Collaborative User Manual

I value that working with others provides more opinions and perspectives, I also value that it is more fun as you get to meet and interact with new people. I also value the fact that you divide the work evenly and are helping each other accomplish tasks.

The #1 thing you can do to support me best when we work together is to be productive while still having fun. I believe that productivity is very important in a group as it is what pushes the group.

When it comes to tech, I’m good at designing and problem solving, and I need to get better at using it for a purpose. I think that I understand technology fairly well as I have grown up with it, I also do graphic design so I believe that I understand a lot of applications on computers and phones. However, I need to work on using these skills for a purpose, as otherwise, they are useless.

Some people may think that I like to lead what happens in a group, however, I enjoy listening to other peoples ideas and make an effort to include everyone’s ideas in the project.

I can be both introverted and extroverted in a group, I may change depending on the other people in the group. If the rest of the group is very extroverted and full of leaders, I will take a step back. However, if the group is introverted and don’t feel like taking on the role of a leader I will step up. You may notice I ask questions directed towards someone, please remember I am just trying to include everyone.

I think a forest describes collaboration. This is because when you look at a forest you look at the atmosphere all the trees create as a group and not one individual tree.

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