Lesson Planning In Sustainabrew!

LO 3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

After spending seasons 1 and 2, with enough experience, our grade 11’s were given a chance to plan out 4-5 weeks’ worth of lessons. Although we were kind of like seniors in our service as grade 11’s, we were all quite inexperienced with how Sustainabrew worked as a service and as well as not being familiar with the concept of brewing sustainable drinks. We have helped our service as assistants through seasons 1 and 2 but this time, it was rather our first time given “official” responsibility in the service.

Knowing as new students were joining this season, it was important to consider how we felt as students first entering this service. Our plan started off by creating something simple yet tasty and so we planned the first couple of sessions with simple drinks like lemonade and lemon tea. As we let our new members get used to the environment and our small sustainable community, we started looking at things that we created in the past that were successful. We eventually even made the infamous Kombucha, a drink that our previous experiences didn’t light great positive experiences with; the scoby was something we all found disgusting. However, the teachers seemed to like it and thus was marked as a success. As we created more and more drinks, familiar with more recipes, we dedicated some of our days to understanding sustainability and how we can create sustainable drinks. We had people make presentations and present recipes that might be of future use.

It was great to see how the plans that we made came out to be quite organized and smooth. However, I think we grade 11’s realized, sometimes it is quite hard to make each and every lesson interesting and unique. As a strategy to overcome this, whenever we ran out of ideas, we liked to take previous recipes and create a twist in them. That way, we were able to branch out to not only new recipes but create a personalized more unique drink. I think this also helped the members in sustainabrew to become more creative and explorative in our ideas.

Here is the picture of the scoby. Not so pleasant for most of us…



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