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Category: Drawing

Making art [with art supplies that are meant to have used finish]
Keep it up!

INKtober 2K18 – Prompt 15 – Weak

Get ready for the 6 drawings that I will be uploading!

Remember when I said I really really like the duo in Prompt 13?

Well, here they are! (Just in a tragic state though)

From my imaginations running wild, I envisioned and really love the knight and village girl dynamic!

I even actually thought of making a series of drawings about them after this challenge!

This is definitely one of my favourites so far!

INKtober 2K18 – Prompt 14 – Clock


Really not satisfied with this drawing, but it couldn’t be helped since I was running out of time on that day.

I decided to do a redo on the prompt, with my take being a clock repairer.

The drawing could use more gears as the background but for now, I’ll stop


Look forward to tomorrow’s massive upload!

INKtober 2K18 – Prompt 13 –Guarded


This is one of my favorite drawing for this month so far!

I had so much fun designing the outfit for the knight. It was tough as I had to consider the function and aesthetic of it at the same time, and references I was looking at were leaning too much on one side.

If you haven’t noticed it yet, there’s a little girl hiding behind the knight. Just pointing it out to you since none of my family members could. 😛

Of course, you haven’t seen the last of these two, look forward to them tomorrow!

INKtober 2K18 – Prompt 12 – Whale


I couldn’t think of any other interpretation of the prompt ‘whale’, so I decided to go with an actual one.

I am really pleased with how it turned out, especially when playing around with the colour blue.

Sometimes, the dictionary in MacBooks is really useful, since I was able to get a reference photo from there. 😛

INKtober 2K18 – Prompt 10 – Flowing


I thought I could go for a “Flowing with [feeling]” interpretation of this prompt.

I decided to play around with some colours since I brought a couple of colour pen with me.

One thing I am really not satisfied is how the feeling of love is not obvious.

I think it’s because of the lips, but it may also be because of the seemingly broad shoulder.

Hm… I don’t know.

I can’t change it anyway, and that’s good because that’s the purpose of INKtober.

You improve by making and accepting mistakes

INKtober 2K18 – Prompt 8 – Star


I came up with this idea of a star when I stumbled onto my new favourite singer, 韩红 (Han Hong) this holiday.

Her singing was so full of emotions, that when she was sing 《天亮了》, a really sad song, I cried.

So just to shout out to Han Hong for her amazing voice, here’s a compilation of her participation in one of China’s famous singing competitions – 我是歌手

INKtober 2K18 – Prompt 7 – Exhausted


That’s right: I’m back!

Just flew back yesterday night and ready to upload those drawings!

I will be splitting the uploads between today and tomorrow, just because I doubt I would have enough time for tonight*.

So expect today’s drawing to be uploaded tomorrow for the numbers’ sake.


A note on this prompt –> Me on the last week before October holiday 😛



*It’s a not so tedious process… It’s just that it takes some time to scan them in 1200dpi.

But maybe, something towards the end, I will do a “How I INKtober 2018” post… If there’s even any time.

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