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Category: Service Learning

Service, one of the giants of our school values
Some are actually very satisfactory and meaningful (depends on who you are with though)

0 Waste Event Supporter – 1

LO3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
LO4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in you CAS experiences
LO5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
LO7 – Recognise and consider the ethics of your choices and actions


Once again, I signed up for another year of 0WES, but this time, I have a goal – to be the chairman of the service.

Since Grade 9, I have been in the service (though initially unwilling as I was assigned there due to no allocations), but I just really love the fact that I can make a change first hand in events by providing washable crockeries. The interaction with the community was incredibly satisfying as well, as we work together with Buddha Tzu Chi in events like Sunday recycling and Pasir Ris day.

What I wrote when I was applying for 0WES leadership position

The application process for the leadership positions included having to give a speech (which was notified last minute…) as well as have an interview.

For the speech part, to tell the truth, I was pretty anxious as well as in awed when I listened to the other candidates as they were incredibly good speakers. Their confidence and passion towards the service really shown through their voice, and they had talked about many other things as well such as their experiences outside the service, their abilities to lead the service etc.

Personally, I felt that I wouldn’t get the position as they were all going for it, applying for both chair and vice-chair of the service. That kind of made me sad as I can see my weak points, however, I was happy at the same time to see so many people applying and wanting to make a change in the service, as well as that it was good for the service if there is someone capable than me to lead the service despite my feeling of hope.

For the interview, when asked about what my plan is for the service, I replied that I would like to continue refining and improving our efficiency in the service as well as develop the portfolio. But when asked again, repeatedly, I started to understand that I am most likely not going to be the chairman. I think that it is because other than supporting zero waste events, the service does not really address anything else, thus they are expecting the future chair to have some ideas of initiatives that the service can take on. I realised that what I currently am is not what they are looking for in a leader, which I felt make sense after attending a leadership workshop. A leader is meant to inspire and engage people, what I am particularly focused on is the management aspect of leadership, not the actual leading part. (Though I feel that a leader doesn’t necessarily need to have ideas of his/her own.)

So overall, although I did sign up with the hope of becoming the chair of this service, I am not confident that I will get the position, which I understand since there are many great candidates applying for it too. Regardless of the results, I will continue to do my best in 0WES and support the team.


Edit on 11 Oct 2019:

The results are out!

I’m not surprised that I ended up being the secretary of the service once again, as I have mentioned before, I don’t think that I currently have the right skill sets to lead as I tend to focus on the management side of leadership.  In fact, I am really happy that Siya got chairman not only because I trust her due to our friendship from badminton, but also because I know that she is an incredibly hardworking and inspiring girl who will definitely strive for the better of the service. I am very glad that I will be working together with her in the service

However, what came as a surprise was that in Season 3, due to Siya needing to be away on study leave due to Grade 10 IGCSE, I will need to be the acting chair of the service during that time period. This is because Albert, the vice chair, have shown no interest in being chair and I have been in the service for a long time, thus would be suitable to be the acting chair. I am incredibly grateful that the teachers have given me a chance to not only learn from Siya during the first 2 seasons, but also to show and improve my leadership skills in season 3 and 4.

I am looking forward to working with Siya and Albert, as well as the rest of the leadership team (that has not been decided as of now) to continue the good work of the service and further better it.

CAS profile

In August, we started discussing CAS and thinking about what we want to do.

Since the beginning, I had an idea of what I wanted to do as all the activities that I have been doing for the past few years can be completed as CAS. While that said, I also want to push myself out of my comfort zone as a way of cherishing my last two years in high school and making the full use of it.

Below are the screenshots of Stage 1 of CAS, where we investigate and think about what we want to do.


Creative – Memory Project

Why do I want to join:

The moment I heard about this activity in the assembly, it really touched my heart. The thought of being able to draw for a good cause really made me want to join the activity, especially since drawing is one of my hobbies. I haven’t drawn many portraits (the only one that I can think of being drawn 3 years ago when I was in Grade 8) so it will definitely be a great opportunity to brush up my skills for drawing. L01, L02, L06

Any goals:

To improve my drawing of the nose and ears

How will I achieve it:

Fully participate and make full use of the time during sessions!


Creative – Piano

Why do I want to join:

I find piano hard, even after playing piano since young. There is just always some inconsistency in my playing which changes the whole song, like a note played too harsh or an accidental clash note made. And it can really be demotivating when that happens. However, I still want to improve and learn new songs that aligns with my hobbies even after having my Grade 8 classical piano exam during November. L01, L04

Any goals:

To pass my Grade 8 practical piano exam… I tend to mess up a lot when I play in front of others.

Also, I want to clean my pedalling, it’s too murky…

How will I achieve it:

Practice every day! Even if it is just a run-through of the songs…


Service – 0WES:

Why do I want to join:

Well, I have been in the service for 2 years now, since Grade 9, and I really want to continue it. After all, it’s not really me if I don’t fully commit to something. I think that change should happen within the campus first before we can really expand out of it (like the hawker). If I can make a change by help decreasing the wastage produced during events, that will be sastifying enough. L03, L04, L05, L07

Any goals:

I’m aiming to be the chairman of the service because I want to push myself out of my comfort zone to improve my interpersonal skills. I also want to tackle something I noticed during the end of Grade 10, which is that the portfolio hasn’t really been updated and is not “professional” enough.

  • During my summer internship at Dentsu, I managed to read about the creative materials regarding posters, hero stories (90-sec vid with narration) and micro-stories (no narration and fast cut style). I believe that we should focus on promoting 0WES to not only those who use the crockeries but also to students to persuade them to join
    • I hope that it would look professional and clear. Perhaps there could be a team on this, where every 2 sessions they could update us on the progress
    • A document with notes I took about branding and some guidelines
  •  I have also noticed that the 0WES portfolio doesn’t have a lot of reflection content and has not updated since December, thus neglecting some of 0WES biggest events like the Pasir Ris Fair and the Family Festival. What I would like to do for next year is to have discussions on we can consistently keep the portfolio updated as well as implement a dedicated team

How will I achieve it:

I would like to focus more on the image and portfolio of 0WES. So to do that, I would like to organise 3 team of students, one to create the video, one to update the portfolio consistently as well as make it user-friendly and the other to manage the crockery count after each event. (All hypothetically, if I became the chairman)


Service – Swimming with Hougang Care Center

Why do I want to join:

A couple of reasons why I decided to join this local service. First one would be that I want to push myself once again outside my comfort zone after “stabilising” myself with the activities I have been doing over the past years (badminton, piano, 0WES). The second reason is that I think that this is really a good opportunity to develop an understanding of this part of the community and once again open up my vision of the world. The third reason is that I want to expand my career options as much as possible and after a small talk with one of the service teachers (Nisha) on some universities’ requirement, I decided to take local service as some of them required them. The fourth is that I want to continue improving my teaching skills, especially since I was participating in Chinese Chat during Grade 9 and 10.

Any goals:

To be honest, I’m not much of a swimmer, and it’s kind of my first time interacting with people who have mental health issues, so my goal for this year is to be tenacious and interact positively with them.

How will I achieve it:

Remember that you are part of a movement and part of a change. Stepping out of the comfort zone is the first step to do so.


Activity – Badminton:

Why do I want to join:

They say badminton is an individual sport. In a sense, it is, however because you are on the court alone, facing all this pressure knowing that every move counts, that we need a team. You need grit to push yourself to continue to try even when you are tired and when you are behind the opponent.  L01, L04, L05

Any goals:

To become the second singles of the team and have the team stay in SEASAC division 1

To improve my lobs so that I can lob from backhand to backhand.

To maintain the same culture as last year, which is a team that supports each other by cheering for each other during matches and gets along well

How will I achieve it:

To run every day if possible!

  • 5km at speed of 10+km/hr in the gym or…
  • 15 rounds of running at a constant pace around the pool (~6.5km)
  • Participate in the weekly family running activity (within my household) at Bedok Reservoir every Saturday morning (~4.3km)
  • After a run, at least do 3 sets of: 40 tricep weight lifting, 25 rowing, 20 sets of lifting above shoulder

I don’t really know how to maintain the culture but I will make sure to interact with each member of the team positively and cheer on every single match.



I have also created a spreadsheet to help me keep track of CAS

Wrap Up for IGCSE and Plans for IB

These past two years of IGCSE has been the best 2 years of my life so far, with many learnings, friends and memories made.

As we look ahead to our upcoming two years in IB, it would be great to have some sort of ideas as well as goals to guide our way through the rigorous course. (rigorous because that’s the collective thoughts I have heard from my seniors)

Academic Goals:

  • Like any student, to do well and score as high as possible in my academics! Though I have not really decided what I want to study…
  • I really hope that I will be able to get along with my new classmates as I almost share none of my classes with my friends! I see a few people that I have the chance to get along (more like stick/cling to them! (n >.< n))

Service Goals – (0WES):

  • I am aiming to be the chairman of the service because I want to really start focusing on 0WES image.
    • During my summer internship at Dentsu, I managed to read about the creative materials regarding posters, hero stories (90-sec vid with narration) and micro-stories (no narration and fast cut style). I believe that we should focus on promoting 0WES to not only those who use the crockeries but also to students to persuade them to join
      • I hope that it would look professional and clear. Perhaps there could be a team on this, where every 2 sessions they could update us on the progress
      • A document with notes I took about branding and some guidelines
    • I have also noticed that the 0WES portfolio doesn’t have a lot of reflection content and has not updated since December, thus neglecting some of 0WES biggest events like the Pasir Ris Fair and the Family Festival. What I would like to do for next year is to have discussions on we can consistently keep the portfolio updated as well as implement a dedicated team

Activity Goals – (Badminton):

  • To improve my lobs so that I can lob from backhand to backhand by training my arms
  • I also plan to run every day (see Fitness goals) to build-up stamina and speed.
  • To play first singles! That means I have to work much harder than Vamakshi and potential single players!
  • To maintain the same culture as last year, which is a team that supports each other by cheering for each other during matches and gets along well

Activity Goals – (Fitness):

  • To run every day if possible!
    • 5km at speed of 10+km/hr in the gym or…
    • 15 rounds of running at a constant pace around the pool (~6.5km)
    • Participate in the weekly family running activity (within my household) at Bedok Reservoir every Saturday morning (~4.3km)
  • After a run, at least do 3 sets of: 40 tricep weight lifting, 25 rowing, 20 sets of lifting above shoulder

Activity Goals – (Drawing/Craft):

  • To have a mini art project completed every 2 months
    • Hopefully, create something useful as maybe a birthday gift

Activity Goals – (Piano):

  • To score/pass my piano exam in November!
  • Also to start learning some Disney songs like “Colours of the Wind” and some anime songs like perhaps “This Game” in No Game No Life 🙂

Thoughts and Frustration

I will always remember this day – 20 November 2018 – The day of frustrations and disappointments.

It started really well, as I remember it to be – No troubles, no embarrassing moments and taking my baby steps to speak up more in class.

But when it hit 6:30 pm, it kinda came all tumbling down.

My service – 0Wes, was meant to assist the fundraising of Tabitha during the first show of Royal Hunt of the Sun. But when I arrived, none of my service members were there.

I ran up and down the stairs trying to find and get the cups.

Black box -> High school office -> Black box -> High school office -> Black box -> Service Office.

I ran that flight of stairs 6 times, all while trying to call my other service executive members.

It was so frustrating, trying to get into the high school office, but even after I got a teacher’s card, the trolley of cups was nowhere to be seen.

Even when I finally ran to the service office and found the cups, they were not prepared. None of the washing equipment was out, but I didn’t have time to look for them. Priority: GET THE CUPS.

So after counting the cups and running carefully down with a trolley, I arrived outside the black box, only to find that it was just time for the crowd to be going in.

I felt horrible – we were meant to be ready and support the event, but yet we didn’t. It was because of the inefficiency and miscommunications between us that the GC loss so many potential customers.

I just felt like I have to do everything. The chairman that was meant to be there with me was busy playing basketball while I run around. Despite how many times I called, he didn’t pick up. Only when the crowd went into the black box did the call connected. What made me even angrier was that he said to give him 5 more minutes.

I felt like my ability to trust has diminished because of that one incident.

After handing over to the latecomers with a face that probably spelt “pissed-off”, I returned to badminton session. After one training routine, I was asked to play a match with someone that I really didn’t want to lose to.

I felt it was so unfair since I haven’t warmed up. I could feel my fury affecting my game playing, but I couldn’t keep it in check. I played while losing so many points consecutively, ending the first set with a pathetic 4-21 to me.

But because of that score, I forced myself to calm down. I told myself that I have to win this match – or else the coach may just replace me with her. In the end, I still lost, but this time, it’s with a somewhat satisfactory score of 16-21.

I left the court with a disappointed face and pass by the black box to check on my service members. They apologized to me, but aside from the teacher in charge, I actually felt like the apologies were insincere at all. Perhaps it was because of them snickerings before saying sorry with a smile. Towards that attitude, I could only muster and return a half-hearted smile.

I don’t really want to blame but perhaps it’s because of that one day that later that week, I slipped up and said that I wanted to change chairman in front of the person himself. I began to also feel like I am apathetic about badminton, that it is a duty instead of a passion.

I am feeling very scared of facing the future. I don’t want to make badminton a past of mine, nor do I want to experience future with regret because of that very moment I blurted out that I didn’t like him. I just want to turn back time.

Just something to lighten up myself right now: At least you didn’t cry under all those negative feelings. Give yourself a pat in the back cause good job 🙂


* This post is not meant to offend anybody, just to vent out my frustration that keeps returning.

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