Does sugar really make children Hyperactive?

According to BBC and various other websites, this myth has been busted. Yes, it’s a myth, and it’s not true. It has been scientifically proven that sugar does not make children hyperactive. So, please stop assuming kids get hyper at party because they ate too much sugary things. Also, artificial sweetener is different from sugar!

Furthermore, in an experiment, when the mothers think that their kids had consumed sugar, they stayed closer to their kids and watched them more. So, the sugar changed the mothers’ behaviour instead of the children’s.

Researchers are researching about to correlation between sugar and ADHD, but it is still not proven.

In conclusion, over-excitement is not an affect of sugar. But, remember, sugar can cause other problems too!

So, people, stop blaming on sugar when your kid’s giggling and shrieking is getting annoyingly loud. No one to blame this time!

One thought on “Does sugar really make children Hyperactive?

  1. Its good to know that sugar does not cause kids to be hyperactive. Quote “So, please stop assuming kids get hyper at a party because they ate too many sugary things” from your post resonated with me because this has a real-life connection to me. I think it does to everyone who remembers their childhood. After reading your post, these are other questions I’d like to get your opinion on, and they are:
    Why did you choose to write about this topic?
    Why do you think the mother’s behaviour changed so drastically? Was it only the one factor that changed the parent’s behaviour?

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