FOA 2 Reflection

The main purpose of my FOA was to learn about the changes that the internet has brought to beauty expectations and societal roles that society has imposed on women. I decided to do a presentation because it easily allowed me to structure the ideas that I wanted to express, also easily allowing me to illustrate the changes that the internet has brought to these expectations and beauty standards of women. To achieve this idea, I decided to compare and contrast the advertisements from before the internet and from after which allowed to me clear express the changes. It also allowed me to go into more detail on how the internet has brought these changes. The effect that these ads had on women has changed with the changes in expectations because now that these standards have become more open and tolerant which has raised the confidence in women due to the lower in expectations. The reception has also changed because of the change in attitude in today’s society as we have become more politically correct and sensitive towards more issues. This FOA relates to part 1 of the course as it is analyzing the changes in the culture and the changes in the societal expectations of women, which relates the aspect of gender and power. I tried to use a more formal register for the task as the issue is very serious, to also help raise awareness about the gender. I structured my analysis by analyzing the features of the text to allow me to closely analyze the effects of that these advertisements had. I think I did okay in our performance, however, I feel like I could have related my analysis of the text more to the contexts of the advertisements. Furthermore, I feel like sometimes, my language was a bit colloquial at times. I feel like next time, I wanna focus more on analysis and relating it back to my context in the future.

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