Kahaani final reflection


Working together to achieve an outcome

  • How important was collaboration to achieving the outcome or my goal?
  • What could I do in future to be a more effective team player?

Collaborating was extremely important in achieving the end outcome, my goal of being able to dance professionally and make it to the front row of the formation. By learning from my peers, asking them for advice on mistakes I made, I found flaws I could easily correct to sharpen my performance. Additionally, this made their process more enjoyable, which in turn motivated all of the dancers to do better in the final performance.

In the future, to be a more effective team player, I could offer to help catch people up when I was able to attend more practice sessions. While I did help people who approached me, I could have been a more effective team player by assisting those who did not have the courage or initiative to approach someone and ask for help, by asking them if they needed some help. I could also help be a more effective team player by helping with chores such as carrying costumes to the changing rooms or helping with lighting cues

LO 6

  • How have my actions had a positive/negative impact on this issue?
  • How has my thinking about this issue changed as a result of my participation in this activity? Am I more open-minded, caring, principled as a result?

Being a part of this production, I learnt a lot about the NGO voice of world, as kahaani was mainly a fundraising event for said NGO. The mission of Voice of World is to challenge discrimination against any kind of disability and inclusion of differently-abled persons by providing opportunities to learn, live, and work independently. By participating in this event, I am helping raise funds for a group of individuals I once used to work with but cannot work with anymore as I moved from India to Singapore. Listening to the stories shared about the voice of the world and watching the videos of children from the NGO made me more aware of the immense discrimination experienced by children who are not only differently-abled but also underprivileged, and it made me deeply empathise with their plight. In conclusion, I now feel a deep appreciation for the gifts I have been privileged to accept, and will do my best to contribute back to those who are not as fortunate.

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