Bersama: Wavelengths and HS assembly

Bersama is a vocal group in our school comprised of singers in high school. Over the summer before Grade 10, I got an email from a music teacher in our school, Mrs. Lindsey Stirrat, saying that I was down on her list to be apart of Bersama. The email said that Bersama will become the premier […]


Looking back, Aida was a very cruitial experience in my HS journey. Not only did I develop skills of dance, choreography, and acting, but I also learned how to deal with challenges, disappointments and learned how to collaborate well with a group of people I don’t know all that well.

Bersama 2018-19

This year in Bersama, I’ve been trying to work more on my ability to harmonize with melodies. Since I’ve been singing Hindustani music since I was 5 yrs old, a music style that doesn’t incorporate much harmony in their style, it has always been hard for me to pick out harmonies on my own. Another […]

AIDA The Musical – #1

This year I’m in the musical AIDA, playing the role of a Nubian woman. I joined AIDA mainly because of the amount of fun I had in the previous musical Jesus Christ Superstar. In this musical, however, I’m more involved in the dancing side than music. At first, I was a bit upset about this as […]

Unplugged 2017

Unplugged is a music concert that is held every year by the Focus Africa GC, and the Daraja GC. The funds that are generated by this event go to the respective NOGs in order to help support the development of Africa on various aspects. My friends and I performed as a small band in that […]

Year 8 music exam

From when I was five years old, I’ve been extremely passionate about music, singing in particular. Living in India at that time, I started learning Hindustani Classical vocal music from the tender age of six. The little hobby class on Wednesdays after school soon grew to a much bigger and deeper passion. I started taking the […]