Hell Boy analysis

I find this initial scene to be particularly interesting. The frame is abundant in black yet contrast is built through relatively dark and dull colours. Managing to bring out the silhouette of these 2 characters, the Hellboy presented to be rather mysterious and intimidating whilst the other seemed quite composed, matching the text as it seemed to be well informed. The black creates an effect of gloominess but also tension, exemplified with the lack of details elsewhere, the focal points being these 2 characters. The glare of the eyes of the Hellboy presumably exemplifies the evil aura of the character as well as presents a sense of tenacity and focus, whilst the other character seems relatively discarded, with no light in his eyes.

The description of the second girl is relatively simple and short, leaving more space for the illustration, leaving the audience to focus more on the drawing itself. The white background creates contrast with the darkly coloured girl, almost rather exposing, shedding light to the “ugliness”. Emphasis is created in each adjective with full stops and despite its description lacking depth, combined with the illustration, side by side with the “beautiful” girl,  it brutally depicts the unsightly nature of the second girl, in comparison to the first. The drawing itself is also quite provocative(shocking), as the apparent figure of a girl looks nothing like one but more literally “troll-like”. With missing teeth, rather demonic eyes and no presence or sight of delicate features, such as the smoothness of skin, it depicts a “child” which lacks the innocence and charm one should supposedly have.




Categories: ELP

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