Medea’s Character – ELP Post (6th Sep 2021)

How does Euripides present Medea’s character and situation to the audience? Euripides, a tragedian of classical Athens, created famous greek tragedies such as Medea, the trojan women and more. In the play Medea, the main character, ironically is named Medea, is...

Auto Draft

CAS Reflections Add something later! “Winners never quit and Quitters never win! Creativity Activity Service Sports...

Compare the viewpoints in two articles (Left and Right Wing)

Article 1 (Left Wing) Article 2 (Right Wing)   The first article by ‘’ was written by Nesrine Malik. Malik mentions the positive roles of migrants in the NHS in the United Kingdom. Malik highlights the large proportion of immigrants and...

Huda Fahmy Hijabs – Initial Thoughts

What are the implications of banning religious items of clothing or jewellery (e.g France is a country that “treasures the principle of secularism” and imposes many different constraints on religious symbols in schools and government? There are many implications that...

How CAS impacts or enhances my wellbeing?

I think that CAS has many impacts and enhances my wellbeing. CAS has impacts on my wellness by changing my sleep schedule, for some activities they occur after school which gives me less time to study and do my homework so I stay up later during school nights which...