Sustainability Project Reflection

For our project, we met up with our client and interviewed them to then come up with some suggestions for our client to improve their ecological footprint. However, I was not able to attend, which was the first challenge I had to overcome. To catch up quickly, my members did a quick recap on what he said and some basic ideas they had. I then helped them solidify these ideas as well as think of a few more questions we had for our client. After that, we decided that his lack of public transport, not using reusable bags, and eating meat are the main issues we want to research. Next, we plan to all take one and research more about the science behind why it is bad for the environment and to also think of solutions for what he can do to improve his ecological footprint.


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  1. Kirstie Parker says:

    Missing the interview must have been a difficult way to start this project but it sounds like you approached it positively and caught up as quickly as you could. How did you decide that you wanted to focus on the aspects that you chose?

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