness, I have a hunch that it is also because it really hit me hard that today’s the last day at Dentsu.
  • After coming in early again, I begin revising my Day 4 post as well as read more about data engineering and scientist to prepare some questions that I can ask
    • To data scientist – Analyses raw data into insights
      • How often do you analyse data during a campaign?
      • Can you describe your day-to-day responsibilities?
    • To data engineer – transform data into a useful format for data scientists to analyse
      • How often do you gather analytic logs?
      • What type of data do you gather in Dentsu?
      • Can you walk us through how a pipeline works and the process of creating one?
  • While researching, Rimi came over to let me know that there will be a pizza lunch for the Gyro team (as 2 people are leaving aside from me). Sadly, since it clashes with the lunch with the GDIC data experts, I couldn’t make it. So I am a little down from the fact that I couldn’t have lunch with the team. (Though Rimi said that she’ll leave some pizza for me)
  • Today, Geraldson gave Shi Yi and I a new campaign to start trafficking!
On the large monitor, there’s the E-mail that Geraldson sent to Shi Yi. I didn’t receive it because the school’s e-mail was too long. LOL
    • So first, we had to generate the tag for each ad so that we can later through various platforms like LinkedIn Campaign Manager track which channels were the most effective as well as how many … (impressions, clicks etc.) using the UTM tool that I was talking about on Day 1.
      • So the structure is basically
        • URL – utm_source – utm_medium – utm_content – utm_campaign – Output URL
        • So here’s an example that I just grabbed off the Straits Time
          • So basically from the link (which is tagged), we know that the user came from the Straits Times Home page that contains a display image of the ad that is about GFC (Great Family Care) from the campaign Great Eastern Life Great Family Care 2019 (I am guessing this part using context from the post)
    • Then after getting the new URL, we inputted it into a trafficking spreadsheet under the name Target URL, which is then to be sent to the trafficking team.
      • Here’s what it kind of looks like:
        • Campaign – Publisher – Geo – Site Name – Placement Name – Language – Creative Size – Creative Format – File Size – Looping Required – Max Looping – Clicktag – Start Date – End Date – Target URL
  • At 12 pm, we (the 5 interns from UWCSEA East) had lunch with the data engineer and data scientist from GDIC
    • Overall, it was more like a casual conversation aside from the moments when they were explaining their roles (Which I, truth to be told, didn’t really understand. Like their role in Dentsu and stuff like that)
The E-mail Shi Yi sent me
  • After that, I receive some work from Shi Yi! (YAY!)
    • So basically, I was to compare two reports from the two phases of a campaign, where I would note down my observations about the differences between the two data.
    • It was interesting to see the different results the same campaign can produce. Though sometimes I feel like I am thinking too much to spot a difference.
  • At 5 pm, I said goodbye to the media team and Justin, of course after taking a picture with them. I really can’t thank them enough for having me with them. (Like babysitting me… LOL)
A final picture of the office.
  • I headed down to the reception room, exactly where I first entered on the first day at Dentsu to return the pass that we were given. Though the card itself was returned, we were allowed to keep to tag as a memento.

I photoshopped Haruki’s head into it since he was away at the Innovfest Unbound conference

Today is a learning for me, emotionally, as I go through a short journey of acceptance: resistance, resignation, acceptance, embracing.

Although I am sad that the internship is over, and that I probably won’t have the chance to work with the media team, I have to say: Thank you, Shi Yi, Rimi, Geraldson (and Justin!), for making my first internship so amazing and wonderful.

May we cross path again.

Fr left to right: Geraldson, Rimi, Xuan Ru (ME!), Shi Yi.                                                                          Once again, if any of you are reading this post, thank you.

Dentsu Day 4 – Summer Internship 2019

Can you believe? It’s already Day 4 – one more day until my internship ends. Time flies too fast!

I think I’ll just put that train of thought off for tonight and start reflecting on today instead!

* As I am running out of time, I just put in notes. Promise I’ll come back to sort it out

  • Today, I woke up an hour early to attend the 8 am meeting Geraldson and Shi Yi is having with their client and partners in order to update
A picture of the morning sunrise while waiting for the bus at 7 am
    • 10 participants (including us)
    • Overall conversation – shows how all interconnected as have to rely on each other to proceed
    • Structure
      • Each campaign goes by lines
        • Line #, Demand/Campaign name, Tactic, Target location, status, deadline, notes, next steps
          • e.g Line 6, Q1 ASEAN, Content syndication, ASEAN, ASAP, Pending integrate campaign ID and  asset from [client/partner], [Gryo] to share mock PPT
Gerald talks to the client and partners about their status while Shi Yi taking notes on their team’s next step. Rimi came in to listen to the call for a while before going to her own
Uses two laptops: one to share screen and one to scroll through the Excel The microphone is a separate device that is touch screen and looks really cool
Shi Yi and Geraldson looking at the excel where the client or partner has shared their screen with them
  • Various tactics for media: content syndication (single touch), content syndication (multi-touch), LinkedIn, Display, eDM (Electronic Direct Mail)
  • Audio segments


One of the logistics to be discussed

Importance of calling to make sure all parties are in equal footing and understanding as each other


问候 – Not all serious discussions, small talks

Confusion of different named campaigns – Importance of organization and naming of documents.

  • After end call, consolidates notes from meeting
  • After that, Rimi sent an E-mail

    • I fumbled! Accidentally sent the unedited one so have to send her another copy.

    • Also thought of how my language has been improving since I look at Shi Yi’s E-mail often, especially when she is replying
      • Everyday has a starting that can be used
        • Monday: Hope you had a great weekend!
        • Tuesday: [nothing special, just a hi]
        • Wednesday: Happy mid-week!
        • Thursday: Hope your week has been good so far
        • Friday: Happy Friday
  • Reading programmatic creative
  • Lunch at MBS
  • WIFIless shows how important the Internet has become in our lives
  • 3:30 pm call
    • Same structure – campaign, tactic, status, next step
  • Continue reading: more on the process of an ad from client briefing to writing end report in more details.
  • Hope tomorrow get a group photo to remember my first internship
  • Tomorrow lunch have a meeting with data scientist and engineers
    • Read more about them and prep questions!
      • To data scientist
        • How often do you analyse data during a campaign?
      • To data engineer
        • What do you do if the company is new to digital marketing and is unsure of how to optimize their publicity
        • Data engineers come in — they build pipelines that transform that data into formats that data scientists can use
          • transforms data into a useful format for analysis
      • To both
        • Can a data engineer become a data scientist? What about a vice versa?

It’s just so hard to keep up a blog that sometimes it can feel very bothersome. Now is one of the times. Sorry. I’ll get back to it when I am in the mood…

Dentsu Day 3 – Summer Internship 2019

Day 3 – We are actually at the halfway point of the internship week at Dentsu. Time flies so fast! (But technically it has only been 2 days, so it is relatively fast instead)

I’m writing this introduction in the morning before my supervisors actually come in so let’s make the day a good one!

  • I don’t think I’ll be needing to talk about my journey to Dentsu, though I am proud to say that I had a smooth journey to work without missing a single stop.
    • I actually arrive slightly later at the MRT, so maybe that’s why the train was so much more crowded.
  • Today, I manage to meet Geraldson, the third and last member of the media team
    • My first impression of Geraldson is that he is the serious type in work since he didn’t talk much to me except telling me his name (one-word convo… LOL)
      • But I guess it’s because he is busy since he has to catch up from his break
  • Shi Yi gave me some materials to read in order to gain understanding about the terms and concepts in media. Here’s some of my learning:
    • When setting up a campaign in LinkedIn Campaign Manager
      • Targets audience using Countries, Seniority (in company/business) and Job function (accounting, technology etc.)
      • Listing the purpose of optimizing campaign (e.g Maximising number of visits to their website)
      • Bid type (CPC, CPM etc.), budget, then the amount you bid
    • What Content Syndication is: When digital content is re-published by a third-party website. It’s a barter, as it is a win-win party for both parties. The third-party website gets free, relevant content to fill up its page, while the content creator gets free exposure and publicity as the ad is backlinked to their own website, boosting their organic traffic.
    • I also stumbled across some information and presentations regarding programmatic and creative.
      • Though it seems confidential (the creative one explicitly stated) so I have to take down the condensed handwritten notes
    • After reading them, I think that it’s amazing that everything in different “categories” is all interconnected as if there isn’t any need to segregate them!
A snapshot from one of the presentations I was reading. This slide explains what native ads are and can look like on a website
  • For lunchtime, I went out with Shi Yi and Justin to eat at Amok Street hawker centre again. Today’s talk is more casual talk, a change from the usual (the two-day streak) advice talk… I wonder if it’s because I told them that I felt they were quite philosophical yesterday…
    To be honest, I thought the media team would be having lunch together since Rimi had mentioned it. So when we went out, I was feeling a little down, but don’t worry! Because later on in the day, we had one *wink*

    • They also introduce me to a Japanese supermarket called Don Don Donki, which sells basically only Japanese stuff. The food there looks so appetizing! I really want to try out the grilled hotate (scallop)!
Look at this beautiful meat!!! Available in Don Don Donki!
  • After lunch, I (finally) worked up the courage (because I, truthfully, don’t know Rimi that well yet) to ask for some work – which she did gave me! (I swear I literally squealed in happiness when I got one)
    • I know that the reading of the materials is important to consolidate my learning and understanding, however, I have been itching to do some “work”!
      • So basically, I first convert the PDF files to PPT to gain access to the picture
      • I then copy the screenshots from the new PPTs to the actual one
      • I highlight where the ad using a yellow box and added in the headline of the ad in the format of the PPT.
One of the slides I have edited, showing the headline that I have copied and the ad highlighted with a yellow box
  • After that, I continued reading more about brand look using one of the files (it’s the confidential one)
    • As I was reading it, I started planning and considering how I would be able to use this knowledge about Micro Stories, Hero Stories as well as poster layouts to promote the service that I plan on joining and compete for chairman position, 0-WES (Zero Waste Event Supporters)
      • I’ll write another post about my plans for IB, which will include this idea
      • For the notes, please view here (not inputted yet)
  • I’m so happy! While I was taking notes from the creative file, Rimi approached me and offer me some work to do! Might sound really silly but I was actually so ecstatic to have some work to do! (You know since I have been reading… Quite a lot…)
    • So basically, I had to use my “expertise in Excel” (as Rimi put it since Shi Yi is my supervisor and she’s the legendary user of Excel) to just mark up the price of the media cost in a proposal.
      • No pictures of the pictures and slides since it is not live yet and is still at the starting stage
The E-mail interaction between Rimi and I. I’m so elated that I did a good job and contributed to the team in some way! And the compliment at the end! My heart was melted by the sparks of excitement and glee from it. (No exaggerations here)
  • Then, we finally went for a team break to Starbucks! Again, so happy! Even Geraldson said so when I thanked him for holding the door 😛
    • While talking, I feel like we have gotten closer somehow! Isn’t that strange yet funny? I was blissed out when they said welcome to the team because I really felt like I am actually part of it!  This feeling of euphoria (?) is just too complicated to describe it!
    • My impression of Rimi and Geraldson changed to them being so cool! Admiration overflowing!!!
      • I swear I am just too happy and high from doing some work (which is learning!) and getting along with the team
    • It has also been confirmed that I am allowed to join the 8 am call tomorrow! So exciting! I really can’t wait to see how a meeting actually goes!
    • Geraldson also said that he might introduce me to media trafficking (which is a spreadsheet that I saw from Shi Yi’s computer, that is easily over 400+ rows)
      • Rimi said that tomorrow there will be more “work” for me to do too so I am absolutely hyped for tomorrow! (Look at what 3 hours of reading does to you… LOL)
  • After that and finishing up my notes, I observe Geraldson and Shi Yi as they prep for the tomorrow morning’s meeting.
    • One of my favourite lines: “So this meeting will take about an hour. 55 minutes of this *gestures to the 10* campaigns and their details*, 2 minutes of this *points to that one row of branding* and 3 minutes of hellos”
Shi Yi and Gerald going through Excel in preparations for tomorrow’s meeting
  • At 5:30 pm, I left the office

Today has definitely been one full of joys and smiles. (So much that I can’t stop beaming while writing this post despite my cheeks are actually feeling so sore from all that smiling!) I am really so happy that I got to know about more about Rimi and Geraldson and am absolutely excited for tomorrow! I wonder if I can actually sleep tonight…

Dentsu Day 2 – Summer Internship 2019

It’s the second day of “working” in Dentsu!

I got the opportunity to do some work, though some I consider confidential so not much pictures from me today!

Not much to say for the introduction so let’s just get straight to it!

  • Today, I took Bus 15 to Eunos station instead, however, I accidentally missed a stop because I was unfamiliar with the place. So I had to spend extra time walking to the station, though I still came early.
  • As I have arrived early, I decided to start learning how to use Excel by going through the tutorial, learning the formulas and tips Excel has to offer (they are basically cheat-codes!)
Learning how to use Excel
  • I also met Rimi, who is the head of the media team! (while I was trying to learn Excel…)
    • My impression is that she is a lively and caring lady, so I am really looking forward to working with her
    • Though as she had to finish up her work due to being away, I wasn’t able to really interact with her today except for the end.
    • Though this also meant that I got to work with Shi Yi again! (I really felt comfortable and happy with her, she’s just so cool!)
  • As I brought my laptop along this time, I am finally able to take part in Shi Yi’s work!
    • So first, I helped complete an investor report (which is a summary of a campaign) on Excel using my newly learned skill like summing, copying format and more!
    • The data was extracted from one of the sites they use: LinkedIn Campaign Manager, which keeps track of data using tags
      • This includes the usual: Impressions, Clicks, CTR, Amount Spent
      • There’s actually another sheet in the document, which shows the workings and recording of each.
      • The summary page displays the total, the breakdown of data by countries as well as by creatives (which are the content of the ads)

    • Although I did not sign a confidentiality agreement form, an investor report is generally only shared with the client, thus I decided to only show the overall image of it, blurring out any figures using photoshop.
  • I was then introduced to one of Dentsu’s work – which is JLL’s Stories of Ambitions campaign
    • This is about 6 young climbers of different backgrounds sponsored by JLL to train under Great Britain climbing coach Ian Dunn in Japan
    • I personally find it incredibly inspiring about the challenges they face and their determination to make it to the Olympics, as Sport Climbing has been confirmed to be a new Olympic sport for 2020
      • My personal favourite is Yau Ka-Chun’s, Karin Kojima’s, and Mark Chan’s story
    • I also realized the technology they have introduced and implement was something I saw in Isolab during yesterday’s tour, where they have actually developed and built the cutting-edge wearable technology used in the campaign. That’s so amazing!
A segment of the E-mail Shi Yi forwarded to me about the campaign. This segment highlights the achievement and hard work Dentsu has put in!
  • After that, I caught up with one of my peer and friend, Haruki, where he introduced me to a hawker centre called Amok Street. It was so packed and almost every stall has a long queue! So this is truly what it’s like to eat in a hawker centre at the CBD…
  • Coming back from break, Shi Yi walked me through how to (not quite) publish an ad in LinkedIn via LinkedIn Campaign Manager
    • So basically, the content (text like headline and description, media like images or videos, link lead which is where the user will be lead to after clicking the media) has already been provided by the client and the creative team
    • However, it is the media team’s job to fill in the details like CPC (Cost per Clicks – How much to charge the company (Dentsu and later on the client) for each click
    • After putting in the information, it has to go through a final check with the client before publishing to make sure that all the details are correct by sending a preview of it.
  • I also “helped” organise and transfer (copy) some files from one folder to another in another platform Sharepoint, a  collaborative platform that integrates with Microsoft Office.
  • While explaining to me about what she was doing (one of the random times when I just look at her screen and ask), she mentioned having a meeting with the clients every week on Thursday. I immediately jumped onto the opportunity to participate in one, even if it was just listening for me.
    • She gave me an okay (technically she said that Geraldson and her probably wouldn’t mind)
    • The meeting would actually be at 8 am since their client is in San Francisco, US (where it’s 5 pm over there), so I would be needing to wake up and prepare earlier.
      • I have talked to my parents about it and they were cool with it (“You are getting up on your own. Kaki gao thim* [which is “Deal with it yourself/Do it yourself” in Hokkien)
    • There is also another meeting at 3:30 pm with another client in Hong Kong, which she also gave an okay for me to join!
  • Shi Yi allowed me to help out by having me calculate the difference between 2 phases of a campaign in Excel
A snapshot of the E-mail Shi Yi sent to me regarding the FoW comparison report, which I blocked out a lot of it in case it was confidential. Never hurts to be safe 😛
  • After that, I went for a walk and bubble tea with Shi Yi and Justin.
    • Somehow, today’s topic was about youth and relationships
    • Having been in a few relationships, they gave me some advice that I thought was quite thoughtful (and kind of strangely philosophical…)
      • One of it is about experience heartbreaks: that if I do experience it, I should take it as an opportunity to learn despite the fact that it might hurt. And as Justin says “Gotta crack some eggs to bake a cake”
  • When we came back, there wasn’t much “work” I could do, so I was advised to research and read about digital media and the terms to further understand the job.
    • I have yet to really create a proper document to write down my content knowledge so this is just a brief link to it
  • When I was packing up to go home, Rimi came over to ask about my day and my experience so far (which honestly has been awesome and fun! Just been thinking about how lucky I was)
    • She mentioned that tomorrow, as Geraldson, the other member of the media team, will be coming to office tomorrow, we could all have lunch as a team gathering. How cool and exciting is that!
    • She also said that she has planned out some work I could be doing tomorrow so I am also really hyped for tomorrow (craving and salivating to learn… LOL)

I am really happy with my second day at Dentsu, and really feel lucky to be having this opportunity. I look forward to talking more to Rimi and meet Gerald! Let’s get along 🙂

Let tomorrow be one that is meaningful!

Dentsu Day 1 – Summer Internship 2019

Yes, I am going to do it – writing a reflection every day for this internship!

Well, it’s more like typing down the notes I made during the internship.

The journey to work

  • Took bus 15 in the wrong direction to Tampines instead of Eunos
    • Takes more time as more stops (13~15 vs 7)
  • But here’s a trick that I realized when I was in the MRT
    • Since I’m at Tampines, I could sacrifice a couple of minutes to take the train to Pasir Ris, which is the end of the Eastwest Line instead, considering Tampines is only one stop from Pasir Ris.
    • This means that I will definitely get a seat during the ride! No more standing!
I reached the reception area on the ground floor of Guoco Tower in Tanjong Pagar.
  • Apparently, there isn’t a need to bring a photo ID although it was recommended in the E-Mail sent by Afsana, but that’s all good.
  • I arrived at Level 22 waiting area of Dentsu at 8:35 am, with me surprisingly the first one to arrive.
  • Something I observed while people were coming in was that their dress code is somewhat casual, with many people wearing jeans and casual loose clothing.
    • So tomorrow, I plan on wearing my favourite loose brown shirt and jeans.
A quick snapshot of the immediate warm environment I observed when waiting for the induction to start. That’s a pantry by the way.
  • Soon, my fellow internees (Haruki, Udit, Sophie and Pear) came too. We talked between ourselves about our nervousness and excitement whilst breaking the ice.
Taking a beautiful skyline view while waiting. 22nd floor, so high up.

HR Induction – the impressions I had of Dentsu

  • It was incredibly engaging and provides a comfortable atmosphere
  • Gave a brief background of the company, highlighting their service, values and more
    • There are so many big clients that I am actually a fan of their advertisements like IKEA and Uniqlo, so it was like meeting your idol type of feeling
    • They particularly emphasize on being agile (flexibility and nimble as it is a dynamic industry)
      • There’s a lot of emphasis on the new restructuring of Dentsu too
    • The introduction video of “We are Dentsu” was so cool! It was so fascinating and it made me so excited to be part of the company, even if it will be only one week.
      • I thought that I will be engaging with the designing side of the company as I am under media but you’ll read later about what media is in Dentsu (and possibly other companies too)
      • Unfortunately, I can’t find it online. Maybe it is because it is published and made just this June for something that goes along the line of Singapore Townhall meeting
  • Overall: Within the induction, I was hyped about Dentsu as a company, feeling that it is a fun and cool company that does not lose sight of its goals of being bettering themselves (Make it real)
One of the many pantries they have in the office (Probs more than 5)

Meeting with Afsana and Marcus

  • The meeting with the HR people in charge of us was pretty chill, with us introducing ourselves and cracking a few jokes to break the ice
  • All of us except for Pear and I had to sign a confidentiality agreement form as we are both under Gyro
    • Gyro is under Dentsu however it is not fully merged yet, still having its own administrative team and such.
  • We also receive our access cards, with a tag and all, making me feel super professional and 爽. So cool!
    • It feels like I’m actually part of Dentsu
The Access CARD!!!!!
  • As there was some time before moving onto the next agenda, Afsana gave us a short tour around the office spanning 3 floors
One of the unique working spaces Dentsu offers
  • We later visited Isolab
    • Xavier (I think) introduces us to one of the many things Isolab does
    • Which is to use the newest technology to create and innovate the answers the clients seek
      • This can be seen with a Chevrolet product – virtual driving and car demonstration
    • Impression – It was incredibly interesting and cool to me, however, I felt that it was really too much information at once, so much that I couldn’t even think of questions to ask. I also find this does not really strike me (in the product making), perhaps because my impressions were blurred with confusion.
      • I did though, enjoy and feel fascinated about the ads themselves when they are presenting the information about the products.

Meeting with the supervisors and ultimately, learning!

  • I met up with Shi Yi, who is working in the media team (which spans across APAC and Japan Dentsu)
    • She is my supervisor for today as my actual supervisor Rimi was away for today.
  • Contrary to the E-Mail sent to us about bring just a pen and notebook, we needed a laptop to actually work so I have spent today observing Shi Yi’s work and taking down notes for this reflection
Half of the Gyro team. The second table from the front is where I am “working” for today.
  • So it turns out that the concept of Media is different from my perception and expectations, which is that there is lots of production of content and design. That’s the Creative team
  • What the Media team does is actually plan the location of the ad, as well as logistics
    • Eg. Site of ad (Facebook, LinkedIn), Size of it (320×50, Desktop view as a bottom banner)
  • They look at the results and overview of the ads
    • They use Google Analytics to observe the overall behaviour of the target audience, viewing for examples the:
      • Impressions (how many time it is viewed)
      • Reach (how many people have viewed it [regardless of how many times they do so])
      • Clicks (The total number of times it has been clicked on)
      • CTR [Click through Rate] (The ratio of the number of users who click vs the number of users viewed)
      • Bounce rate (the % of visitors who does no activities on the website/page)
One of Shi Yi roles which are to launch the advertisements on various platform
  • I asked about the overall process of a campaign
    • 1. The client gives a brief – budget of the client, the type of campaign, the location of their campaign (countries) and their target audience (like professionals, athletes)
    • 2. Research how much it will take to buy the data for the information on the target audience (where the audience normally browse) from others
    • 3. Write up a proposal on how to market, how much Dentsu will earn and how much to buy the data etc.
    • 4. Reporting – Includes the # of impressions etc, how much the client spent, how much the company earns, the breakdown of the data through creatives (like which variation of the design of the ad was the best) and the breakdown of the data by countries
  • Lunch!
    • We went together with Shi Yi’s friend – Justin who is in the Accounting team in Gyro (Literally sits right in front of us)
    • We went to Ippudon ramen for lunch. It was beyond my budget of $10 a meal but they told me that it was no big deal since they can claim it (which means the company pays for it)
    • We discussed a lot about hobbies and our education, with Justin casually being philosophical: keeps saying “What was I doing when I was 16”, telling me that I should explore as many paths as possible and that since I am still young, I can and should make lots of mistakes. Although it kind of was unexpected for me, however, I will heed his advice.
    • Later, they gave me a tour around Tanjong Pagar (well, the nearby areas) and introduce me to lots of good food!
One of the uses of Excel which is to keep track of the trafficking (data)
  • After lunch, I learned more about the role of Shi Yi, which is Trafficking [the process of technically setting up an ad campaign]
    • This comes in the form of a huge Excel document, keeping track of the UTM [Urchin Tracking Model]
      • The UTM tells you the source (where the ad was posted and where the user came from), the medium (the type of media [preroll = video]), the content (the site’s/page’s/ad’s content), the campaign it is under
      • It comes in the form of this: Original link-source-medium-content-campaign
    • This is useful as it helps track and identify where and which ad is most effective
    • There is also a lot of use of Google Campaign Manager, which aids the creating and generation of UTMs.
  • I also went for a quick snack down at the vending machine in the pantry and oh my, the price of the food there is slashed in half! Pocky for only $0.70 instead of market price $1.10?! I am buying them from here every day now.
  • I actually told Shi Yi that as an intern, I thought I would be running around serving coffees, which in response, she laughs and says that she can make her own coffee.
  • Around 3:45 pm, after finishing my notes of today, I decided to have a look around the company, allowing myself to explore and observe how other work (though I didn’t really approach any of them except for Haruki, who was surprisingly just sitting alone reading some brochures)
  • When I returned at 4:15 pm, Shi Yi decided to let me off, to not only allow me to catch the MRT before the rush hour but also because she felt that there wasn’t much for me to do (which after a whole day of observing and asking questions, I agree)
    • On the way down, I asked Shi Yi, who was accompanying me down to the lobby, whether she likes her current job. She told me that since it was concerning advertising, yes. When asked about which aspect, she answers again that it was because it’s about advertising. I accepted that answer after thinking about it because sometimes you just can’t explain what you like about something like a person or a sport. I think that’s how I’d react if I was asked what exactly I like about badminton too.
One of the work showcase site which I very much is fascinated by… the AESTHETICS!!!
  • This time on the way back, I took the Eunos route, which is to stop at Eunos MRT and take bus 15 back home.
    • I did get somewhat lost at the station trying to find the bus stop since I didn’t look at the map and followed the signs to the wrong bus stop. Next time, I should just look at the map at the entrance.
  • During the HR induction, Vivian, the speaker asked us all to make a goal for the week. I did originally had one, which is to be more confident in myself with communicating with others. But to my surprise, I found myself feeling confident and comfortable with the environment I was in. So, let me change my goal to knowing more about how media works and be more experienced in using Excel.

Overall, it has been a great first day! It has been a comfortable start of the week and I am excited (and at the same time nervous) to meet Rimi, the head of the Media Team.

FYI – there are only 3 people in the Media Team. Is that considered small? I’ll have to ask that.

Pre-Summer Internship Reflection V2

I was just looking back at my portfolio when I found that my first reflection not only was too focus on my initial feeling and does not really answer all the questions that I should have been considering.

So here we are again! This time with a more Q&A format, with an additional reflection on a mock interview with Mrs Wiseman and condensed findings of Dentsu Aegis I gathered!

  • Describe your individual process of job search:
    • What were your goals and expectations?

To be honest, I had approached this opportunity with an “even-if-you-don’t-get-it-might-as-well-work-hard-and-try” attitude because regarding experience, I have always thought of myself as average due to knowing a lot of people around me has already gone to summer camps and internships. So I was just pushing myself to experience the process of applying for one.

During the making of the CVs and resume, I had expected difficulty in making them as I thought myself to be average and have little qualities. So, overall, I had expected my journey of job search to be one full of nervousness and overthinking since this is my first time applying for an internship

    • Were you able to meet your goals? How close to your expectations was the actual outcome?

Yes! And the outcome went even beyond my goal – getting an internship! Imagine the joy I had when I found out that I actually got accepted!

Contrary to my expectations about making the CV and resume, I actually realize that I am unique and pretty awesome! As I list them down, I begin to see how unique I am in a way and grow some appreciation and respect for myself. I am also very proud to say that I have customised each letter to the 3 internships I was applying to

The products: Xuan Ru’s CVCover Letter to Cell Research Corp,  Cover Letter to Golden Agri International,  Cover Letter to Sustainable Living Lab Pte. Ltd.

Although there was a setback regarding my acceptance with Golden Agri International, I am really happy that I was given a second chance with an internship opening for Dentsu Aegis Network

The E-mail about the good and the bad.

So this time, I applied for Dentsu Aegis Network. I know, I did show interest in Sustainable Living Lab before. However, I wanted to try something new and something that I might have never thought of doing – media and advertising. It might be a little too big of a stretch for me, but I think that that’s the way to grow – by pushing ourselves outside of the comfort zone.

    • What have you learned through the process?

I have definitely learned more about myself – how special and unique I am as well as the achievements that I have.

I have also learn how to make a resume and cover letters as I research on them and manage to understand the gist of it

I also feel that I am stronger in a sense that I get up easier when I fall like during the unexpected decision with Golden Agri.

    • What skills have you learned or applied?

I think I have improved on my writing skills with the cover letters.

I also applied one of strength, which is designing and synthesizing information during the making of the resume, which j am really proud of how it turned out.

    • In what other situations or areas in your life might you apply the same skills and learning?

Probably when I am writing reflections and making some art over the holidays.

I’ll probably be also using these skills when I am once again applying for an internship or universities and so on. Who knows, maybe I’ll even make a small graphic on my 1 week internship.

  • What are some of your goals for your summer internship? What might be some factors to consider when defining your goals?
Specific  To improve my interpersonal skills by asking effective questions
Measurable  It will be measured by how comfortable/confidence I feel, can also be measured by peers’ evaluation
Attainable  Hopefully… I mean 1 week may be too short to build a strong relationship but at least I will be able to gain an insight on how a working environment is
Realistic I believe so.
Timely 1 week, still longer than 1 day to make an impression that lasts
Specific  To further my understanding of how a media and digital marketing company functions
(AKA experiencing the real world)
Measurable  It will be measured by how comfortable/confidence I feel as well as my reflections.
Perhaps the number of “Oooos” and “Ahhh” I make too.
Attainable  Hopefully… I mean 1 week may be too short to build a solid foundation on how a company functions (and how the “real world” is), but like what I have done with my CVs and cover letters, make do with my understanding.
Realistic I’m sure I can do it. Like, come on.
Timely 1 week. It’s more than one day so LET’S DO IT!
  • After recording your summer internship experience, what would you want to see/hear in yourself as you look back?

I want to be feeling:
I think I really have grown a lot in this internship. I was actually feeling more confident at myself and spoke out a lot more during the internship.

  • If you imagine yourself at the end of your internship, how might you know that it has been a success?

When I am feeling really comfortable and inspired by the work place.

Maybe when I can actually understand some of my parents conversation about work.

  • What might be some things you hope to be more confident in doing at the end of the work experience that you are not as confident doing right now?

Asking questions and feeling confident about my capabilities overall, though particularly my interpersonal skills.

  • What pieces of evidence might you want to collect to determine the success of your summer internship?

Blogging every day about the internship would be a great idea since it’s only 5 days, but I’m not sure whether I would be resilient enough to keep it going throughout the internship…

Taking photos would be great, but I’m scared that I would accidentally share out confidential materials since I will be under the Media team. I’m also worried that if I ask my supervisor, they would view me as insincere for asking for evidence as if this is only for future applications or bothersome as I am pretty sure I would still be unsure after asking them.

Yeah, collecting evidence during the internship would definitely be a challenge for me.

  • What challenges might you face and what strategies might you employ in these situations?

Definitely my lack of confidence. It may feel difficult voicing out my concerns and questions regarding my task but I think I should just push through with it using a motto that I shall recite:
It’s a learning experience. It’s only one week. GET ON WITH IT!

  • What resources available to you might you tap to ensure a successful internship?

So this was something that I realised I actually had to work on during my mock interview, which is to understand and know what Dentsu is, what they do and their values. So after the interview with Mrs. Wiseman, I decided to compile some research I found about the company.

  • If you could refine it to one goal, what would be the most important one to pay attention to this summer?

Stay strong and confident! It’s only a week so even if you “messed up”, you can recover! PUSH ON!!!


Mock interview – 11 June 2019

During the mock interview, I was extremely nervous, which may have cause me to waste too much time between questions.

A feedback I got from mrs. Wiseman was to be human, which may sound strange but makes sense at the same time.

Although I am there at the internship to learn, I still need to show that I am more than just work and academics.

So after the interview, I decided to compile some questions that I want to ask and answer:

As mentioned before, I also realized and receive feedback on knowing more about the company as having little knowledge about the work can be seen as being uninterested. So I have compiled a fact sheet that has already been attached above.

It’s a Sunday, a day before the internship and I have to say that I am actually so excited about it.

Let’s do this!

Pre-Summer Internship Reflection

Wow. I honestly didn’t think I would ever get to have an opportunity to experience an internship in high school.

Well, although I knew a lot of people around me has already gone to summer camps and internships, it still felt like something unreachable to me.  But that didn’t mean I didn’t try my best. I searched up on how to write a cover letter and resume, occasionally finding the sources confusing as I still didn’t understand what is to be added on them. As the deadline drew closer, I decided to just work with the understanding I had about the documents and get on with it.

Xuan Ru’s CV – One of the things I am proud of this year. While making this CV, I was somewhat surprised to find that I was struggling with the content of the CV, not because I had little to write about as I had initially thought so, but because I still had more achievements and experience I wanted to write in it. As I list them down, I begin to see how unique I am in a way and grow some appreciation and respect for myself.

I am also proud to say that I have written 3 separate cover letters to the 3 internships I was applying for. Yes, I’ll admit that there has been some copy-pasting, but I still include and address the different skills and qualities they are looking for. Yes, really proud of these 3 cover letters:

Cover Letter to Cell Research Corp,  Cover Letter to Golden Agri International,  Cover Letter to Sustainable Living Lab Pte. Ltd.

To tell the truth, to me, I had approached this opportunity with an “even-if-you-don’t-get-it-might-as-well-work-hard-and-try” attitude to me because to be frank, I have always thought myself as average due to being surrounded by so many awesome and capable people. So when I first receive an e-mail saying that I have been chosen for a position, I was jumping up and down in joy and surprise.

An E-mail from Mrs Wiseman

To me, an internship is an opportunity to experience what they call the real world in a safe environment, enhance my interpersonal skills as well as boost my confidence. To have received this opportunity was amazing for me already. But that didn’t mean I was really willing to let it go, especially when it had unfortunately turned out that the internship that I had applied for was cancelled. But that doesn’t mean that it’s over. Fortunately, there were still somehow other openings available.

The E-mail about the good and the bad.

So this time, I applied for Dentsu Aegis Network. I know, I did show interest in Sustainable Living Lab before. However, I wanted to try something new and something that I might have never thought of doing – media and advertising. It might be a little too big of a stretch for me, but I think that that’s the way to grow – by pushing ourselves outside of the comfort zone.

A one-liner

Again, somehow I got accepted into the team. And I kind of flubbed my introduction E-mail. [I forgot to ask the questions!!!!] Thankfully, before I had even joined the team, Pear had already asked the questions.

May sound narcissistic but I feel that they put me in Media because of my CV’s design… Or maybe it’s just random.

Wow. It feels so surreal to be in an internship like it’s just – wow.


But back to reality and more, I guess, important questions for this reflection.

1. What’s my SMART goal?

Specific  To improve my interpersonal skills by asking effective questions
Measurable  It will be measured by how comfortable/confidence I feel, can also be measured by peers’ evaluation
Attainable  Hopefully… I mean 1 week may be too short to build a strong relationship but at least I will be able to gain an insight on how a working environment is
Realistic I believe so.
Timely 1 week, still longer than 1 day to make an impression that lasts
Specific  To further my understanding of how a media and digital marketing company functions
(AKA experiencing the real world)
Measurable  It will be measured by how comfortable/confidence I feel as well as my reflections.
Perhaps the number of “Oooos” and “Ahhh” I make too.
Attainable  Hopefully… I mean 1 week may be too short to build a solid foundation on how a company functions (and how the “real world” is), but like what I have done with my CVs and cover letters, make do with my understanding.
Realistic I’m sure I can do it. Like, come on.
Timely 1 week. It’s more than one day so LET’S DO IT!

When I’m looking back at this summer internship experience, I want to be feeling:
I think I really have grown a lot in this internship. I was actually feeling more confident at myself and spoke out a lot more during the internship.

2. What’re some challenges I may face

Definitely my timidness and lack of confidence. It may feel difficult voicing out my concerns and questions regarding my task but I think I should just push through with it using a motto that I shall recite:
It’s a learning experience. It’s only one week. GET ON WITH IT!

3. What’s some evidence I can collect to document my experiences.

Blogging every day about the internship would be a great idea since it’s only 5 days, but I’m not sure whether I would be resilient enough to keep it going throughout the internship…

Taking photos would be great, but I’m scared that I would accidentally share out confidential materials since I will be under the Media team. I’m also worried that if I ask my supervisor, they would view me as insincere for asking for evidence as if this is only for future applications or bothersome as I am pretty sure I would still be unsure after asking them.

Yeah, collecting evidence during the internship would definitely be a challenge for me.


But that’s it from me for today regarding my Pre-Summer Internship Reflection.

Let’s hope that it’ll be a meaningful one!

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