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Category: Service

0WES – 3

LO3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
LO4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in you CAS experiences
LO5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively


Over the circuit breaker and the summer holidays, the service splits up into grades to work on the respective aspects of awareness. For Grade 11s (then), we worked on the writing up of the contents for the portfolio. It was certainly challenging, trying to manage and keep up the focus to work online, especially when discussions deviate from the goal. Nevertheless, by the end of the school year, the Grade 11s managed to finish writing up.

While uploading the writings, I found the old portfolio to be not updated to our needs (which I sadly forgotten to take a screenshot of to show how it used to be). So, I remade the portfolio! I used a tool called Divi Builder to set up the layout of each page, which was something that I felt really intimidated of in the past. But after playing and exploring it around, I found it easy to use. So when remaking the portfolio, I first envisioned how I want the portfolio to look like, then planned the steps I will be taking to make it a reality. (if you are wondering why I’m doing this without consulting anyone it’s because the portfolio is dead placed under my role and the team said I was free to do whatever I want to the portfolio 🙂 )

*Also please take a look at it! This is blood and sweat here!

Before Season 1 begin, the chair, vice-chair and I had to plan a script in order to advertise the service to students of all grades (in high school). I was initially nervous about talking to the grade (despite it being over the screen) but thankfully, the atmosphere of the group was very lax, with us cracking up jokes during the intermediate time.

Fast forward to Season 1, where the new students finally joined the service! Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the number of new students (technically including our ex-grade 10s from last year) in our service has dramatically reduced down to 10. Which does make sense because we don’t have any events now to help out with due to social distancing etc. Since they are all Grade 11s, we got along with them much better.

As mentioned before, as the primary function of 0WES which is to help out in events by providing crockery isn’t quite available during this time, we decided to focus on awareness, which groups being formed to tackle different issues like disposable masks, where recycled paper go and the number of items in lost and found!

Picture of us in service listening to one of the groups presenting their brainstorm of ideas

I also needed to start the handover of my role as secretary, which will be distributed to the two vice chairs and communication officer, which really says about the amount of work I did as secretary.

While I have made resources to handover such as a video of how to run the service portfolio, I was at a loss on how to actually handover.

I was conflicted. Perhaps, they will improve as time goes but it hurts to see what I have been putting my heart and soul in for 3 years to be given to people who were not as productive and focused in sessions. Perhaps, I was even bitter about the fact that although I have put in so much effort, I was only known as the secretary, never copied in any email, when this year everybody in the executive team will be acknowledged by the service simply because the role title secretary has been changed to vice-chair and communication officer. Perhaps, it is also because I was tired of keeping holding on to the service.

And after being emotionally exhausted in the past sessions since October, I learned that I need to learn how to let go – trust people and let them fall. Guide them but don’t make decisions for them. Don’t take responsibility for the group yourself but do your responsibilities.

So for now, I have set up a handover plan. I want to settle this as efficiently and as fast as possible.

Things I’d like to go through

Minutes and folder (5 minutes)

  – What is the goal of these tasks?

     – To ensure all resources is organised and can be found easily (like self-explanatory)

     – To ensure that when we look back, we know what we have done what when

     – Crucial for reflections

What is missing? (Take 5 minutes to look through folder)

– Crockery process – washing up and leasing process

– Missions and Goals of service

Asking questions to hopefully move discussions forward (5 minutes)

  – Consider the manpower of it (appropriate number of people doing the same tasks)

  – The timings (is it too little time or too much)

  – Who do we need to contact?

  – Who, what, when, where, why, how

  – What is missing?

Look over at each groups resources (which is scattered around so Shazad, it will be your role from now on to organise it) (5 minutes)

Attend both groups’ meeting for 10 minutes each

  – People from each group stay silent but take notes, from an outside perspective

  – What are your thoughts about their progress? After listening to them and looking over their resources

  – Moving forward, what would you recommend?

Going through how Google Calendar functions (5 minutes)

Let’s hope that the handover for the next sessions will be smooth.

Swimming with Hougang Care Center – 3

LO2 – Demonstrate that you have undertaken, developing new skills in the process
LO5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively


Video link – Recommend to just read the summary below as usual 😛

  • Started the new year with Hamza and I leading the activity!
    • The members were less active in the pool so we chilled. It was nice having the time to talk to them as we are both excited to see each other again after such a long break!
  • Chinese New Year High Tea
    • Helped out a little in it as had Kahaani practice (so I left class a little earlier than usual to join the event!)
    • A little sad to not see our group during the event but still happy to interact with the other members and help out in the event!
      • It once again opens my eyes on how I see the mentally disabled and remind me that each and every one of us is truly different – different condition, communication ability etc.
  • COVID-19
    • The members couldn’t come 🙁
    • We decided to make use of the time to brainstorm some advocacy activities that we can do as well as make cards to maintain our relationship!
    • Currently, service has just continued again this week, we are currently working on the portfolio to start filling it up for next year’s group to check it out!


Pictures below!

Movie on 10-3-20 at 3.51 PM #2 – A video we made for the future members of the service –> an introduction and some tips!

Project Week 2

LO6 – Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
LO7 – Recognise and consider the ethics of your choices and actions


Link to video reflection I recommend reading the summary notes as this video is 500++mb size 🙂


  • After the December break, planning for project week was very rushed and last minute as the deadline was 2 weeks away
  • We all had to take on the role of a logistic officer
    • I handled the budget and schedule, which I can say proudly that it is one of the best things about Project Week ever
      • Mapping was also fun! It helped a lot in terms of scheduling where and when to eat as such –> Sample
    • Lots of contacting and interactions
    • * A learning that I think I didn’t mention: I think I learned to be more toleratable to things not going my way, especially with scheduling as there were many variables and opinions needed to be taken into consideration.
  • Regarding collaborating with group members, I think that
  • COVID 19 impact on Project Week
    • Good: I don’t need to worry about project week deadlines anymore
    • Bad: I’m pretty sure I am missing out on something here

How does CAS impact & enhance my wellness

It’s been almost 7 months since we have started CASing (that should be a word) and it comes to a time when tired and groggy students start wondering whether the program has affected us positively.

In my opinion, CAS does have its plus sides, after all, I managed to convince my parents to let me take on activities that I didn’t dare or never thought of taking like the Memory Project, Swimming with Hougang Care Center and Kahaani. And that has been very rewarding, making me feel like I am making at least a difference in peoples’ lives

In terms of physical wellness, I feel that CAS is pushing me. Whether it’s a little too much, I haven’t clarified that yet. I already do badminton throughout the year, 3 times a week in the current season. I used to do a quick 30 minutes run after school as a family activity. However with the IB program, and the additional activities I do now, I found it hard to motivate myself to do extra running.

From a mental standpoint, CAS initially made me feel like the activities I love has become a chore, with the need to reflect and all. However progressively, I find myself getting used to reflecting internally, so that really is something that is beneficial. (not the writing part though! That is still a pain)

Swimming with Hougang Care Center – 2

LO2 – Demonstrate that you have undertaken, developing new skills in the process
LO3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience



Since the October break, we have been meeting with our service partners every Tuesday after school, with each student pair alternating to lead the activities.

On November 16, it was Hamza’s and my turn to lead. We decided to split ourselves into leading 2 activities, me leading water aerobics on the first half and Hamza leading volleyball. We decided on those 2 activities because water aerobics can be started very quickly to build on the members’ initial excitement in the pool while volleyball in the past has always had a positive reaction to it.

To be honest, I was racking up my brain how to run water aerobics as previously when the other pairs attempted with this activity, it was a little messy. So this time, I made sure to organise a playlist of some familiar songs so that I wouldn’t be confused on the change in songs as well as some moves in my mind that are slow but challenging enough for them based on my experience with my grandparents. However, when the session started, there wasn’t enough time to sort out the music, thus I had to adapt to the music that was playing at that time.

It turned out to be great as everybody was, participating in the activity. It was a joy to see moving their body to the beat, the majority of them following me, which indicates that the moves were slow and easy enough for them to follow. The positive reaction to the water aerobics was carried forward into the volleyball session, allowing the whole session to be made used to the fullest.

I was especially happy to know from Robbie, our service’s teacher supervisor, that he has never seen Larry*, who is one of our service partners, participating in any activities organised for the past 5 years until today. For the whole session as well! Knowing that I am making a change for the better first hand really makes my heart swell with both pride and happiness.

Indoor sports with the members on a rainy Tuesday
Lucy and Arkie preparing snowflakes to be coloured in by the members while Hamza playing chinese checkers (?) with one of the members
Portraits exchange with some of the members. These 2 were drawn by them. By the way, I go by the name Ru for the ease of calling
Carrying in skills learnt from the Memory Project into service.

I sincerely respect how strong and lively the members are, and hearing that this is the part of the week they look forward too makes it really worth it to be here and engaging with them. I look forward to seeing them after the holidays and sharing about Chinese New Year soon.

* Faked name used in order to protect their identity and for the ease of writing.


L02, L03, L05

0WES – 2

LO3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
LO4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in you CAS experiences
LO5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
LO7 – Recognise and consider the ethics of your choices and actions


After the October break, I’ve decided to contribute more to 0WES’s mission by volunteering to help out in events outside of school hours. This is actually because I want to contribute as much as possible before I enter the hectic Season 3, which will be filled with lots of badminton and IB.

I also decided to sign myself up to work with the Grade 10s on the Blue Dragon event as this is a great opportunity to get to know. Because honestly, despite the one year difference between us, I feel that there is always a wide invisible gap in the middle of us. So this is really a great opportunity to bond with them and show them the ropes.

Something I was also happy to see that there is an obvious increase in awareness of our service as well as in people’s behaviour, especially when one of the students actually has a cup on his own readied when buying. This really showed how much our service has really grown.

Leasing cups for the smoothies sold before the Blue Dragon’s Imagine Dragon Carnival

Read our reflection on our portfolio! (Still yet to publish)

Washing up after the sales of the events

On Dec 8, our service helped out in our NGO partner, Buddha Tzu Chi’s, monthly Sunday Recycling.

I can’t help but feel extremely happy to see that may of the Grade 10s had come to help out despite being in the middle of their mock exam week. Honestly, please read this reflection that I have written because this basically summarises how I felt about the event.

Read our reflection on our portfolio! (Still yet to publish)

0WES members gathered for a briefing by one of Buddha Tzu Chi’s key volunteers
Clarifying with a member of 0WES on how to categorize the waste
Listening to the talk by Buddha Tzu Chi’s volunteer on the impact of human pollution, the key up to date news as well as how to reduce waste produced (the 5 Rs)

One thing that our team (notably Siya, Albert and I) are really working towards is the consistent update on 0WES portfolio. We did this by organising groups and time to reflect on the events they participated at the end of the month. The reflections you see linked in each brief reflection on the events, those were done during the sessions. Although this is quite an achievement to me (considering the past years), I think that we still need to work on writing reflections because when writing them, Siya, Albert and I still had to spend some time proofreading them as well as filling any holes. It was also a little hard for us to really motivate them to write without getting distracted.

I am looking forward to working more with the rest of the service members and for the Khatib fair (which you will be able to read more about in our service 0WES portfolio or during the April break!)

Project Week 1

LO6 – Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
LO7 – Recognise and consider the ethics of your choices and actions


All of us were excited when Project Week was finally formally introduced to us. However, needless to say, as it was the week before the October break, we let it slipped our mind. Fast forward to the 4th week after the holiday, after 3 weeks with not a single word about Project Week, which we were all of the sudden, without any realization, plunged into the fast-paced schedule of Project Week planning.

I was initially planning on going diving with friends while working together with a GC called Gili Eco Trust. However, due to my lack of interest in diving, the fact that I have never dived as well as the high cost of learning how to dive, I decided to leave the group in search of something else.

I approached my friends Izzy and Riya, who plans to go to where Izzy’s GC is, Chumkriel Language School, to teach them circus as well as to bike around Cambodia. Since I have had past experiences with the GC, I decided that it would be a good idea for me to join their group.

However, after I had joined their group and we submitted our proposal, the plans to teach the students there circus tricks had to be reconsidered, when Vasu, the key role to this idea, was pulled to join a group who is going to Blue Dragon as a following up of a recent collaboration between the school’s circus club and the GC. In return, we had 2 other members, Colin and Eric, joined us due to their interest in cycling.

An E-mail informing us of the addition of two new members

The reshuffling of roles as well the size of the group of 7 meant that I have changed roles from being the minutes’ taker to sharing the role of a first aider and action leader with Colin. I really needed time to get used to not taking over the current minutes’ taker’s role as I am just so used to doing it whether it is because I am the secretary of 0WES or that I always end up in that role during group projects. It is hilarious though whenever Riya or Izzy caught me taking minutes instead of Eric.

I also felt that despite the short time period of working together, I have learned quite a lot on how to manage my thinking and attitude. I tend to be the type of person who is a perfectionist, someone that likes to get things done early in order to provide a foundation to further build on if there is time to spare. So imagine my anxiety when I see that some of my peers weren’t using the time allocated for project week appropriately. I have a strong fear of being last minute. Along with the awareness of the tight schedule we had, I was extremely anxious. However, after talking to my mentor as well as friends I managed to understand and learn a lot about myself as well as how to interact.

I have learned that when working, although I may not personally like them, I have to at least set aside our differences in working and work with professionalism. Similarly, different people have different methods which suit them. If there are differences, then we should at least trust them that they will complete the task because after all, we all have a common goal that we want to work towards.

In addition, I really feel very fortunate to have Ms Yacou as our supervisor. Not only was she very objective, but she also got us on track again, as we lay out what we have done and what we still needed to do.

Asking Ms Yacou to be our project week supervisor

Although this has been a little too bumpy of a start to my liking, I think that this is a very good experience and I am looking forward to how we move onwards.


L03, L05, L06, L07

0 Waste Event Supporter – 1

LO3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
LO4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in you CAS experiences
LO5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
LO7 – Recognise and consider the ethics of your choices and actions


Once again, I signed up for another year of 0WES, but this time, I have a goal – to be the chairman of the service.

Since Grade 9, I have been in the service (though initially unwilling as I was assigned there due to no allocations), but I just really love the fact that I can make a change first hand in events by providing washable crockeries. The interaction with the community was incredibly satisfying as well, as we work together with Buddha Tzu Chi in events like Sunday recycling and Pasir Ris day.

What I wrote when I was applying for 0WES leadership position

The application process for the leadership positions included having to give a speech (which was notified last minute…) as well as have an interview.

For the speech part, to tell the truth, I was pretty anxious as well as in awed when I listened to the other candidates as they were incredibly good speakers. Their confidence and passion towards the service really shown through their voice, and they had talked about many other things as well such as their experiences outside the service, their abilities to lead the service etc.

Personally, I felt that I wouldn’t get the position as they were all going for it, applying for both chair and vice-chair of the service. That kind of made me sad as I can see my weak points, however, I was happy at the same time to see so many people applying and wanting to make a change in the service, as well as that it was good for the service if there is someone capable than me to lead the service despite my feeling of hope.

For the interview, when asked about what my plan is for the service, I replied that I would like to continue refining and improving our efficiency in the service as well as develop the portfolio. But when asked again, repeatedly, I started to understand that I am most likely not going to be the chairman. I think that it is because other than supporting zero waste events, the service does not really address anything else, thus they are expecting the future chair to have some ideas of initiatives that the service can take on. I realised that what I currently am is not what they are looking for in a leader, which I felt make sense after attending a leadership workshop. A leader is meant to inspire and engage people, what I am particularly focused on is the management aspect of leadership, not the actual leading part. (Though I feel that a leader doesn’t necessarily need to have ideas of his/her own.)

So overall, although I did sign up with the hope of becoming the chair of this service, I am not confident that I will get the position, which I understand since there are many great candidates applying for it too. Regardless of the results, I will continue to do my best in 0WES and support the team.


Edit on 11 Oct 2019:

The results are out!

I’m not surprised that I ended up being the secretary of the service once again, as I have mentioned before, I don’t think that I currently have the right skill sets to lead as I tend to focus on the management side of leadership.  In fact, I am really happy that Siya got chairman not only because I trust her due to our friendship from badminton, but also because I know that she is an incredibly hardworking and inspiring girl who will definitely strive for the better of the service. I am very glad that I will be working together with her in the service

However, what came as a surprise was that in Season 3, due to Siya needing to be away on study leave due to Grade 10 IGCSE, I will need to be the acting chair of the service during that time period. This is because Albert, the vice chair, have shown no interest in being chair and I have been in the service for a long time, thus would be suitable to be the acting chair. I am incredibly grateful that the teachers have given me a chance to not only learn from Siya during the first 2 seasons, but also to show and improve my leadership skills in season 3 and 4.

I am looking forward to working with Siya and Albert, as well as the rest of the leadership team (that has not been decided as of now) to continue the good work of the service and further better it.

Swimming with Hougang Care Center

LO3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
LO5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively



The first session of Swimming with Hougang Care Center was a get to know session as well as a little introduction to what the service is about. My understanding of the service is that we are empowering people with mental health issues by leading activities in the pool (infant pool) to build mental resilience to cope with stress, improve their self-confidence, motor skills, fitness and overall well being. We also covered and read some of the SWOT analysis from last year, with one of the major weaknesses being punctuation. Last year, the team struggled to pick our partners on time as they arrive at 3 pm sharp, which is when school ends. This makes it hard for many to be there as some had to rush down from the 6th floor. Other than that, the session was mainly on building and fortifying the relationship between everybody in the service.

The second session was more about investigating, where we brainstormed how we could find out more information about our Service partner and the issue in which they are tackling with MISO (Media, Interview, Survey, Observation) as well as brainstorm some questions to ask the Hougang Care Centre’s Director and staff.

These are some of the questions we would ask to find out more about our partners:

  • Is there anything that we should avoid in terms of activities or actions?   
  • If the members don’t want to participate – should we let them be?  Or encourage them to participate?  
  • What are their habits?   What’s their daily routine?   
  • How do they react to activities and certain situations? 
  • How can we determine or know the nature of their disability?  How to know what activities suit them?  
  • Are there going to be people who have specific needs?  Or things we should know.   
  • English ability?   Or What languages can we expect to hear? 
  • What activities do they enjoy the most?    
  • How do they introduce new activities to the members?  Direct instruction? Demonstration?  
  • What activities do they already have at the centre?  
  • How do we react to unfamiliar behaviour?

We also decided on our leadership team, which was pretty straightforward. I didn’t go for a leadership role in this service because I worry that it may become too much for me to handle as I am aiming for a leadership position in the college service I am in, 0WES. In the local service, we have Owen and Lucy co-chairing, Anna on logistics, and Shweta on communications. Arkie and Poppy will be co-chairing in the second semester of the service.

In the third session, our Service Partner came to our school to give us a brief introduction as well as an explanation of regarding their actions towards the issue of mental health issues. They also gave us time to ask them questions that we have.

Courtesy to Owen, our service’s co-chair, for taking notes

  1. Many of them have a job, some may be too tired to participate in sessions 
  2. The end goal is that they stay with the centre for two years and then can move on
  3. Try to encourage the members to join in the activities 
  4. Don’t be patronising, they are members, not patients
    1. If they want to be back in society they need to feel included
  5. Most are English speakers – don’t always need to speak Chinese 
  6. About 10 people per session 
  7. schizophrenia, bipolar, autism, PTSD 
  8. Make sure that the activities aren’t repeated from the actual centre
  9. They follow an American system, so they are freer
  10. They have choices to do activities 
  11. We should go talk to the staff if we feel uncomfortable in any way 
  12. If they choose to change outside, be firm with our policy 
  13. Don’t take pictures of their faces, if need to, blur the faces out

This is a recording of the session, which I decided to take around 10 minutes into the introduction:

What struck me was the realization that they were normal, that I somehow, despite supposedly having exposure to them, still have the image of them as a stereotype. This realization made me disappointed with myself but also pushes me to change the image of them in my head by having direct interactions with them.

Something that I found amazed and important was that the end goal for them was to allow them to gain confidence so that they can assimilate back into society after 1/2 years. I find that amazing due to the image I have of the service partners as a care centre, which again, I will need to change how I look at them.


After the interview session with our Service Partner, we begin to prepare and plan for the activities we would be running with our partners/members (the Center insists on us to call them members so that we are all equal). As there is an even number of people in the service, we decided to go in pairs to run each session. I was partnered with Hamza. Whilst everybody has decided on what activities we are to run, Hamza and I has yet to decide. This is because we wanted to decide what to do after experimenting with different types of activities and receiving feedback for them.

Here are some pictures of us brainstorming some activities we could do in preparation for the sessions.

I am looking forward to meeting with our partners after the October break and getting to know them. I hope that it will go as smoothly as possible.

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