Student Voice

LO 5   Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

I have recently joined a lunchtime group called the student voice. This activity runs throughout the year, however, I have joined midway in season 2. Thus, at first, I really had no idea what was going on. However, it didn’t take me long to get used to the environment and the structure of the activity.

On my first day, I observed what was going on in the service. In student voice, we students get to “voice” our opinions about school and plan certain events. There were many students participating in this activity and so there were a lot of ideas circulating. Although I haven’t participated as much, I came to realise the amount of planning and collaboration that these students went through in order to achieve the activities that we have done so far in mentor. This was kind of an eye-opener to me and it led me to think about the vast opportunities and potential here in this activity to suggest activities that may be beneficial to our community.

However, at the same time, I feel like there may be too many people representing student voice members. To some extent, I feel like there is a certainty indecisiveness to the decisions we make because of the abundance of suggestion but also at the same time, some students are not getting enough opportunities to share their ideas as people who often voice their opinions are commonly picked. Anyways, this is kind of how I feel about student voice.


LO2  Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

My first impression of the DJ club is that it is actually not that overwhelming as I thought it would be. I always felt kind of intimidated by the number of buttons and just things on the deck – the equipment DJ’s use to mix songs. However, there are really only a few buttons that are useful for basic functionality. Below is the diagram of a deck, the same model we use in school. It seems quite complicated but I have only used about 3-4 buttons on it and I can basically do what a DJ does, mix songs. The rest is rather a fancy extra to enhance and add a “flavour” to your mixing but this is something I can’t really start yet as I have just started.

My first few sessions so far have been great. I have spent some time practising in the activity to mix songs. One of the many challenges is definitely getting used to the timing and getting a smooth transition between 2 songs. This is going to be the skill that I am going to develop and hopefully master in the time spent in this activity.

What are we doing in our service?

LO4 Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

So far in our service, I was able to partake in making a variety of drinks. These drinks usually tend to be simplistic as fewer ingredients do help with the sustainability aspect. However, the main reason is usually that we are all novices when it comes to brewing drinks. We have made drinks ranging from the nice and easy to make lemon tea to things that were more explorative like the pineapple virgin mojito. Usually, these explorative types of drinks are very new to me and thus I do learn a lot on the way. One particular experience I wanted to record for this reflection is when we made a kombucha

So what is a “kombucha”?

That was one of the first questions I definitely had. To put it simply, it is a fermented tea where you allow a living bacteria to technically “brew” and produce acid to bring taste to the tea. The bacteria has to be fed some form of energy, which is done through us pouring sugar into the tea. This drink is actually perfect for our sustainable goal as all you technically need is just the bacteria, tea and sugar. This bacteria we use is called a “SCOBY” and it can be reused over and over again as long as it doesn’t die; obviously. We even added some strawberries to sweeten the drink.

One of the memorable experiences when making the kombucha was definitely how disgusting the Scoby looked. To put it frankly, I would never dare to drink something that had a visually disturbing bacteria living inside in it for a week( it takes a week for it to ferment). It was definitely a very interesting experience and I also kind of pushed myself to touch the scoby; which to this day I still don’t understand why.

Reflection Of Practice IO

The link to the recording:

Criterion A: 6

Looking back at the recording, I think I was generally able to extract different ideas, express them logically and in relevance to the thesis I had stated in the beginning. However, as I have noticed even before the IO, my ideas are essentially more related to the global issue of identity and culture rather than art. A lot of my ideas are linked with Hoch representation of female identity and how she challenges society of the concept of binary gender stereotypes and in that sense, not so much of art. However again, I guess the point is that this is all communicated through the means of art, which I guess I kind of emphasized towards the end, but not really.

Criterion B: 5

Like I have stated before, most of my ideas are essentially linked more with identity and culture, thus I feel like I deserve fewer marks on this. That being said, in relation to identity and culture global issue, I think I extracted relevant information and represented logical analysis of the choices Hoch made to present her ideas. Again, lots of regrets, in the sense that I didn’t really get to say all of the ideas I wanted to say given time pressure and as well as the lack of rehearsal. Nonetheless, I thought my analysis was quite alright and perhaps insightful at times.

Criterion C: 6

For this section, I don’t really have much to say other than the fact that I think I structured my ideas logically and kept the focus on the task. I was also building onto my ideas, connecting the micro-analyses I made to one another to create macro ideas. However, at times, I think I repeated quite often and in that aspect, I can work on reducing the time spent on the same ideas and instead work on adding in more unique/insightful ideas.

Criterion D: 6

I think I was able to keep the acceptable/formal language through the practice IO and I also don’t really think I used wrong vocabulary. I also think I was able to use more technical terms that I normally use to help build my analysis( though I also felt like my vocabulary may have been repetitive ).

Total Marks: 23

HS Boys Volleyball 19&U (Group 1) Midway 2

LO4 Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Playing volleyball and training for it has always been fun for me. Learning and practicing different skills so that I can apply them in actual games is part of the motivation and fun I get from this sport. There is even that short adrenaline you get when you pull off something you have practiced for or make an unexpected play. However, the process can be quite hard at time. One of the first things I remember when playing this sport and still does affect me at a time till now is the occasional irritation or pain you get on your arms for having too much impact with the ball in the same place. By practicing more and more, you learn that the proper technique was needed to not overly damage your forearms, to not use just your arms but your knees too when receiving a ball. Especially after long breaks and holidays, sometimes your body forgets how to do things and that’s when the occasional pain can come back again. It is a process that requires repetition and a bit of dedication.

One of the other areas I dedicate my practice to is serving. Serving has always been my weakness in this sport and thus, I like to push myself to become consistent in being able to throw good serves. After spending 2 seasons practicing, serving itself is actually not that hard, it just requires concentration. Some days, I will feel right in the zone and my serves will be perfect. But some, the ball doesn’t projectile just quite right. Also, my palms start to hurt after hitting it more than 10-15 times. This kind of sport is actually my first time experiencing direct pain as a result of training. I have always being used to muscles getting numb and feeling fatigued, but the pain was another whole feeling. That being said, the pain was something I was able to get over through training. Weirdly enough, after some time, you wouldn’t even realize the pain was gone. I plan on continuing to work of my serve but as well as my smashes. I have started incorporating jumps into my serves as a way to practice smashing. That is my next goal and I hope to be able to achieve a smash I am satisfied with before the season ends.

My progress in volleyball

LO1 Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

After spending an entire season in volleyball, I have definitely gotten more used to the sport and I have definitely felt some progress. As an activity itself, we started to practice more practical game scenarios and often experience more of a competitive aspect of the game. With this, committing twice a week, I definitely feel like I have gone through some rapid growth.

Looking back, I have always felt like my serves or my smashes were rather unpolished. However through many training and games played, I feel like I have not only gotten more consistent with these skills but also just better and effective for the practical game uses. In games,  I felt like I was able to apply these skills I have improved on and as an individual player, make more of an impact on the outcome of the game. Another aspect of the sport I felt like I improved in was unexpectedly the main basics of the game; the bumps and sets. This wasn’t something I really considered or was concerned about as I felt like these skills were my strength, the ability to consistently get the ball up and pass effectively to my teammates. But over time, I felt like more basics became more refined and this was because these skills because rather more “effortless” for me. It is quite hard to explain this feeling but whether it was during training or in games, I just became more confident.

‘The Menin Road’ Analysis

How can the concepts of creativity and transformation be applied to Nash’s work?

The Menin Road’ is one of the most iconic Landscape pieces painted during WW1 by Paul Nash. Nash is a former landscape artist who was enlisted as a soldier and later appointed as an official propaganda artist by the British government. Enlisted as a war artist, Nash’s art goes through abrupt change as he experiences the despair wrought by war, transforming his art from illustrating beauties of nature, to creatively expressing his anger and revealing the horrific nature of war. Nash achieves this through using modernism and irony in his art whilst further creating paradoxical imagery to ultimately portray the dangerously close reality of war to the surrealistic art he paints.  Thus, despite his given role, his art comes far from depicting heroic visions of war as he depicts in “The Menin Road”, the desolation of the battle-ravaged earth.


One of the most salient elements of Nash’s work comes from the modernist style in which he creatively transforms his landscapes to create paradoxes. The seemingly surrealistic art becomes rather recognizable through nature symbolic objects; such as the trees and the clouds. These trees serve another crucial purpose to the art as Nash uses them to creatively depict the perception of depth as they are sized differently. With this, Nash is able to illustrate the scale of destruction caused by war, which is interestingly further emphasised through the infinitely stretching horizon. This creates a paradoxical imagery as the horizon symbolises the potential to escape from war whilst it being ironically unreachable. Another paradoxical element Nash creates to emphasise the destruction of war is the perception of the seemingly emptiness of land. Despite the desolation and almost “flat” nature of its land, in reality, its contents are filled with the mass byproducts of war. The desolate field even ends up blending well with the subtly foregrounded pairs of soldiers which may not only suggest the lesser significance of these soldiers but also to foreshadow their inevitable demise. However, the most disturbing imagery is perhaps the two shining beams of divine lights through the clouds; this is symbolic of hope, heaven or the presence of god. These lights are completely misplaced as they shine down onto the void of land, which perhaps works to subtly subvert the British government’s orders of creating an art that illustrates heroic sacrifices.

Short Analysis of a Hannah Hoch piece

Global Issues: Culture & Identity

The photomontage titled “Abduction of a virgin” by Hannah Hoch presumably works to satirize white western culture and their hypocrisies, whilst yet building an equivalence in the idea of inferiority of females in both cultures. The title placed by the German’s “abduction” initially suggests the critical and judgemental attitude they have towards the original art. Thus, there is a sense of decontextualization as the art was stolen and interpreted completely from a foreigner – as it was placed in an ethnographic museum. The wooden sculpture consists of four figures riding a large animal, the inner figures being females given their exaggerated pointy breasts and the other being males, suggesting a power dynamic between what looks like two guards and two captives. Hoch interestingly replaces one of the female’s head with a white woman’s face – perhaps part of the New Woman movement given the time period -, which is oddly twisted backwards. This evokes a certain absurdity to the piece, which perhaps Hoch intended to mock white western culture by adding what can be rather seen as symbolic of white culture and hybridizing it to an African object, something they have pictured as uncivilized, primitive and weak. This matches the style and more importantly, the purpose of the Dada movement as the photomontage works to ultimately criticize the hypocrisy of white western culture as they themselves have performed such form of “abduction” for hundreds of years during colonization. However, Hoch also seemingly builds an equivalence in the idea of females being objectified and inferior in nature. The fact that, presumably a New Woman(considering the time) has been placed in an environment of control between two men, perhaps reflects the idea of German New women being forced back into their place of culture by men despite the empowering movement.


Impressions and Reflections on Sustainabrew

LO 3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

LO 6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

The service that I decided to participate this year is Sustainabrew. This service was rather intriguing and appealing overall as it felt somewhat different/unique from the other service out there when I reading the description. The description involved the process of brewing drinks in a sustainable manner which was almost too perfect for me as I love drinks in general – honestly who doesn’t? I also really liked the overall concept of the service, where we find ways to make sustainable drinks and provide it to our school whilst also receiving some funds in return in which we could use to donate any organisation. It’s really just 3 birds in one stone and the effectiveness of the service just seemed very practical: good drinks will sell out really well which can be used for the greater cause. But, moreover, I was interested in the idea of sustainable brewing and I kind of had hoped for creating our own sources of ingredients through our private garden or even the hydroponics in our science department (at the time I didn’t know it existed). And to my luck, we had options in using either of the facilities.

The fact that we can make drinks through resources in our own school is going to be a huge contribution/part of how “sustainable” we want to be. As much as we all love drinks, the point of the service is kind of lost if we were to just mass order ingredients, with ignorance of where it came from, to just create tasty drinks. We needed to consider carbon footprint, the process/journey of the ingredients (where it came from), organic or inorganic etc. This is overall because we want to limit potentially the support of “exploited” labour, underpaid labour, non-environmentally friendly emissions etc  As aforementioned, this can be limited through just thinking about our choices as consumers when thinking of ingredients for drinks.  So far, one of the drinks we brewed is the kombucha. This drink is heavily sustainable in the aspect of it being a fermented drink(natural), the ferment can be used repeatedly, limited ingredients required as well as the fact that the drink is healthy and provides health benefits such as strengthening your immune system.

Overall, I enjoyed the couple of weeks of Sustainabrew, it was honestly exactly what I pictured in mind.