Impressions and Reflections on Sustainabrew

LO 3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

LO 6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

The service that I decided to participate this year is Sustainabrew. This service was rather intriguing and appealing overall as it felt somewhat different/unique from the other service out there when I reading the description. The description involved the process of brewing drinks in a sustainable manner which was almost too perfect for me as I love drinks in general – honestly who doesn’t? I also really liked the overall concept of the service, where we find ways to make sustainable drinks and provide it to our school whilst also receiving some funds in return in which we could use to donate any organisation. It’s really just 3 birds in one stone and the effectiveness of the service just seemed very practical: good drinks will sell out really well which can be used for the greater cause. But, moreover, I was interested in the idea of sustainable brewing and I kind of had hoped for creating our own sources of ingredients through our private garden or even the hydroponics in our science department (at the time I didn’t know it existed). And to my luck, we had options in using either of the facilities.

The fact that we can make drinks through resources in our own school is going to be a huge contribution/part of how “sustainable” we want to be. As much as we all love drinks, the point of the service is kind of lost if we were to just mass order ingredients, with ignorance of where it came from, to just create tasty drinks. We needed to consider carbon footprint, the process/journey of the ingredients (where it came from), organic or inorganic etc. This is overall because we want to limit potentially the support of “exploited” labour, underpaid labour, non-environmentally friendly emissions etc  As aforementioned, this can be limited through just thinking about our choices as consumers when thinking of ingredients for drinks.  So far, one of the drinks we brewed is the kombucha. This drink is heavily sustainable in the aspect of it being a fermented drink(natural), the ferment can be used repeatedly, limited ingredients required as well as the fact that the drink is healthy and provides health benefits such as strengthening your immune system.

Overall, I enjoyed the couple of weeks of Sustainabrew, it was honestly exactly what I pictured in mind.



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