Representation of Race Throughout History

How has race been represented in our culture historically?

Historically, the majority of popular culture has surrounded a western lifestyle. Up until recently, popular films had only starred white actors, with minority race actors having minor if any roles in Hollywood. This trend was not limited to films as models were also primarily white, portraying unrealistic body types. One area of popular culture that was more diverse was the music industry. Famous singers such as Arethra Franklin, Beyoncé, Shakira all helped to diversify the group of popular singers, which can be seen as an early form of racial unity in pop culture.  Similarly, racial differences were seen in many other aspects beyond just popular culture. For example, the first black president of America was not until 2008, showing just how differently society viewed their races.


The waterline of visibility has allowed me to reflect on the different aspects of my identity. I have come to understand that more of the iceberg to represent my personality is exposed when I am among family and close friends whereas, I tend to be rather reserved when speaking to new people. If I can find something in common with someone new I manage to become more open, but part of my identity is not being immediately talkative. I have also noticed that I do not associate my race or gender as something that allows me to be more open with someone, but it is rather their overall personality that allows me to connect with someone. Additionally, it allowed me to reflect on the prejudice that I may have when meeting someone new to try and prevent it from clouding my judgement of someone.

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