My progress in volleyball

LO1 Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

After spending an entire season in volleyball, I have definitely gotten more used to the sport and I have definitely felt some progress. As an activity itself, we started to practice more practical game scenarios and often experience more of a competitive aspect of the game. With this, committing twice a week, I definitely feel like I have gone through some rapid growth.

Looking back, I have always felt like my serves or my smashes were rather unpolished. However through many training and games played, I feel like I have not only gotten more consistent with these skills but also just better and effective for the practical game uses. In games,  I felt like I was able to apply these skills I have improved on and as an individual player, make more of an impact on the outcome of the game. Another aspect of the sport I felt like I improved in was unexpectedly the main basics of the game; the bumps and sets. This wasn’t something I really considered or was concerned about as I felt like these skills were my strength, the ability to consistently get the ball up and pass effectively to my teammates. But over time, I felt like more basics became more refined and this was because these skills because rather more “effortless” for me. It is quite hard to explain this feeling but whether it was during training or in games, I just became more confident.

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