Service reflection 2

This image is showing my confidence levels over time since the start of the service, it has helped to show my perseverance in being able to continue doing the service and help build up my confidence in working with people who have intellectual disabilities. Also working with other people during the activity has helped improve my confidence as it allowed me to express myself better.

After visiting the Minds care centre for the first time, I had a bit of a drop in confidence as the next time we were going to see our service partners, it was going to be the first time we were going to have a session that we planned ourselves. This brings me to learning outcome 3, where we had to initiate and plan a CAS experience. Planning the first session was nerve-wracking as it the first time I had to plan something for people with intellectual disabilities as I didn’t know what activities they would enjoy and engage with and what they wouldn’t. After the first session, my confidence had a bit of a fall as some of the activities that we had planned to do didn’t work out to great, seeing as the clients didn’t engage too well with them, therefore, we were forced to reflect on the session and see what sort of activities they would enjoy. It turned out simple games or activities worked best as they were the ones our clients enjoyed most so after the second session, my confidence had started to rise again because the new activities that we planned were a lot more engaging and the clients were interacting a lot more with the activities.


This is an example of me demonstrating learning outcomes 1 and 4. I am not a very confident person so performing in front of an audience of people, no matter how big, is always nerve-racking for me and I always get very freaked out, so with this piano recital, I was very nervous to make mistakes, even in front of my own parents. However, I feel after performing, the fear has slightly diminished as I realized, no one was there to judge me and it helped me become more confident. This piano recital has made me more committed because of the amount of practise I needed for certain parts of the songs, even though I messed up a part, I had to put a lot of practise into it. Some parts of the song I struggled with came out quite nicely because, at lunchtime, I had to come in and practice, but I feel in the end, it paid off quite nicely.



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